Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 09, 1916, Image 4

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    To Each School Boy or Girl
+ + + + + + + + + + +
Boys To Be Arrested
It is a poor reflection on the
I City of Estacada and a gang of
a five cent pencil
p— |—^ y— y—
with each 5c purchase I I v ~ 1—_ + its grammar school boys, when
of a tablet or other school supplies.
+ I Mgr. Lauryy of the Estacada Ho-
| tel has had to appeal to the au- j
for FORD cars
This offer is for one week, beginning Monday, October 30th. + | thorities in the case of a band of
Not more than one pencil to be given to each purchaser per clay.
- j school boys who last Tuesday
night, deliberately shattered the S U R E — There are Shock Absorbers
See us now about your supply of VETCH seeds, as we
electric globes in eight of the
that cost less than the Hassler — some
| park lamps.
have a limited quantity on hand and will make •
as low as $5. per set and you get
Special Prices on Quantity Sales.
maliciousness has oceured, as Mr.
just what you pay for—no more
! Lauryy states that these same
j boys, whose names he know;s,
But if you want an absorber that
+ +
+ + +
have broken the electric lights
pay every-day dividends in safety,
and committed other nuisances
Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon
comfort and durability
about the Estacada Park before.
As to whether Mr. Lauryy j
will go ahead and enforce the law I
on the guilty parties remains to J Hassler Shock Absorber
be seen, but the parents of th e!
at $1 5 per set of four
boys, if notified, should lay on
some suitable punishment, espec- j
and make your Ford “Old or New
¡ally as this wanton destruction j
car” ride like a $2000 car.
$ 4 5 0 .
was done on railway property and ;
property which on that night was
30 days trial with satisfaction
donated to the use of the people..
Guaranteed or Money Back.
i g
$ 5 7 0 .
Hassler Shocks
Park & Closner
Best Buys in Automobiles
Saxon Roadster
Chevrolet Tourii Car
Dodge Touring Car $ 8 8 0 .
Saxon Six
$ 9 1 5 .
All fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights, Demountable Rims.
We do expert mechanical repairing on ANY machine made.
S. P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon
Is Your House In Order?
for the cold, wet days that are coming
Fix up your W alls and Ceilings with our
warm W all Papers and Deadening Felts.
' Stop the leaks in your Roof with Rubber-
oid Roofing and Elastic Roof Paint.
The Estacada Garage
Expert Mechanical Force Always On Hand
Danced In Court.
An unusual scene was once witness j
eil In a French law court, the civil j
tribunal ut Nantes. The proprietor of
a local theater had engaged a young
lady dancer whose performances at
rehearsals did not come up to his ex
I O' tations Me therefore would not
let her appear, and the fair dancer
took action ugainst him for breach of
• outract The defendant alleged that
she had not even learned tlie first steps
I of her art. and. here I wing a plain issue.
! the judge determined to decide for
! himself
A space was accordingly
i forthwith cleared on the floor of the
i court, and In these unusual surround
I tugs the young lady duly went through
I her steps aud pirouettlugs. in the re
suit the Judge felt Justified In certify
I ing that she was quite an expert dun
cer and decided the case in her favor
Henceforth she advertised herself us
the only dancer In the country with a
legal certificate of proficiency.
H ow L e a p Y e a r S ta rte d .
Bring in your Old Window Sash and have
New Glass put in them or replace them with
new Windows or Doors.
W e carry E V E R Y T H I N G needed to Build
a House, Barn or Shack (except the lumber) and can
furnish you all tools with which to Build them.
N':iils Builders Hdw. Sush Doors
Roofing—Paints -Oils Glass
FOOT BALL! Oregon City vs
Estacada. Sat. Nov. 11 at 2:30
Is Your Watch on the
Hampsou in his “Medli OEVt. Ka
andarium" quotes the following quaint
tradition from an old Suxon treatise:
, “Some assert that the bissextile or leap
day comes through this, that Joshua
prayed to God that the sun might
stand still for one day’s length that he
might sweep the heathen from the
and that God hud granted him and his
followers It Is true that the sun did
stand still for one day s length over
the city of Gehaon. but the day went
forward in the same manner as other
days. And tlie bissextile is uot through
that, as some do think.”
In France and some parts of Spain
and Portugal there exists a tradition
known as “the ghost of leap year
Believers in this say that a marvelous
monster annually ap|>ears on leap day
and disarranges human afTeirs for the
remainder of the yea"
G av e W a rn in g .
B e c k w ith
The Jeweler
Can Repair It
Wife—Well. dear. 1* shall have to do |
fbe cooking now. Cook left without
warning this afternoon. Husband—Nor I
exactly without w arning. She told me j
tills morning I had letter bring home |
oiue dyspepsia ablets tonight, but 1
didn't quite understand what she
meant London Tit Bits
More Magazines for Less Money
If you act before Nov. 10th.
Study closely our special clubbing offer
as printed on the poster now
in our show window-.
With the steady increase in the prices
of all magazines, this is an oppor­
tunity for you to save money
b y subscribing n o w.
The Estacada Pharmacy
The ^l& xaJUL Store
Notice for Levy of Additional
Koad Tax
Notice is hereby given that we,
the undersigned Tax Payers, con­
sisting of ten per cent of the Tax
Payers in Road District No. 9,
Clackamas County. Oregon, here­
by give notice to the Tax Payers
of said Road District No. 9, that
there will he a meeting of the
Tax Payers of said District in the
Club House at George, Oregon,
Clackamas County, on the 29th
day of November 1916. at 8 o’­
clock P. M., to vote an additional
tax in said District for road pur­
poses, as provided by an act of
the legislature of 1913.
Henry Johnson
H. C. Stephens
H. Joyner
Peter Rath
A. H. Miller
C. A. Johnson
Otto Paulsen
Julius Paulsen
Frank Ochs
N. Scheel
C. Klinker
Fred Lins
Buyer Givens will make anoth­
er shipment of hogs from the Es­
tacada yards on Wednesday, the