( the POOD O U O a c n N P -, MEN s w it c h in g pro m o u p im a r t t o b a c c o .) Notice of goad Budget Meeting Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Chapter 234, Gener­ al Laws o f Oregon 1913, and Chapter 222, General Laws o f Or­ egon 1915, a meeting o f the legal voters o f Road District No. 33, Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held at Madden’s Hall, in said j District on the 28th day o f Octo­ ber, 1916, at the hour o f 2 o ’ clock I P. M., for the purpose o f consid- I ering the following estimates of | the amount o f money to be raised by special tax in said District for the.ensuing year. Invites Your Patronage Cash Paid For Eggs Fred Jorg, Proprietor Phone Main 83. Broadway t starada, Oregon Pheasant 5 ason Closes Oct. 15th Deer Season Is On Stock o f new Ammunition now ready Fishing Tackle— Hunting and Fishing Licenses ROADS and HIGHWAYS Improvement and maintenance of Kandles towards Closner Road - - $500 Reid-Stormer Road 300 Bard Road - - 400 Shibley Road - 300' Route No. 2 Road - 200 Kilgore and Mahr Hills 400 I Genserowski towards Kel­ ler Road • - 900 PROBABLE RECEIPTS None BALANCES None Subscribed by three resident freeholders o f said district and | by the road supervisor o f said j district this 16th day o f October, i 1916. Ed. Closner, Freeholder S. N. Kilgore, G. W. Keller, I Frank Millard, Road Supervisor Road District, No. 33 A Few Bargains in Fly Rods Ed Boner’s - Estacada Hermon A. Lewis Ballot Number 69 FOR Joint Senator 14th Senatorial District (Clackamas, Columbia and Multnomah Counties) Advocates:- Economical Legislation, Budget System, Good Roads, But No Bonds, Pay As We Go, Opposed To Graft. Has No Ax To Grind. Let The Country Be Represented. (Paid Advertisement) Notice of Road Budget Meeting H E N a gentleman gets acquainted through ana th- ighwith \V-B C U T Chewing, he finds that the W commo'i sense of it helps him across a feature of ordi­ nary tobacco he never did like. The shreds o f tobacco gi\ e -’ t the tobacco satisfaction without so much grinding an ¡fitting—the salt ¡-.alps bring out the good tobacco ta. e—and because it’s rich tobacco, a small chew lasts and satisfies. Mid. br WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 50 Union Sipnrc, New York City A New Model Typewriter! •tfc— & O liver ; n U Standard VUMa W rit,* BUY IT NOW! Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here! It is just out, and com es years before experts expect­ ed it. For makers have striven a life-time to attain this ideal machine. And Oliver has won again, as we scored when we gave the world its firpt visible wrilirg. Notice is hereby given that, I pursuant to Chapter 234, General Laws o f Oregon 1913, and Chap ter 222, General Laws o f Oregon There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver ‘9’ . 1915, a meeting of the legal vo­ Think of touch so light that the tread o f a kitten will run the kev.-! ters o f Road District No. 4, W A R N IN G C A U T IO N Clackamas County, Oregon, will This brilliant new Oliver comes at J be held at Curi insville School The new-day advances that come the old-time price. Iteo stsn o more along on this machine are all con­ ] House, in said District on the than lesser makes now out-of-date | 28th day o f October, 1916, at the trolled by Oliver. Even our previ­ when compared with this discovery. ous model» -famous in their day - hour o f 2 o ’clock P. M., for the never had the Optional Duplex Shift. For while the Oliver’ s splendid new features are costly wo have equal­ purpose o f considering the fol­ It puts the whole control o f 84 ized the added expense to us by sim­ lowing estimates o f the amount letters and characters in the little plifying construction. o f money to be raised by special fingers of the right and left hands. Resolve right now to see this great tax in said District for the en­ | And it lets you write th**m all with achievement before you spend a dol­ only 28 keys, the least to operate o f suing year. lar for any typewriter. I f you are ROADS and HIGHWAYS Improvement and maintenance of Main Road - - $700 Saling Road - 175 Taylor Road - - 425 Steinman Road - 350 Heiple Road - - 200 any standard typewriter made. Thus writers o f all other machines can immediately run the Oliver Num­ ber ‘9’ with more speed and greater ease. using some other make you will want to see how much more this one does. If you are using an Oliver, it nat­ urally follows that you want the finest model. Remember this hrand-new Oliver ‘9’ is the greatest value ever given in a typewriter. It has all our previous special inventions visible writing, automatic spacer, 6 1-2 ounce touch plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective Color Attachment and all these other new-day features. Yet we have decided to sell it to everyone everywhere on our fa ­ mous payment» plan 17 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford to have the world’ s crack visible writer, with the famous PR INTYPE, that writes like print, included FREE if desired. 17 cents a day! PROBABLE RECEIPTS None ^ALANCES None Subscribed by three resident freeholders o f safd district and I by the road supervisor of said ! district this 17th day o f October, T O D A Y W rite for full details and be among the first to know about this marvel o f writing machines. See why typists, employers, 11916. and individuals everywhere are flocking to the Oliver. Just mail a post­ R. H. Currin. Freeholder al at once. No obligation. I t’ s a pleasure for us to tell you about it. E. R. Heiple, You can rent an Oliver typewriter three months for $4. E. E. Saling J. A. Kitching, Road Supervisor T H E O L IV E R T Y P E W R IT E R C O M P A N Y , Load District, No. 4 1193 Oliver Typewriter Bldg., Chicago, III.