Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 16, 1916, Image 4

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    Estacada Loses
County Championship
Continued from page 1
The ends. Oberstaller and John­
son were in the game with both
feet, breaking up the interference
repeatedly and nailing the runner
hard. The line men, owing to
We are today supplying 50'“*. o f the needs in this com­
their position in the midst o f the
for F O R D cars
munity for hosiery, with our famous 25c Knox Knit
scrimmages, were not able to do
stockings and sox, for women, girls, boys and men
the individual star work done by
the outside players, but the very S U R E — There are Shock A bsorbers
We also have in a new supply o f knitted Stocking Caps
fact that the E. H. S. line held
25c up and knitted (¡loves and Mittens at 15c up.
that cost less than the Hasaler— some
like a stone wall, indicated that
[ We are headquarters for the New Idea Patterns 10c and 15c,
Reed. Drill, Jannsen, Schmidt i
as low as $5. per set and you get
the cheapest and best patterns on the market.
and Barr were on the job.
just what you pay for— no more
Bartelmay a t quarter-back |
proved to be a sprinter, return­
But if you want an absorber that,
ing punts for good yardage and
* ♦
♦ ♦ ♦
in scrimmage making long side
pay every-day dividends in safety,
runs but gaining little distance.
comfort and durability
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada. Oregon
If his management and direction
o f theloffensive duringthe second
half was according to higher
j orders, he is not so much to blame,
Hassler Shock Absorber
1 although under the conditions he
j would have been excused for
at $ 1 5 per set of four
I changing the mode o f attack to*
1 line plunging, instead o f adher­
and make your Ford “ Old or New
ing to losing passes.
car’ ’ ride like a $2000 car.
The referees. Mac Dale and an |
Oregon City man. did their best,
30 days trial with satisfaction
but the latter in the last half
Guaranteed or Money Back.
demonstrated that he needed fur-
; ther instruction in the rules o f
■ the game.
Much credit is due Lewis Jones,
the E. H. S. yell-leader, who with
i this perfectly drilled chorus o f Expert Mechanical Force Always On Hand
rooters, kept the game and the
(crowd going from start to finish.
The visitors deserve credit for
playing good football and clean F L O W E R S
We have taken the agency for
i football despite the old rivalry
All fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights. Demountable Rims. j between the teams, good sports-
B U R K H A R D T ’ S
; manship prevailed on both sides.
Portland’s Wading Florists Decorators
A return game has been ar-
If at any time you are in need o f cut flow­
We do expert mechanical repairing on ANY machine made.
I ranged for next Saturday after- ers. bedding plants, ferns, palms, roQ* bushes,
| noon at Oregon City and unless blooming plants, perennials or funeral de­
Estacada wins that contest, no signs, let us order them for you.
S P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon
¡excuses should be forthcoming.
Call and look over our price list»,
with photo« of floral decorations.
Arrangements are being made
! for a special train to carry the
The Estacada Pharmacy
; local rooters to the county seat
i and memory o f last year’ s excur­
s io n should guarantee at least
S tore
(two carloads o f fans.
See that
for the cold, wet days that are coming
i your reservation is made at once,
notify either the News office or
Notice for Levy of Additional
Fix up your W alls and Ceilings with our
Mgr. Phil Adams o f the high
Road Tax
warm W all Papers anci Deadening Felts.
school team.
Notice is hereby given that we.
Two special cars will cost
Stop the leaks in your Roof with Rubber-
the undersigned Tax Payers, con­
$90.65 with seating capacity for
sisting o f ten per cent of the Tax
oid Roofing and Elastic Roof Paint.
108 passengers, so if 108 reser­
Payers in Road District No. 9.
vations are made, it will guar­
Bring in your Old Window Sash and have
County. Oregon, here­
antee a round trip rate o f 85c
by give notice to the Tax Payers
New Glass put in them or replace them with
o f said Road District No. 9, that
new W indow s or Doors.
there will he a meeting o f the
Thanksgiving Grange
Tax Payers of said District in the
Club House at George, Oregon,
\\ e carry E V E R Y T H I N G
needed to Build
Clackamas County, on the 29th
a H ouse, Barn or Shack (except the lumben and can
day o f November 1916, at 8 o ’ ­
regular Thanksgiving meeting,
clock P. M., to vote an additional
lumish you all tools with which to Build them.
including the dinner with good
tax in said District for road pur­
poses, as provided by an act o f
things too numerous to mention,
the legislature o f 1913.
B E R T H. F IN C H on Saturday November 25th.
Henry Johnson
Nails Builder* Hdw. - Si»f,h Doers
commencing at 10:30 A. M. sharp.
H. C. Stephens
H"ofing— Paint.» Oils -G U s>
The afternoon will be given
H. Joyner
Estacada, Oregon
Peter Rath
over to the juveniles o f the dis­
A. H. Miller
trict with them furnishing most
C. A. Johnson
o f the program.
Otto Paulsen
Prof. F. B. Guthrie o f Estaca­
Julius Paulsen
da will talk on Opportunities for
Frank Ochs
N. Scheel
Children in the Rural Districts.
* .
C. Klinker
Everyone young and old come
Fred Lins
out and fill the hall so that the
The Jeweler
Grange will be compelled to have
Property Agent. Townsend and
the proposed addition to the hall
Chief Engineer. Pumphreyof the
completed by the Christmas
Can Repair It
P. R. L. & P. Co., were Estacada
business visitors last Friday.
E S T A C A D A ,
W e a th e r ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Knox Knit Hosiery
Hassler Shocks
Park & Closner
Best Buys In Automobiles
Saxon Roadster $450.
Chevrolet Touring Car $570.
Dodge Touring Car $sso.
Saxon Six
Is Your House In Order?
Is Your Watch on the
B e c k w ith
The Estacada Garage