Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 23, 1916, Image 1

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D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern
V olume 10,
N umber 10
E stacada ,
The new company, formed last
week by the purchase o f the in­
terest o f W. J. Samson, o f the
firm o f Allen & Samson, by Mil-
ton Evans and Lee Bronson o f
Estacada and which will here­
after be known as Allen & Com­
pany, is this week opening up a
sales headquarters in the old
Howe grocery building at the cor­
ner o f Main and Second Sts.
The formal opening o f the store
will occur Saturday next, when
all ate invited to call and inspect
the new headquarters.
In the formation o f this part­
nership, the business will be con­
ducted along the same lines as
formerly, but with the added
capital and energy o f the younger
men, will increase its lines to
complete stocks o f flour, feed and
kindred wares, also specializing
on building materials, such as
finishing lumbers, sand, cement,
lime, gravel etc.
The retiring partner, Mr. Sam­
son will probably remain in Esta­
cada. giving his attention toother
business interests.
In the past thirty days not less
than a dozen persons have re­
ceived had falls, caused by loose,
missing and rotted sidewalk
pianks in Estacada.
Two ac­
cidents oecuring Sunday, with a
lady and an elderly gentleman
being badly shaked up.
Radical and possibly mighty
unpopular measures will soon be
taken by the Estacada city coun­
cil to rectify this evil, as the city
cannot afford to have damage
suits lodged against it, owing to
the carelessness and lack o f civic
pride o f some o f its residents and
$1. P er Y ear
Tannler-Bartholomew Wedding
FOR 1911
Eastern Clackamas Taxpayers League Meets December 4th
Vote Seven Mill School Tax
Two Hurt This Week
T hursday , N ovember 23, 1916
New Company Opens Main
Street Store
At the annual meeting o f the
Estacada Schools, it was almost
unanimously voted to levy a seven
mill assessment for the coming
years expenses, which assess­
ment will net about $908(1.10.
About a score o f taxpayers at­
tended the meeting, Monday eve­
ning which was presided over by
Chairman Fred Jorg o f the
School Board.
Following the voting o f a tax,
an impromptu discussion was
held on the subject o f a new high
school building, which is greatly
needed and which met with the
approval o f the majority o f thc.se
At a special meeting to be
called by the board later, the sub­
je c t o f the new building will 1«
gone into in detail.
The report o f the treasurer
showed the school funds to be in
excellent condition, with about
$2500 in the sinking fund, with
which to pay otf the $6,000 out­
standing bond issue,
matures in 192(1.
O regon ,
Clackamas County
According to law, the annual
county budget shall be advertised
in the two official newspapers;
consequently the budget is now
being advertised in the two coun­
ty seat mediums.
As but a limited number o f
these newspapers are in circu­
lation in this part o f the county
and believing that the annual
budget is an item of vital im­
portance to all taxpayers, the
News is herewith reproducing as
news, the budget complete.
The expense o f publishing this
lengthy tabulation is in part being
born by the county court, through
the courtesy o f Judge H. S. And­
erson, who realizes that too much
publicity cannot be given to this
important matter.
Every taxpayer should care­
fully study the following esti­
mates o f the expenses o f running
the county for next year.
there are appropriations listed
that the taxpayers feel are un­
necessary or necessary appro­
priations not listed, these matters
should be taken up at the Decem­
ber 9th annual meeting, at the
court house in Oregon City.
As it is the taxpayer who pays
the bills, so it should also be the
taxpayer who accepts or rejects
the various expenditures contem­
plated and the taxpayer can only
act intelligently, after having
thoroughly studied the various
proposed appropriations.
A meeting o f the Eastern
Clackamas Taxpayers’ League
will be held in Estacada on Mon­
day afternoon, December 4th,
when the main subject for dis­
cussion will be this budget.
this meeting will also occur the
annual election o f officers and
every taxpayer in this community
should attend. The meeting will
be held at the Family Theatre,
beginning promptly at
o ’clock.
Study this budget and come to
the December 4th meeting pre­
pared to do your share in the dis­
cussion and arrange later to at­
tend the Annual Taxpayers’
Meeting in Oregon City on the
Saturday following.
14 0J0.00
2 , 000.00
300 00
1 000.00
1,000 00
2 SOU.00
9,230 00
3 094.90
500 00
........................... $171,213.40
Apportioned road fund,
Sec. 6320..............................$174.000 00
School and lihrury fu n d .... 100,000.00
State ta x................................ 100.000 .00
......................... .$374,000.00
171 213.40
Grand total................. $545,212.40
Estimated Receipts from Other
Sources Than Direct Taxes
C lerks office........................ $ 6,600.00
Recorder's office..................
Sheriff's office...................... •
Fines, circuit cou rt...............
Fines, Justice cou rt...............
Motor vehicle
Forest reserve rentals........
Delinquent tax p en a lties...
5 per cent U. S. land s a le s ..
Total receipts .......... $ 10,300.00
Total expend!tnres$545 213.40
Total receipts.......... 20.300.00
Net amount to lie raised
toy t a x e s .............................. $521,913.10
Estimated balance on hand
county general fund, Jan­
uary 1, 1917...................... $
C . A C K A H A S C O U N T Y ’S B U D G E T
F OR T H E Y E A R 1917.
Notice is hereto/ given that the
County Court o f Clackamas County
Ore .mi, n.i k s the following estimates
of ttoe amount of money to toe raise !
toy texHtion In said county for the
ye; .- '917, and also of the protoatoli-
receipts of the cunnty from sources
o.lu r than direct ta-atlon. and the
amount of ba'am es on hand at the
ttn e such tax will he levied.
For '•onnty purposes, i onstltutlng
the ver.eral fund, the following items,
Armory ................................ $ s.urtO 00
Asphalt and o il......................
Assessor ................................
6.225 00
V ' 1 r. r t m in ts ............
5' « Oo
m idges an I tn lv ert«.......... 2”. 200.00
Care of p oor..........................
Cuttle- indem nity..................
Circuit cou rt..........................
Coroner ..................................
County cou rt..........................
Court house............................
County Clerk..........................
County physician..................
Damages ................................
Election and registration
Fruit Inspector .....................
Finest fires............................
Hea’ th OiTIcc-r........................
Insane ....................................
Insurance ..............................
Ind.geut Soldiers..................
Jail ..........................................
Justice cou rt..........................
Juvenile cou rt......................
Printing and advertisin g..
Recorder ................................
ltoad end machinery repairs
State and federal road
co-operation ......................
Surveyor ................................
Sealer of weights..................
Sheriff ....................................
School superintendent........
Tux rebate..............................
Treasurer ................ •............
W idows’ pension..................
Wild animal bounty............
The foregoing estimates for the ex-
pend'turos of the court house and the
county offices are more fully Itemized
as follow s:
Assessor's office.
Assessor’s salary.................. J
Assessor's chief deputy
$75 per month..................
Assessor’ s second deputy
$60 per m onth..................
Assessor’ s third deputy
$60 per m onth..................
Assessor’ s field d e p u t y ....
Extending tax roll................
Stamps and traveling expen.
Office snpp'tes . . . ..............
V sae«'m e-t and tax rolls..
Continued on page 3
900. p 0
1 600.00
A pretty home wedding oc-
cured last Friday evening at the
home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tan-
nler o f Viola, when their daugh­
ter, Rose became the bride of
Fred C. Bartholomew o f Esta­
The ceremony was performed
by Mr. Walter Givens, following
which, a sumptious wedding din­
ner was served, with a twenty
pound turkey sacrificed on the
matrimonial altar.
In the midst o f an impromptu
charivari given by the Viola
neigtxbors, the newlyweds escap­
ed from the premises and by
devious ways reached Currins-
ville station, where they took the
evening train for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew are
now keeping house in Estacada,
in the railway company’s cottage
near the hotel, where the good
wishes o f their many friends are
extended to them.
Late Cars Thanksgiving Eve
and Night
The traffic department o f the
P. R. L. & P. Co., notified the
N ew s’ office this week that
special late car service will be in
vogue on Wednesday and Thurs­
day evenings, November 29th
and 30th.
The service will be the same as
on Saturday nights, with the late
car leaving Portland at 11:35, go­
ing through to Cazadero and re­
turning to Portland.
These late
cars will greatly help the two big
dances, one scheduled at Eagle
Creek for Thanksgiving eve and
one at Estacada on Thanksgiving
On Thanksgiving Day there
will also be in effect a 75c round-
trip rate from Estacada to Port­
Oregon City Rightfully Claims
The Oregon City football team
clearly demonstrated its super­
iority over the Estacada team last
Saturday afternoon, when the
two high schools clashed at the
county seat, with Estacada bring­
ing home the short end o f a 21
to 0 score.
The county-seaters may now
rightfully claim
championship, having defeated
Estacada twice, the former game
at Estacada being 3 to 0.
As a result o f the discontent
and friction which has been cur­
rent among the members o f the
Estacada team and the coach,
the team Tuesday voted to dis­
band; consequently the Gresham
game will be cancelled and the
1916 football season comes to an
inglorious termination.