Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 12, 1916, Image 6

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    ing the safe o f one o f its leading
stores, although the sum men­
tioned may represent the profits
Published every Thursday at
o f the late county fair. But, un­
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Standi.-h, Editor and Manager less collections brace up material­
ly in the next few weeks, ye ed­
Entered at the postotfice in Estacada,
itor and a few o f the local mer­
Oregon, as second-class mail.
chants may decide to employ sim­
S ubscription K ates
ilar tactics to meet current ex­
One year
$1.00 penses.
Six months
Eastern Clackamas News
Thursday, October 12, 1916
The News is expressing the
sentiments o f the community in
herewith thanking the board of
directors of the East Clackamas
County Fair, for their hard work
and tireless efforts in making-
last week’s fair a big success.
We also wish to congratulate the
winners o f the various prizes and
condole with the losers, both o f
whom did their best to make the
1916 fair a better one than its
When an exhibit o f alfalfa at
the late fair, showed a growth
o f eight feet, with three cuttings
this year, it begins to look as
though this highly valued product
can ultimately be grown in this
county and with continued ex­
perimentation and acclimatiza­
tion become a regular farm crop,
equaling or eclipsing our Clacka­
mas acclimated corn, which a few
years ago "could not be raised.”
The costs last w eek compiled by '
Judge Anderson, covering an ex-
penditure o f $24,828.06 for coun­
ty hardsurfaced paving, showing!
an average expense o f 67.8 cents
per yard, is one to be proud o f;
a 11 providing that two years
hence, said hardsurfaced paving
still remains hardsurfaced and
does not go the route o f the late
Milwaukie-Sellwood bituminous-
asphalt road. Furthermore, if
this paving is as good as claimed,
why not lay a few miles o f same
in Eastern Clackamas County?
With the Hotel Belle a thing o f
the past, with its former propri­
etor now reaping the rewards o f
honest bar-tending in another!
state, along comes the Friars
Club o f Milwaukie, which last
week yielded 35 men and women
and 70 bottles o f booze, as the
result o f a well executed raid. It
is hoped that the authorities will
deal with this latest, yet old, nui­
sance in a more drastic manner
than the former Milwaukie joint.
Work is already underway in
the improving o f the Boring Hill
Road, with latest reports credit­
ing a county expenditure o f $500.
instead o f the original $200. Re­
port also says that the county
road boss and helpers will im­
mediately scarify and roll the fa­
mous "D evil’s Washboard” road
between Barton and Eagle Creek.
As a suggestion to the Estaca-1
da Fire Department, it might be |
well for them to inaugurate a ;
system of signals or code words, |
to take the place o f some o f the
blaspheming and cursing, which
characterized the orders issued
at last week’ s Heights’ , confla- j
gration. Inasmuch as the a v e r-!
age audience at a local fire is j
made up o f both sexes, a change j
The Oregon Historical Society i n repertoire or vocabulary is >
and other public spirited individ­ needed.
uals are now relocating the Old
Oregon Trail and erecting tablets
R. P. Tracy o f Springwater,
at various intersections with pres - who for the past two years has ■
ent highways. This is commend­ leased the old Kandle property,
able work, but more suitable than last week transferred his lease
tablets, would be stretches o f and sold all stock and implements
hardsurfaced paving. We also to a Mr. C. M. Davis o f Bull Run.
hope that before long a tablet who with his family, is now
will be erected marking the orig­ operating the farm. Mr. Tracy
inal location o f the “ Devils Wash­ ar.d family having returned to j
board” for no Oregon Trail ever Portland.
was tougher travelling than this
modern Clackamas county high­
Frank B. Riley o f the Clacka­
mas Title Company, Chamber o f !
Commerce. Portland writes th a t!
With Clackamas County hav­ he has a client who has $10,000.
ing won highest honors in the to divide into farm loans. It
juvenile department at the State might not be out o f place for
f air, g looks as though the coun­ local parties desiring loans to
ty ’s adults and parents might as write Mr. Riley.
well let the kids handle the main
county exhibit. Much o f the suc­
A number o f Warm Spring's
cess of the East .Clackamas Coun­ Indians and squaws have passed
ty Fair was also due to these through Estacada lately, selling
same youngsters, which augurs huckleberries.
well for our future farming and
home conditions.
K greatest bulwark against the indigence of
old age or the linaneial drain caused by a
jOT; protracted illness is a bank account. If you
are a business man making big profits; if
you are an employee with a fine salary, plan
to lay aside a certain sum weekly. Then
if the rainy day comes along it will find
you prepared.
In times of stress you’ll find that your bank account
is your friend. You can look the world in the eye.
The man with a bank account looks better, feels better,
is better than the man without a bank account. We
transact all kinds o f banking business.
.' ¿nnttntw
A sk us for one of our Home Savins'* Rank*
Estacada State Bank
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum. Vice President
Irwin D. Wright, Cashier
T For Canning Your Fruit
O f All
Standard and Fancy Groceries
Vegetables and Fruits In Season
Use our Wide Mouth S e'f Sealing Jars
L. A. Chapman
Estacada, Oregon
Advise Me What You Have For Sale
The News has "lately been in
receipt of many compliments from
its readers and while these are
truly appreciated, we only wish
the readers would say as much
for their home paper to the ad
vertisers, for they arc the ones
who support the patier and who
need to know their advertising is!
read; thereby insuring continued
and increased patronage.
It speaks well for the prosper­
ity of our neighboring town o f
Can by, when robbers last week !
obtained $;{<). in cash by d> nam it-1
and let me know as far
in advance as possible.
A “ T op H op'', which is the one that brings the best profits to the grower,
should be fat, in good condition and weigh from 165 to 225 pounds.
e s t a c a d a
The Man Who Has Helped To Build Up The Local Livestock Industry.