Winter Underwear A Hallowe’ en Fete there’s going to be And you are invited, sure as ♦ I Full line o f Ladies and Childrens Underwear can be; ♦ It will pay you to see us before buying. There’ ll be joy and laughter by * the ton— ♦ Plan to come and enjoy the * fun. + Come in and see our Thus reads the invitation t o ! ♦ the Parent-Teacher Benefit to be I ♦ *1 held in the Pavilion on Friday,1 Blades easily changed ♦ October 27th at 7:30 o ’ clock. It ♦ will cost ten cents to get in and ♦ ♦ ♦ as much as you wish, to get out. A splendid program is planned, after which carnival spirit will Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon prevail and all will be privileged to visit the Haunted House and i other mysterious places. “ Does any dare to ¡earn his fate? j Then let him at the caldron wait; And he anon shall see revealed Whate’er his future days shall yield.” The famous Glastonbury line for men. ♦ ♦ ♦ At Goblintown On The Spooksville Road ♦ School Supplies ♦ ♦ * ♦ * * * Reblade Pocket Knives ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Park & Closner Best Buys In Automobiles Saxon Roadster $4 5 0 . Chevrolet Touring Car $ 5 7 0 . Dodge Touring Car $880. Saxon Six $915. New 1917 Model FORD Now On Display New Radiator, Stream-line H ood and Crown Fenders cylugust 1st the P R IC E was reduced $80 on the popular 5 passenger Touring Car and $46 on the Runabout or Roadster. Making the Prices F. O. B. Estacada 5 Passenger N. tic» of goad Burfge> Meeting oi the Touring Car $415.70 Roadster or Runabout $400.70 Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to Chapter 234, Gene­ Get Yours Now as the Supply is Limited ral Laws o f Oregon 1913, and Chapter 222, General Laws o f Or­ egon 1915, a meeting o f the legal voters o f Road District No. 55, Expert Mechanical Force Always On Hand Clackamas County, Oregon, will , be held at Viola School House, Replenish Your Home Medicine Chest in said District on the 28th day of You never can tell when an emergency October, 1916, at the hour o f 7:30 All fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights. Demountable Rims. may arise, when you will need anyone o ’clock P. M., for the purpose o f o f the several first-aid and home rem­ considering the following esti­ edies for colds, croup, tooth-ache, burns, We oo expert mechanical repairing on ANY machine made. mates o f the amount o f money cuts and the everyday minor ailments. to be raised by special tax ih said Call and let us replenish your supply. G A R A G E District for the ensuing vear. Prescriptions a specialty S. P. Pesznecker Estacada, Oregon ROADS and HIGHWAYS Books Magazines Stationeay. Improvement and maintenance of Get Busy This Is Your Creason Road $500 * Oregon City Road 500 Jubb Road 500 To Trade In That Old Cream Separator 77ie l iL ¿tore Hively Road 750 , On a new Automatic Oiling 1500 H. H. Mattoon Road Clear Creek Road 500 If your old machine is a De Laval it has paid for itself many times over. If it is a “ CREAM TH IEF’ ’ sepa­ Portland-Springwater Road 750 rator, the sooner you get rid o f it the better. PROBABLE RECEIPTS None ON N O V E M B E R 1ST, 1 9 1 6 BALANCES None Subscribed by three resident the allowance heretofore made for old freeholders o f said district and machines taken in trade on new DE by the road supervisor o f said LAVALS will be discontinued. district this 17th day o f October, 1916. Why not take advantage o f theop- R. M. Miller, Freeholder po-tunitv between now and Nov. Republican Cane ¡date (or Frank Gibb, 1st, as no allowance will be made E. T. Bateson for old machines after that date. Geo. M. Hively, Road Supervisor Road District, No. 55 REPRESENTATIVE The Estacada Garage CAS CAD E LAST The Estacada Pharmacy CHANCE De Laval H. A. Dedman B E R T H. FIN C H Hardware Harness Implements Estacada, Oregon T he Kasrern wl persist In re ferrlug ro fho s<* > of rhp v n vt as Miss Josephine i>aniel* No won tier the Won mu s P a ri, is ram p tii* on In Legislature the trail o f th* A i minimi’ niton! Is Your Watch on the B eckw ith The Jeweler Can Repair It ESTACADA, OREGON Will Work for Economy, Wise Mr Wilson forgot to m eirlon the pledges o f e* « u »my tu the Li 12 piar form. Legislation and Good Roads **!u hi» d ip i.*•»»«< V.’ »ays < M ie James •the lias sounded uew note ” W hat, another one? President a vP&id Advertisement) It he»rlns to appear that that «Ingle track mind system wf | have to be temporarily double tracked A few weeks heuca. o f course. It will be side tracked I