County B udget For 1917 R ound-U p Days Recalled Continued from page 1 A s se s sm e n t b la n k s and s ta te m e n ts . . . . , ................ T u x r a te sh e et, in d ex es, etc. On last Friday, a carload of live­ stock was shipped from the Esta­ cada yards, being the third for last week, comprising a couple dozen hogs and as many head of cattle. These cattle represented the offerings from several distant parts of the county, the animals being escorted to the yards by mounted owners, who exercised ail of the ability of seasoned cow- punchers. As several of the critters had been born and raised in the mountains and were not accus­ tomed to the environments of civilization, they naturally shied at automobiles, hard-surfaced pavements and other metropol­ itan perquisites of the City of Estacada. The final loading onto the car was quite a scene, but you’ve got to hand it to that livestock buyer Givens, for when it comes to fearlessly handling the bull, he is just as much at ease as when handling the gentle cows, meek steers, timid calves or balsh- ful heifers. 150.00 75.00 T o ta l .............................$ 6,225.00 C ounty C le rk 's O ffice. C le rk ’s s a la ry ........................| 1,500.00 C le r k 's ch ie f dep u ty ............. 900.00 C le r k ’s second d e p u t y ......... 810.00 C o r k ’s th ird d ep u ty ............. 780.00 P c s tr g e a n d box r e n t ........... 130.00 O ffice su p p 'lo s a n d s ta tio n ­ a ry ........................................... 125.00 F ilin g c a s e s a n d c a rd s y s ­ te m ......................................... 200.00 R e g is te rs, bo o k s a n d jo u r­ n a ls ......................................... 300.00 T o ta l ............................ $ C o u n ty C ourt. C o u n ty ju d g e 's o a l a r y .........{ S te n o g ra p h e r .......................... S ta m p s, s ta tio n a r y an d ex­ p e n s e s .................................... C o m m issio n e rs’ tim e and e x p e n s e s ................................ 4,775.00 1,200.00 120.00 80.00 1,770.00 T o ta l .............................. $ 3,170.00 C o u rt H ouse. T w o ja n ito rs ...........................f 1,500.00 W a te r .............. • 87.00 W ood an d c o a l ........................ 540.00 llru s lie s ..................................... 32.00 T o ile t p a p e r a n d t o w e l s . . . 32.00 M ops, It wn h o se e t c ........... 45.00 O il an d d is in fe c ta n t ............. 45.00 I .o 'l t s an d r e p o .i r s .................. 20.00 O 'n s s ............................................ 15.09 Ic e ................................................ 10.00 P lu m b in g ................................... 75.00 I jtr n p s ............ 30.00 M ’S- o l 'a n e o u s ........................... 50.00 T e le p h o n e s ............................... 660.00 T o ta l ...............................$ H e a lth O f’icer S a ’e ry ................................... F u m ig a tio n a n d d is in fe c ta n t T ra v e lin g ev p e n a e s ............. R e g is tra rs ........................... Miss Polly Watson of Arizona is a guest at the home of her girl­ hood friend, Mrs. Lee A. Wells of Estacada. 3,136.00 700.00 800.00 300.00 250.00 C ounty School S u p t's. O ffice. S u p e r in te n d e n t’s s a la ry . . .$ 1.000.00 S u p e rv is o r's s a la ry ............... 1.200.60 S te n o g ra p h e r .......................... 480.00 E x p e n se of s u p e rin te n d e n t. 300.00 E x p en se of s u p e r v i s o r ......... 300.00 T ru a n t oflii e r ........................ 100.00 I’o ta g e a n d e x p re ss ........... 200.00 S u p p lie s ................................. . 200.00 E ig h th g ra d e e x a m in a tio n s. 108.00 I n s titu te ...................................... 250.00 T e a c h e r s ’ e x a m in a tio n . . . . 25.00 T o ta l ............................. $ 2,050.00 R e c o rd e r's C fllce. R e o r d e r 's s a la ry ................. $ 1,200.00 R c o r d e r 8 firs t d e p u ty . . . . 900.00 T o ek m ac h in e o p a r u t o r __ 810.Of P c .’S n a h ln e o p e r a to r .. . . 780.00 F ' t r r h r I p ..................... 130.00 F* !• p an d box r e n t ............. 100.00 P o n d ............................................ 9.50 F o u r b lan k deed re c o rd s . . . 90.00 F o u r b lan k m o rlg u a e re c ­ o rd s ......................................... 90.00 O n e c h a ttle m o rtg a g e re c ­ o rd ............................................ 22 50 O n e b lan k m isc e lla n e o u s re c o rd ..................................... 22.50 T w o ty p e w r ite rs .................... 200.00 T w o ty p e w r ite r d e s k s ......... 90 00 S ta tio n a ry .......... .......... 35 00 T v e p w ritc r rib b o n . . 25.00 In k . p en s, e tc ............................ iOOO T o ta l ...............................| S u rv e y o r’s O ffice S u rv e y o r ................................... $ A s s is ta n t ................................... S te n o g r a p h e r .................... „ . V ie w e rs ..................................... A x m en a n d c h a tn m e n ......... M ileag e ...................................... S ta tio n a r y ................................. 4,544.50 T o ta l ............................... 3 S h e riff's O ffice. S h e r iff 's s a la ry ...................... $ C h ie f d e p u t y ............................. S p e c ia l d ep u tiea .................... I n v e s tig a tin g crim e, etc. . . . S ta m p s a n d s t a ti o n a r y ......... T ax D e p a rtm e n t— C h ie f d e p u ty ........................... S eco n d d e p u ty ........................ E x tr a c le rk h ir e .................... S ta m p s an d s ta tio n a r y , etc. T h re e c ash b o oks . . . . . . ___ 18 M. ta x r e c e i p t s .................. D elin q u en t ta x b o o k s ........... T u rn o v e r b o o k s .................. O n e ad d in g m ac h in e ........... O n e ste el filing c a s e ........... P o n d ............................................ 4 300.00 T o la ’ T o ta l ...............................3 T r e a s u r e r 's O ffice. T r e a s u r e r s s a l a r y ................. $ D eputy ........................................ D isb u rs e m e n t le d g e r ........... A b s tr a c t of ro ad w a r ra n t book ....................................... R e g is te r can c e lle d W . book. C ity reco rd book .................... R e c e ip t book for sp e cial ro a d s ...................................... D isb u rs e m e n t book ............... S ta tio n a ry an d ty p e w r ite r rib b o n ..................................... P trin o » , ink, e tc ..................... S p ecie! re c e ip t book for sc h o o ls ................................... O rfi' e rep aii s and ste el c o u n te r .................................. R ond ........................................... 1,680.00 900.00 120.00 600.00 500.00 300.00 200.00 1,700.00 900.00 900.00 1,200.00 25.00 900.00 720.00 1,600.00 225.00 120.00 245.00 50.00 15.00 300.00 95.00 235.00 I 9,23000 I 4 163.00 Have your new Winter Suit Ready for Christmas Order it N O W Measured and Tailored To Fit You and containing all of the style, quality and workmanship that has always characterized International Tailored Clothes Suits $15. and up Call and look over our line of samples. R. G. Marchbank M. J. B U Y E R M ontavilla • Estacada, Or. Kerkes FOR T H E Livestock Com pany LIVESTOCK OF ALL D E S C R IP T IO N S Also buying dressed hogs— l/ ic below Portland market quotations. I f you h av e an y fo r sale, phone H e n ry G ith en s, C u rrin sv ille. In Trading At The Grabeteria Cash Store You are not paying for Telephones, Idle Clerks, Deliveries, Book-keeping, O r Lost o4ccounts. ‘ i f f / c n n i j o W « iJ i b ( f H ^ n n t j ¿ lu m n il. Ge t Y our Penny A t T he 1.000.00 720.00 30.00 Grabeteria Cash Store B roadw ay -- E stacada 22.50 18.30 2.75 2.00 2.75 41.60 00.00 20.50 1.000.00 175.00 T o ta l ..............................$ 3,094.00 S p ecial high school fund to be levied on a ll p ro p e rty In C ’a c k a m a s c o u n ty , not Included In high school d is tr ic ts ................................ J -------------- N O T IC E is h e reb y f u r th e r g iven th a t a ta x p a y e rs m e e tin g w ill be held in th e c o u rt h o u se a t O reg o n C ity, Ore., on D ece m b e r 9 1916, a t 10 o'clock a in., for th e p u rp o se o f d isc u ssin g th e ab o v e e s tim a te s w ith t h e co u n ty c o u rt a s by law provided. D one a t O regon C ity th is 10th day of N o v em b er, 1916. H. S. A N D E R SO N , C o u n ty Judge. W . H . M ATTOON, C o m m issio n er. A. H. K N IO H T C o m m issio n er. BUjanks^iiiing ÎCi^ht Battre Tlmi anh your frienbo arc rorbially inbiteb to altenb tlje annual bancc, giben by the (Cibir 3lntprube- ment Club, at tbr tfataraha p.ibiliott, (Tljniiksgibing night, ;Nohetubrr 30tlt. ¿Banditti bull be front nine o’clock until three, tuitb supper at mibnight. Artistic becorations, the best of music anb many nobel attractions biill lenb to the ebeuing’s en­ joyment. Cicketi $1. - í^tubents, 50c - Labiés free anb Spectators, 10c.