FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES M otorists C ontribute to Com ­ plete Road. In an effort to raise sufficient money to complete the .«Traveling of the lower part of 1 he Amer- saker Hill, commonly known as the Boring Hill Road. I). S. Flem­ ing of Estacada has obtained one dollar subscriptions from the fol­ lowing autoists and requests that any other contributions that may be forthcoming, be left at the News’ office, where the petition can be signed. H. V. Adix, D. S. Fleming. L. A. Wells. I. I). Wright, W. Givens, A. E. Sparks, J. F Lovelace and C. W. Devore of Estacada; J. C. Peterson of Springwater; L. D. Walker and ¡Tom Window of Portland; Bert Moore of Cazadero; R. H. Currin ¡of Currinsville; Louis Baker and B. F. Cogswell of Eagle Creek i and George Forman of Barton. 3 0 c to C. I. C. i Ye editor, who last week had i the self-appointed honor of pass­ ing the hat among the Estacada 1 business men for the Election I Night Carnival, wishes to report | that of the entire $31 collected, $10 was paid out for moving pictures; $6.70 forelection return service and $14 for the orchestra at the dance, with the balance of 30c turned over to the Civic I Improvement Club, which organ­ ization was given permission to expend all or part of the donation as they desired. You Can Bt slll