Heard On The Rural Phone “ Hello. Is that you Maud? I dont see what you want all night telephone service for, when I can hardly get you out of bed to answer the phone at seven o’clock in the morning. Why, I’ve got all my dishes done and the children ready for school already” . “ Well, Ethel you would lie abed and sleep yourself, if you could lie and dream over the nice little pile of Givens’ 2 % cash discount tickets that I have under the mattress. Oh, you can laugh all you want, we of course, keep our cash in the bank, but those discount tickets are mine and I keep them where I can count them occasionally.” “ Do you know Maud, if I was to sleep on our pile of Givens' discount tickets, I \vould have to stuff the mattress with them and since we are just ready to buy our winter’s supply of Dried Beet Pulp and Molasses, I expect to fill the mattress of the childrens’ bed too. By the way, did you notice all the work that is going on in Givens’ store. We were down yesterday and a gang of men were hammering, sawing, pounding and doing everything but “ knock­ ing” , which last I believe is against Givens way of doing business. I dont know what they are making, but the inside of his store now looks like a lumber yard after a big wind” . “ Say Ethel, did you hear about those two fellows that were arrested for betting on the com­ ing election the judge sent the Republican to jail for taking easy money and sent the Democrat to the Insane asylum. Tell that to Jim and good bye for I’ve got to go and feed the chickens” . W E ARE G roceries, HEADQUARTERS Flour, Feed, F OR Poultry Supplies “ A Satisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement” WALTER l'otite of Read Budge* Meeting Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Chapter 234, General Laws of Oregon 1913, and Chap­ ter 222, General Laws of Oregon 1915, a meeting of the legal vo­ ters of Hoad Tistriet No. 58, Clackamas County. Oregon, will he h< I t a! Sch oi House, in said District on the 4th day of Novem­ ber. 19U). a' the hour of 1 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of consid- e dug the following estimates of the amount of money to be raised by special tax in said District for the ensuing year. ROADS and HIGHWAYS Improvement and maintenance of River Road - - $325 Foster Road - 325 Barton to Logan Road 150 Damascus Road - 150 PROBABLE RECEIPTS None BALANCES None Subscribed by three resident freeholders of said district and by the road supervisor of said district this 17th day of October, 1916. Samuel S. Wilson, Freeholder II. F. Gibson, C. S. McMurry, John C. Miller, Road Supervisor Road District, No. 58. Edwin Burlinggame of Fair- view visited several days at the L. J. Palmateer ranch in Garfield. Bob Duncan of Portland, has returned from a two weeks trip into the mountains. GIVENS Estacada, Oregon. Tile You will want to do your tile draining soon, before the fall rains set in. We have 4 in. tile for $3.20 per C. or $30. per M. Also have for immediate sale about 60 ft. of 8 in. tile at 7c per foot. Lumber We are now in a position to fill all orders for dimension mater­ ials, having a big stock on hand and with our new mill con­ nections, can furnish entire hills. We are also ready to furnish you sidewalk planks and stringers, at the prices quoted in our recent advertisements. Flour and Feed As always, we are in a position to fill your every want in the above lines, with feed for hogs, poultry, horses and cattle. Cullen Sarver vs Sarver Samson Vote for W m . M. Stone F O R Estacada District The case of Sarver vs Sarver comes up for trial today in Justice Thursday’s Show Devore’s court in Estacada, with Arrival of Perpetua 5 reels E. W. Bartlett of Estacada rep­ Health by the Year Comedy resenting the defendant, H. B. Admission 5c and 10c. Sarver of Garfield, while George C. Brownell of Oregon City is representing the plaintiff, B. O. Saturday’s Show Sarver of Estacada. Red Circle 11th Episode The trial, which is attracting Pathe News. much attention today, is the out­ Them was Happy Days come of a dispute relative to the Comedy settlement of the sale of cattle. Admission 5c and 10c. Mrs. Helen Massey of Portland is a guest at the home of Mrs. Family Theatre John Lovelace of Estacada. Estacada, Oregon. Attorney REPUBLICAN Movie Announcement AND SAVE $900 Deputy Hire $3,000 now paid to en­ force prohibition law. From High Priced De- tectives. Strict Enforcement of the Law Promised (Paid Advertisement) A big delegation of Estacada people attended the football game in Portland last Saturday after­ noon, when Nebraska defeated the O. A. C. team, 17 to 7.