Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 16, 1916, Image 6

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    House and Range Ready
It had been rumored this week
that Fred Bartholomew of Esta­
cada had rented the bungalow
across from the Estacada Hotel,
formerly occupied by Lee Bronson i
and family.
Our society reporter in an in­
terview' with the new tenant,
learned that a new range had
been purchased and installed in
the new home, but a list of fur­
ther appurtenances and equip­
ment necessary to the conduct of
a happy home, were not forth­
coming this week, but the News
hopes to add to this list of neces­
sities in a later issue.
Ju ry Com prom ise V erdict
In the case of Califf brothers
of Garfield vs. Chris. Johnson of
George and Ed. Burnett of Port­
land, which came up for trial in
Justice Devore’s court last Tues­
day, the jury comprising Messrs.
F. J. Harkenrider. John Ely, P.
F. Standish, Ed. Shearer, L. Hale
and Fred Bartholomew', rendered
a verdict which represented a fair
compromise of the amount of
money involved.
Under the condition, as the ver­
dict favored both parties, it has
yet left in doubt, which side won
and which side still has to pay the
court costs, so another suit to
settle this item my result.
Jo n e s’ A uction Sale
There will be a sale at auction
of the W. A. Jones’ Livery
Stable outfit, including horses,
rigs, harnesses, saddles, pack-
saddles, etc., on Saturday, Nov­
ember 25th, at the Jones’ stables
in Estacada.
Sale of C hristm as W ares
On Saturday, November 25th
at the club rooms in Estacada,
the laUies of the C. I. C. tvill hold
a sale of fancy articles, suitable
for Christmas gift«.
All ladies are invited tocaliand
look over the assortment of dainty
wares and to enjoy refreshments
which will be served during the
Herman Wallace of Estacada,
has rented the Shankiand place
at Morrow Station, where he will
hereafter reside, As Mr. Wallace
in his capacity of Forest Ranger,
keeps a string of saddle and pack
horses, his renting of a good farm
is an economy.
The George Social & Com­
mercial Club had a business meet­
ing and dance at the club house
last Saturday evening, which was
well attended.
Mrs. Walter Paulsen and
daughter of Portland, visited her
sister Mrs. Julius Paulsen of
George this week.
Miss Flora Johnson of George
is visiting among Portland friends
this week.
Not content with having at
tained the qualities necessary
for “standardization” , the Cur-
rinsville school, under the direc­
tion of Miss Hoss, has now a
noon-hour hot lunch for the
pupils, with either hot soup or
chocolate served daily, the pupils
contributing 5c each every other
week and donating the milk.
E ag !e C reek Note»
Last Tuesday Mrs. Viola Doug­
lass went to Portland, spending
th? night with her* daughter,
Mrs. H. S. Jones, returning home
Mrs. Henry Udell received a
call from R. B. Gibson and wife
last Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeShazer
were the dinner guests of Will
Douglass and wife last Wednes­
Mrs. C. Baker, of Estacada,
who has been assistant nurse of
Mrs. Howlett, for sometime, re­
cently returned home, and her
place is now being filled by Mrs.
Jones, of Currinsville.
Mrs. S. J. Eddy, of Portland,
accompanied by her sister-in-law,
Miss Mildred Eddy, came out to
Eagle Creek Sunday and spent
the afternoon with her sister,
Mrs. R. B. Gibson.
Roy Douglass and wife were
the Sunday guests of the latter’s
sister, Mrs. Flora Benson, of
Mrs. R. S. Clark entertained
the Helping Hand Society at her
home last Wednesday afternoon.
A pleasant and social time was
enjoyed by those present. After
partaking of a dainty luncheon
the Society adjourned. The next
meeting will be held at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Cahill, November
The farmers are taking ad­
vantage of this good weather and
are busy digging potatoes, plow­
ing, etc.
Perry Murphey is helping Mr.
Dhulst dig his potatoes.
Viola B reezes
The Viola people tendered a
surprise on Rev. Pogue last Fri­
day evening. There were 27
present and each guest brought
a pound of provisions and all
spent a pleasant evening.
Mrs. John Ficken and brothers
went to Oregon City Sunday to
visit their mother, Mrs. T. C.
Jubb, who is improving in health.
Ray Miller was duly elected
constable by receiving the high­
est vote at the recent election,
against a field of a dozen or more
candidates. The result of this
vote shows what Ray’s friends
think of him.
Rev. Pogue is holding revival
services at the church every
evening this week and as he is a
powerful speaker, much good
will result.
Thos. Eaden is keeping his
machine busy these days hauling
spuds to market and when eggs
can be gotten, is handling these
choice commodities which are
selling at 55c per dozen.
Ralph Lemon, Lou Burd and
Joe Pesznecker of Garfield and
Estacada, left Monday for Bend,
where they will be employed in
lumber work.
Fred Bartholomew of Estaca­
da has this week assumed an
interest in the Walter Givens
Company, Inc. and will hereafter
be identified with the working
force of that organization.
The Crawford brothers of Gar­
field Tuesday received an up-to-
date manure spreader, for use on
their farm, the implement hav­
ing been purchased through the
Finch Hardware Co. of Estaca­
The sympathies of his many
friends are being extended to
Dr. L. A. Wells of Estacada.
who last week was summoned to
Portland, owing to the death of
his father. L. H. Wells, a well
known newspaper man and resi­
dent of the East Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coop and
Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Osborne,
Kansas, are visiting at the home
of R. S. Coop of Currinsville.
A baby daughter was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Gillotti of
Eagle Creek, November 9th.
We are sorry to announce that owing to unavoidable
delays in receiving our shelving and fixtures for the new
Crabateria Cash Store, our opening will have to be post­
poned until Monday, November 20th.
We extend a cordial invitation to our friends and
former patrons to visit us on that day and let us explain
our new system of lowering the high cost of living.
Ex Deputy Game Warden. Ben
S. Patton of Estacada, last week
had arrested and convicted in
Justice Beck’s court in Molalla.
Walter S. Garrett of Colton, who
was fined $25 and costs for illegal
hunting of game out of season.
W. F. Cary, Mgr.
The transfer was last week re-
corded of Lot 3, Block 9, in Esta­
cada, the property being sold to
J. W. Reed by the Estacada
State Bank. As this lot adjoins
the Estacada Garage, it is likely
that the Garage contemplates an
early expansion to occupy the
__ ___
Evan» Buys O u t Sam son
Milton Evans! of Estacada, who
until this week has been con­
nected with the Walter Givens
Company. Wednesday purchased
the interests of W. J. Samson in
the flour, feed and tqmber
business of Allen & Samson of
Estacada, the firm name being
changed to Allen & Company.