Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 12, 1916, Image 8

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    Want a -d For Sale Column
5 cents per line. Cash in advance
+ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
E A SY M O N E Y M A D E - in
Ginseng culture.
I can now fill
all orders tor ginseng seeds and +
plan's, lio h Oregon and eastern
grown. Special prices in quanti­
ties. Inquire o f Jerry Jones,
Estacada, Oregon.
erals- For Sale.
S. J. Howe, Estacada.
FOR SA L E Two good saddle
ponies in fine condition.
Morrow’s Barn, Estacada
+ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦
+ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
+ ♦ ♦ ♦
Undertaking and Embalming
L A. Chapman
Licensed Em balm er
¡Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
+ * + + + + + + +
• !•
Henry V. Adtx, M. D.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Elwood Items
Bids will he received by the City o f
for Street Improvement
Bonds, up to and including Monday,
' October 16, 1916 at 5 o ’ clock P. M.
Issue in sum o f $1650, divided into 10
bonds o f $165 each, interest 6 per cent j
payable semi-annually.
Bonds bear interest from Aug. 1. 1916. !
Bids will be received for the entire
issue or any part thereof.
All bids must be accompanied by c e r - 1
tified check for 10 per cent o f amount
bid, payable to City o f Estacada.
City Council reserves the right to re- !
ject any and all bids.
Bids will be opened at 8 P. M. Mon-,
day. Oct. 16. 1916.
Address all bids in sealed envelope, i
marked B d on Bonds to C. W. Devore, ,
City Recorder,
Estacada, Or.
Matt Jagmin, who has been
FOR SA L E Bay Mare. 4 yrs. working in California, is at home
old, weighs 1450K>. Price Right. i for the winter.
Harvey Gibson. Barton, Or.
Frank Wilson, who is working
for Mr. Klaetschat Springwater,
PURE BRED H O L S T E I N I has moved his f’armly in John
Bulls -One for sale One for ser­ Park’s house, so as to be near
vice. J. Trachsel. Springwater. his work.
200 good sacks
Mrs. Mattie Cahill and son Cecil
good saddle, Winchester 22 rifle are visiting at the home of her
and cart.
W . Domm,
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Eagle Creek Falls.
The Mt. Home and Colton Sun­
30 Tons of
day Schools uniti-d last Sunday, in
Evergreen Blackberries
celebrating Rally Day, at Colton,
Needed A t Once
a good program was rendered.
Crates furnished. W e pay 2'A
Mrs. Annie Walker is visiting
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f
cents per pound for the berries
i Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas,
her sister, Mrs. Lillie Park.
delivered at the
j W. H. Mat toon, Plaintiff,
R. C. Deming Packing Co.
Fred Bannister o f Estacada
Evin W. Pjtty, Abhie Petty and Ada
Estacada, Oregon.
has gone to Barton, where he Alexander, Defendants
To Abbie Petty, Defendant.
will be employed at Dwyer’ s log­
In the name o f State o f Oregon, you j
With Chris Johnson of George
ging camp.
hereby required to appear and an- j
last year having bought sufficient
.-wer the complaint filed against you in i
potatoes to feed an army, he is
the above entitled suit on or before six j
this year going into the business!
weeks from date o f the first publication i
f this summons, which first publication :
on a larger scale, having last i
is on August 31, 1916; and if you fail to
week purchased a Ford car, thru!
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
the Estacada Garage, with which i
will apply to the court for the relief
he contemplates dealing with
prayed for in his complaint to-w it:
Judgment for the sum of $918.00 and
growers over a larger area.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Proudfoot
and Mrs. Henry Proudfoot of
Portland, were week-enu guests
at the A . O. Whitcomb ranch in
interest at eight per cent, per annum
since April 15, 1916, for $90.00 attorn­
ey- fees, together with the costs and
disbursements, w h i c h indebtedness
arises out of a certain promissory note,
made executed and delivered to plain-
t'tf by Evin W. Petty and Abbie Petty, !
and for a decree foreclosing the certain
real estate mortgage executed and de­
livered by said Evin W Petty and A b­
bie Petty to the plaintiff to secure
the nayrnent o f said note, which real
estate is described as follows, to-w it:
Beginning at the N. W. corner of
the George VV. Palniateer and Nancy
Palmateer, his wife, D. L. C. in Sec. 22,
T. 3 S. R. 4 E. o f the W. M.. running
thence East on claim line20chs., thence
South 10 chains, thence West 20 chs.,
to claim line, thence North on claim j
line to the place o f beginning, contain
ing 20 acres, and that said real estate
Republican Candidate for
be sold under execution, or so much
as shall be necessary to satisfy
Representative In Legislature thereof
the judgment, interest, attorneys fees,
costs and disbursements, and accruing
Clackamas County
costs and disbursements, and as provid­
by law for the sale o f real estate
Will Fight For:-
under execution, and for a decree that
the interest o f each o f the defendants
K c o n o m y . Low Taxation,
and ail persons claiming under then sub
Good Roads, and against Use­
sequent to said mortgage be foreclosed
less Commissions,
*f all right or claim o f interest, except
and Deputies.
the equity o f redemption, and for such
other or further relief as may seem
Twelve Years In State Senate:-
equitable to the Court in the premises.
This Summons is published upon order
Fits him for this job.
of Hon. J. IJ. Campbell. Judge o f the
elected he will carry out this
Circuit (k)urt o f the State o f Oregon,
for Clackamas County, duly made and
pledge to the letter.
entered August 7. 1916.
A ls o nominated on Democratic
Claude W. Devore,
Attorney for Plaintiff
and Progressive Tickets.
First publication Vugust 31. 1916
(Paid Advertisement)
Last puhlicat on October 12. 1916.
Geo. C. Brownell
C. W. Rislcy
Democratic Candidate For
County Commissioner
Has been road supervisor of
Dist. No. 47 several times
(luring the past 8 years.
Has best roads in county in
his district at lowest pos­
sible cost.
Believes in economy in coun­
ty government and in good
roads, with all money prop­
erly expended.
(Paul Advertisement)
Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well eared for.
grain and ensilage fed Jersey cow-
Phone your wants the nigh' before and we will make
Whether you arc a regular cuatomer or not. feel free to eall upon us,
when in need o f extra milk or cream.
C. R. Lovell
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’ s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
Dr. L. A. Wells
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eves and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between l« t and 2nd
Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
Attorney-at-l aw
Notary Public
Stone & Mou lion
A tto rn e y s - at - L aw
Pacific 495.
4-5-6 Stevens Bldg.
Home A 270.
Oregon City. Or.
The insurance Mon
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
O f McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Ola-'« OLD LI NE !n<uranee.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
Wood delivered, any amount or length.
10c. per
R ig .
W. M. YolKC
$190 Reward, iaOd
T h e »c.iiivra o f i h .»
w ill he
p ita s , a t o i«.;iro th a t tli.
on e d rea d ed d isea se that acier*«-«.- l a s
been a b K to c o r e in a ll it
that Is ca ta rrh . C a ta rrh bei4>«» g r e a t ly
Influen ced by c o n s titu tio n a l co n d itio n »
re q u ire s
co n s titu tio n a l
trea tm en t.
H a ll's C ata rrn C ure is tak en in te rn a lly
and a cts thru th e B lo o d on the M u cous
S u rfa ce s o f the S y ste m tlv re by d e ­
stroyin g- th e fo u n d a tio n • f the d isea se,
giving: th e p a tien t s tr e n g th by b u iid im ?
up th e c o n s titu tio n and a ss istin g n a ­
tu re in d o in g its w o rk . The p ro p rie ­
tors h a ve s o m u ch fa ith In the c u ra tiv e
p o w e rs o f H a ll's C ata rrh Cure th a t
th e y o ffe r One H u n d re d -D o lla rs fo r a n y
ca se that it fa ils t o cu re . Send fo r list
o f te stim o n ia ls.
Address: F J CHr , T T A CO.. T*l«ds.
Ohio. Sold by ail Lnuggisti, 75c.
Milk and Cream delivered at your door.
each morning between 5 and 6 o’ clock.
P h y s ic ia n
The Garfi»’ ’d Dorcas Society
will meet Thursday afternoon,
October I9th, at the home of Mrs.
A. M. Stephens. All members
and friends are cordially invited
to be present.
H. E. Wooden o f Portland is
again in Estacada, assisting at
the Estacada Pharmacy.