C alendar CHURCH OF CHRIST Bible School 10 A. M. Preaching Services each Ixird's Day at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Choir Practise Tuesday evenings at the church. The public is most cordially in­ vited to worship with us. G. L. Drill W. Givens Minister Assistant M. R. CHURCH Preachinsr Services everv Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 every Thursday evening. Young Peoples’ Endeavor League meets every other Sunday at 0:30 P. M., with the League meetinpon alternate Sundays at the Estacada Chrisiian Church. All are invited to attend divine services with us. Rev. Henry Spiess, Pastor. C annery R efusing O rders Continued from page 1 canned vepetables and if a suf­ ficient planfinp can he contracted for beans, squashes and cabbages, the plant will increase its capacity to handle these lines. As many growers netted as high as $300 per acre from logan­ berries and other fruits this year, it is hoped that more growers will agree to plant for future years, with the cannery guar­ anteeing a good price for the fruit for five to ten years in ad­ vance. With the ev ergreen berry thriv­ ing locallj as it does in few other localities, much money was made by harvesters ot the wild berries and as is being done in Washing­ ton. many growers are contem­ plating cultivating this abundant­ ly growing fruit. Another year should see the Es-acada Cannery employing at least fifty men and women and paying out for produce in this locality many thousands of dol­ lars. The cannery is a local institu­ tion in every sense, being locally owned and operated, buying local produce and dependent rtd local support from the farmers for its prosperity and it is hoped t hat more growers will get in touch with Mgr. Denting and contract to plant produce for nevt year and future years consumption. S tudents D ebate Politics The interest in the past pres­ idential situation was not confined only to the citizens of voting age, but in Estacada was the subject of much study and discussion on the part of the school children. Several interesting debates were held in the high and gram­ mar schools. A dual debate oecured in the 8th grade prior to election between reams compris­ ing Olive Humphrey, Bertha Devore and Raymond Lovelace on the Democratic side, with the Republican champions, Mock.v Sagner. Lvla McKinney and Douglass Drill, winning. This same 8th grade team of Hughes defenders late- defeated a seventh grade Wilson trio, with the three high school giris, Dora Currin, Christina Graham and Grace Allen acting as judges: the losing team comprising Violet Sarver, Olga Eschleman and KIs- mere Devore. Notice Of School Meeting Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 108 of Clackamas County. Slate of Oregon, ; hat a Scnool Meeting of said District w ill lie held at Estacada School House on the 20th day of November, 1010, at. 8 o’clock F. M. to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning on June 1st, 1017, and ending on June 1st, 1918, is estimate'! in the follow- ing budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school j fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: BUDGET Teachers’ salaries $8700. Furniture 200. Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, cur­ tains, etc. 250. Library hooks 50. Flags 8.50 Repairs of schoolhouses, outbuildings or fences 800. Improving grounds 200. Playground equipment 50. Janitor’s wages t^0. Janitor’s supplies 120. ! Fuel 220. Light 30. Water 50. Clerk’s salary 50. Postage and stationery 130. For the payment of bonds, warrants, notes and oth­ er indebtedness, con­ tracted prior to May 22, 1915, and for interest thereon 1700. S u p p l i e s for Ma n u a l r l Training, D o m e s t i c Science and Art 300. Total estimated amount of money to be expend­ ed for ad purposes dur­ ing the year $13508.50 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS For county school fund d u r i n g t h e coming school year 3951.30 From state school fund d u r i n g the coming school year 407.10 Estimated amount to lie received from all oth­ er sources during the coming school year 70. Total estimated receipts, not including the mon­ ey to be received from the tax which it is pro­ posed to vote $4428.40 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year $13508.50 Total estimated receipts not including the tax to be voted +128.40 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $9080.10 We estimate that a levy of 7 mills will he required to produce the amount of special tax money shown above. Dated this 18th day of October, 191fi. Attest: U. Myrtle Bel fils. District Clerk Fred Jorg, Chairman Board of Directors. Conrad Krigbaum and family of Garfield, who last summer sold their home ranch and have since been living on the Bundy ranch nearby, last week moved to his brother Bulger’s place in Garfield, where they will reside perman­ ently. Get Your Home Wired Right Now , < This A ft met ire Offer Is Good For A Short Time Only $37.50 wires an already-built house of five rooms, complete with hand­ some set of fixtures. You pay $7.50 down and $5.00 a month with your light bill. Equally lib­ eral terms for other-sized houses. Estimates on all-sized jobs cheerfully given free of charge. Write or (’all on Commercial Department Portland Railway, Light & Power Company Portland. Oregon s Have your new Winter Suit Ready for Thanksgiving Order it N O W Measured and Tailored To Fit You and containing all of the style, quality and workmanship that has always characterized International Tailored Clothes Suits $15. and up Call and look over our line of samples. R. G. Marchbank M. J. • Estacada, Or. Kerkes B U Y E R . F O R . THE M o n t a v i I I a Li ve » t oc k C o m p a n y LIVESTOCK OF ALL D E S C R I P T I O N S Also buying dressed ho^rs ‘ c below Portland market quotation*. i If you have any for sale, phone Henry (lithrna, Currinsvillf*