Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 19, 1916, Image 8

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    Eastern Clackamas News ’taxpayers in the eastern part of
this county, the News is the most
Published every Thursday at effective medium, that desire to
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Standish, Editor and M anager help the home newspaper is great­
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada, ly appreciated.
Oregon, as second-class mail.
S ubscription R atks
One year
Six months
In fairness to the Estacada Vol­
unteer Fire Department, whose
M tm m tm ram m .i
officers and members naturally
Thursday, October 19, 1916
these columns last week, it should
That it takes the lure of sug­ be stated that much of the pro­
FIAT youth and energy are great assets none
gestiveness to draw a crowd, fanity heard at the time of a fire,
will deny. They help a lot in the battle of
life. Frequently, however, men who pos­
seems to be a rule of human comes from outsiders who may
sess Ix'th youth and energy suddenly dis­
nature and our community ap­ be assisting or from onlookers.
cover that they need a little capital. A
The department in no ways
parently is no exception.
business opportunity finds them without
That this fraility exists is evi­ countenances profanity, but if
any cash.
dent, especially to many local under the stress of hard work and
Young man. don’t he caught this way. The success­
ful business men of the country freely declare that
men and women who have been the excitement of fire fighting, a
they owe their success mainly to the fact that they
identified with the work of pro­ few cuss words slip out, it is pure­
onened a hank account earlv in life. Then when the
moting meetings or gatherings ly accidental and not intentional.
chance for an investment eame along they were ready
In this connection, the fire de­
of the people.
for it Youth ami energy make a fine combination,
As too often happens in this partment w ish es to p r o te s t
but youth, ptiergy ami capital are invincible
community, meetings called to against the presence of automo­
consider matters of the utmost biles, when the fire apparatus is j
importance to the taxpayers, being raced to a fire. Recently j
such as roads, politics, grange, several machines got in the road j
religious and agricultural sub­ ahead of the hose-carts and oth-;
jects meet with a poor attendance ers chugged along in the rear, j
as compared with a meeting, causing unnecessary commotion, .
Ask us for one of our Home Savings Banks
where the people believe that some delay and slight danger, j
something of a suggestive nature especialll.v on the hills.
will be presented.
For instance a meeting of the Notice for Levy of Additional
Eastern Clackamas Taxpayers'
Road Tax
Leroy D. Walker, President - Thomas Yocum. Vice President
League will oftentimes consist of
Irwin D. Wright, Cashier
less than one dozen peoplp; with Notice is hereby given that we, j
only a handful gathering to listen the undersigned Tax Paye, s, con-1
to an authority on agricultural sisting of ten per cent of the Tax I
or stock breeding subjects, while Payers in Road District No. 9,
a meeting with an ex-nun as the Clackamas County, Oregon, here­
principal speaker or on a subject by give notice to the Tax Payers;
dealing with hygiene, draws of said Road District No 9, that j
Is Headquarters For
there wrill be a meeting of the
Possibly some students of soci­ Tax Payers of said District in the j
ology or phychology can explain Club House at George, Oregon, j
this condition, but it will be Clackamas County, on the 6th j
gratifying this season to see day of November, 1916, at 8 o'-1
Of All Kinds
more people attending meetings clock P. M., to vote an additional;1
where important matters are up tax in said District for road pur-!
for presentation and discussion. poses, as provided by an act of j
S ta n d a rd a n d F a n c y G ro c e rie s
of 1913.
With the annual county budget the legislature
meeting due in December, the
V e g e ta b le s a n d F ru its In S ea so n
H. C. Stephens
Eastern Clackamas Taxpayers’
League should hold an e a rly
Peter Rath
H. Miller
Inasmuch as the average rural
taxpayer spends a few months of
Use our Wide Mouth Se'f Sealing Jars
the year earning sufficient to pay
Julius Paulsen
the taxes levied at the budget
Frank Ochs
meeting, it would naturally be
supposed th a t said taxpayers
would I k ? glad to attend the league
Estacada, Oregon
Fred Lins
meeting first to discuss the vari­
ous budget appropriations and
later attend the budget meeting
Advise Me What You Have For Sale
and go on record for or against
the various proposed levies.
While the law allows the road
supervisors to advertise their road
district budget and annual meet­
ing notices in any newspaper in
the county, the News wishes to
herewith thank the supervisors
and let me know as far in advance as possible.
of the various eastern Clackamas
NOTE: A Top Hog", which is the one that bring* the best profits to the grower,
should be fat, in good condition and weigh from 166 to 225 pounds.
county districts, for their patron­
Even though the publisher re­
alizes that in order to reach the
Tilt* Man Who Has Helped To Build Up The Local Livestock Industry.
•a tte rro
Estacada State Bank
T For Canning Your Fruit
S L. A. Chapman