Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 09, 1916, Image 1

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Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 10,
N umber 8
E stacada , O regon ,
J I ».
Stephens Elected To
Bates Defeats Ames For Constable
C la c k a m a s c o u n ty R e p u b lic a n s h av e
re g is te r e d su b s ta n tia l m a jo r itie s to r
e v e ry n o m in ee of th e ir p a rty , w ith th e
so le e x c e p tio n of d i s t r i i t a tto rn e y .
H u g h e s h a s a lead In th e co u n ty , w ith
o n ly six p r e c in c ts to h e a r from of 986.
H aw ley , fo r c o n g re ss, h a s b e a te n
W e a th e rfo rd by m o re th a n tw o to o n e
a n d th e r e s t of th e R e p u b lica n s ta te
tic k e t h a a long leads.
H aw ley is re e le c te d in th e s ta te , a s
a r e C o n g re ssm e n S ln n o tt from th e
se co n d d is tr ic t an d C o n g re s sm a n Mc­
A rth u r, fro m th e th ird d is tr ic t, th e
l a t t e r h a v in g a h a rd fig h t a g a in s t Laf-
fe rty , w hom h e d e fe a te d in th e p r i­
m a rie s a n d w ho ra n us a n in d e p e n d ­
e n t. H u g h e s c a r r ie s th e s ta te by s e t-
e r a l th o u sa n d .
Six o f th e c o n s titu tio n a l a m e n d ­
m e n ts on th e b a llo t fa re d
w ell In
C la c k a m a s c o u n ty . T h e s t a te w ide
ta x lim ita tio n a m e n d m e n t receiv ed
th e a p p ro v a l of th e v o te rs h e re , a s did
r u r a l c r e d its , th e re p e a l of th e S u n d ay
b lu e law , au ti-co m p u lso ry v a c c in a tio n ,
sh ip ta x e x e m p tio n a n d th e sin g le
ite m v e to c a rrie d in C la c k a m a s co u n ­
ty , w h ile th e n e g ro su ffra g e , l a n d and
lo an a m e n d m e n t, P e n d le to n n o rm al,
b r e w e r s ’ a m e n d m e n t and th e prohlld-
t. n a m e n d m e n t lo st in th is co u n ty .
D lstrl t A tto rn e y H ed g es w as re-
e ’e f te d o v e r W lT iam M. S to n e, th e
R e p u b lica n n o m in ee, w ho rec e iv e d in
78 o u t of 81 p rec n e ts 4791 to 5180 for
H e d g e s.
D r. H . A. De Im an. of C a n h y ; H a r ­
old C. S te lie n s of G eorge, a n d G eorge
C. P ro w n e ll, of Con ord, w e re elected
r e p r e s e n ta tiv e s In th e s t a te le g is la ­
tu r e , th o u g h .1. E Ja c k , th e D em o­
c r a tic c a n d id a te , m ad e a v ery good
ru n . A. H . Ilu rto n , th e R e p u b lica n
n o m in e e to r jo in t r e p re s e n ta tiv e , w as
e le c te d In b oth C la c k a m a s an d M ult­
n o m ah c o u n tie s o v e r Rex L am p m a n n ,
th e D em o c ra tic c a n d id a te . J. E. Cal-
a v a n w n s re e le c te d co u n ty school s u ­
p e r in te n d e n t w ith o u t o p p o sitio n , l i d
W . A. P ro c to r w as c h o sen fo r co u n ty
c o m m is s io n e r o v e r C. W. R isley . F or
c o u n ty c le rk Iva M. H a rrin g to n w as
re e le c te d , a s w e re C ounty T re a s u r e r
D n n t^ C o ro n e r H e m p ste a d , S h e rlft
W ilso n an d S u rv e y o r Jo h n so n . D ud­
ley C. B o y le s -o b ta in e d a la rg e maj- I
lty o v e r h is S o c ia list o p p o n e n t foi
c o u n ty re c o rd e r, an d W. W . E v e rh a rt
w as e le c te d a s s e s s o r o v e r G. F. J o h n ­
so n , D e m o c ra t.
In th e e n tir e s t a te i t a p p e a rs from
f ra g m e n ta r y r e tu r n s th a t th e follow
Ing c o n s titu tio n a l a m e n d m e n ts lim e
b een a d o p te d :
S in g le item v e to , sh ip ta x exem u
tio n . n e g ro su ffra g e . P e n d le to n n o r­
m al. S u n d ay c lo sin g
re p e a l,
ru ra l
c r e d its an d s ta te w ide tax lim ita tio n
T h e a m e n d m e n ts th a t h a v e b een d e ­
fe a te d a r e th e b r e w e rs ' a m e n d m e n t,
full re n ta l lan d tax , an ti-co m p u iso ry
v accin atio n an d a b s o lu te p ro h ib itio n .
T h e vote on p re s id e n t, c o n g re ss m a n ,
se c re ta ry of s ta te an d th e c o n s titu ­
tio n al a m e n d m e n ts follow s:
P re sid e n t
H u g h es ................................................ 5877
W ilson ........................ • • ..................... 4891
H an ly .................................. ................. 181
B enson .................................................. 518
C o n g ressm an
H aw ley ................................................. 6417
W e a th e rfo rd ...................................... 3188
R ic h a rd s ..........................
S e c re ta ry of S ta te
C annon ................................................. 1372
O lc o tt .............................
S ingle Item V eto
Y es ......................................................... 5420
No ........................................................... 2313
Ship T ax E x em p tio n
Yes ......................................................... 442-1
No ........................................................... 2868
N egro and M ulatto S u ffra g e
Yes ......................................................... 3822
No ........................................................... 3986
L and T ax and L oan A m en d m en t
Y es
......................................................... 152!
.................................................. 6392
P en d leto n N orm al
........................................................... 4795
A nti-C om pulsory V a c c in a tio n
......................................................... 4129
........................................................... 3808
R epeal S unday C losing Law
......................................................... 4432
........................................................... 4230
B re w e rs’ A m en d m en t
......................................................... 3573
.................................................. ........ 5532
T hursday , N ovember 9, 1916
vote, but generally in the county
balloting, e a s t e r n Clackamas
went as did the county at large,
in favor of the Republican candi­
Apparently little "single-shot­
ting” was done on the candidates
for the legislature, as in nearly
every instance H. C. Stephens of
George received the high vote,
with Geo. C. Brownell second
and H. A. Dedman, third. De­
spite the strong Democratic ten­
dency in many iocal districts, J.
E. Jack, the Democratic candi­
date, received the small end of
the voting.
The vote for County Commis­
sioner was close, with Proctor of
Sandy winning, especially as
George and other district.’, near
Sandy voted strongly for their
The vote on the District Attor­
ney was consistent, with the Re­
publican districts standing well
for Stone and the Democratic
ones going for Hedges.
On the amendments and initi­
ative measures, eastern Clacka­
mas took a decided stand, strong­
ly voting down the Brewers’
Amendment and generally voting
for all measures that carried and
against those defeated elsewhere
in the state.
For Constable, Edwin Bates of
Estacada on the Republican tick­
et, defeated A. G. Ames of Esta­
cada, the Democrat, even in the
districts that were strongly Dem­
A small Socialist vote was evi­
dent, with a scattering of Prohi­
bition strength, with the Pro­
gressives nearly eliminated.
Of all county officers, probably
Miss Iva Harrington as County
Clerk, received the highest en­
dorsement locally, even as com­
pared with other offices where no
competition existed.
P ro h ib itio n
......................................................... 425 )
........................................................... 4564
R ural C re d its
......................................................... 42 40
........................................................... 3385
T ax L im ita tio n
......................................................... 3733
........................................................... 3481
Of the eastern Clackamas dis­
tricts, Estacada 1 and 2, Spring-
water, Viola and Eagle Creek
w e n t D e m o c r a t i c with
G e o r g e , Barton and Gar­
field, Republican. These figures
were true i n the presidential
Has Hand Crushed Under Car
A. J. Dwyer of Barton, head
of the Dwyer logging camps at
that place, met with a severe and
painful accident November 1st,
when during the course of shunt­
ing cars, he fell between two cars,
with the wheels nearly severing
his right wrist.
Dr. Adix of Estacada was im­
mediately called and after rend­
ering first aid, had Mr. Dwyer
taken to St. Vincent’s Hospital in
Portland, where it is reported the
hand will not ,have to be ampu­
$1. P er Y ear
Free Movies, Dance And Returns
Hold Visitors Till Late Hour
Tuesday night in Estacada was
a gala time with five hundred or
more of the town and country
people enjoying the festivities as
guests of the business men.
The eleventh h o u r arrange­
ments of the hosts were rather
crude, but with free moving pic­
tures, election return service, re­
freshments and a big dance, ev­
eryone apparently had a good
A more good Matured and order­
ly crowd was never assembled lo­
cally and until 10:30 o’clock the
business district was the scene of
the fun, with the merriment con­
tinuing in the Estacada Pavilion
during the d a n c e , until a late
Had the merchants be^n able
to give a little more time to the
amusements and musical attrac­
tions, with a better illumination
on Broadway, it is possible a bet­
ter time might have been bad,
but as it was, everyone seemed
to be happy, with a few just a lit­
tle more happy than their fellows.
County Championship To Be Settled
Next Saturday afternoon, No­
vember 11th on the Estacada
gridiron, the football game to de­
cide the Clackamas County High
School championship, wi l l he
played, between teams represent,
ing Oregon City and Estacada.
While the record of the Esta­
cada team so far this year is not
as good as last seasons, the team
is now worked into fast condition
and should make the county seat-
ers hustle to win the champion­
Last year’s contest at Oregon
City, it will be remembered, re­
sulted in a game called on account
of darkness with the score 0 to ().,
but nothing short of a victory
will satisfy Coach Baker’s men
for this year.
A big crowd of local rooters
should attend this game and help
the home team win, for Estacada
like any other team always plays
better on the home grounds and
before a.friendly crowd.