' ■ * ¥ W. A. Jones’ Livery Stable Estacada H O R S E S - 10 head; including two teams of heavy work horses, 25001*1 and 2800^; two driving teams; one single driver; balance saddle a n d pack horses. V E H IC L E S - two buggies; two 3 M in. half truck wagons; one i 'A in. farm wag­ on; one 3 in. farm wagon. 7 S A D D L E S - all good makes. 8 PACK SADDLES - saddle bags. complete w i t h H A R N E S S - two sets heavy double; sets driving. two P L O W - one 16 in. S C A L E S - one pair. R O B E S • blankets and other articles too numerous to mention. Further announ­ cement next week. « C O W S - 4 head, coming fresh soon. S T O C K - Horses and Cattle belonging to others will be for sale; on same terms. TERMS — All less than $25. cash- -all over that amount, 6 months at 8 interest. Parties wishing to bid on article and desiring time, must arrange with clerk first. Sale starts prom ptly at 10 A. M. * T A. W. Cooke, Auctioneer