Winter Underwear Gate Receipts Show Decrease In Attendance New I9Ì7 Model FORD Continued from page 1 dies o f the C. I. C., under whose The famous Glastonbury line for men. + auspices the musical parts were ♦ handled, these taking part being ♦ ♦ Full line o f Ladies and Childrens Underwear Miss Helen Bartlett o f Estacada: Now On Display ♦ Rev. C. F. Aue of Springwater( ♦ It will pay you to see us before buying. ♦ i ♦ and Messrs. Whitcomb, Standish.' * N ew Radiator, Stream-line H ood ♦j Reid and Reid o f Garfield. The music by the Garfield band ♦ ♦ was greatly enjoyed by all. and Crown Fenders ♦ + Friday’ s main attraction was Come in and see our + * the baby show in the forenoon, * ♦ with over a score o f babies in com ♦ ♦ petition. The judges, being Mrs. Blades easily changed ♦ ♦ Wellman o f Palo Alto, C alif.; Mrs. Geo. W. Kiger o f Tillamook and the P R I C E ol the ♦ ♦ Mrs. J. L. Hewitt o f Portland, + ♦ ♦ finally awarded the grand sweep- * + + stakes prize to Beverley Bronson o f Estacada. The other winners Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon in their respective divisions being Lois Ruth Smith o f Estacada: Ed­ ward Shearer, Jr., Arnold Anders and Winifred Stephens o f Gar­ was reduced $80 on the popular field; James Victor K itching of Currinsville and Dorothy Evelyn | 5 passenger Touring Car Bittner o f Springwater. The football game between Es- i and $46 on the* Runabout or Roadster. tacada High School and Franklin : Making the Prices F. 0. B. Estacada High School o f Portland on Fri- j day afternoon climaxed the fair’ s 5 Passenger Touring Car $415.70 amusements and despite the o u t-! Roadster or R u n a b ou t $406.70 come of 41 to 0 against the home! team, the contest was exciting. Many out o f town visitors at- i Get Yours Now as the Supply is Limited tended the fair, among them be­ ing editor Brodie of the Oregon City Enterprise, attorney J. N. 1 Sievers, N. C. Maris o f the state Expert Mechanical Force Always On ITarrf board of education, several rail­ way officials and others. m The following represents a di- j Replenish Your Home Medicine Chest gest o f the awards made in the You never can teli when an emergency All fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights. Demountable Rims. various classes and divisions and i may arise, when you will need anyone reference to the printed premium i o f the several first-aid and home rem­ lists will furnish furtherdetails: edies for colds, croup, tooth-ache, burns, We do expert mechanical repairing on ANY machine made. J uvenile D epartment cyts and the everyday minor ailments. (.’lass 48 Gladys Ely and Ber­ Call and let us replenish your supply. tha Devore. Prescriptions a specialty 49P, Bertha Devore S. Pesznecker - - Estacada, Oregon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ” 49A Edna Jorg Books- Magazines Stationeay. ” 50A Edna Jorg Get Busy This Is Your ” 50B- Verlie Coop and Mary The Estacada Pharmacy Malzinini. ” 51 Zeona Coop. To Trade In That Old (ream Separator The Store ” 52 George Barr. ” 53A Ernest Rynning. On a new Automatic Oiling ” 53 B Irene Saling. ” 55 B George Lawrence. If your old machine is a De Laval it has paid for itself Pheasant Season Closes Oct. 15th ” 55A Norris Ely. many times over. If it is a “ CREAM TH IE F” sepa­ ” 56 Chester Reid. 1 s t ; rator. the sooner you get rid o f it the better. Deer Season Is On Raymond Lynch, ON N O V E M B E R 1ST, 1 9 1 6 2nd; Zeona Coop, 3rd; Stock o f new Ammunition now ready Mary Malzinini, 4th. the allowance heretofore made for old P oultry D ept . machines taken in trade on new l)E Edward Shearer, 92 A Few Bargains in Fly Rods LAVALS will be discontinued. points; J. A. Shibley, 49 points. Why not take advantage o f the op­ School Supplies R e bla d e P o c k e t K n i v e s o 4 u g u st 1st Park & Closner Best Buys In Automobiles Saxon Roadster $450. Chevrolet Touring Car $570. Dodge Touring Car $880. Saxon Six $915. C ASC AD E G A R A G E P. L A ST The Estacada Carafe C H A N C E De Laval Fishing Tackle—Hunting and Fishing Licenses portunity between now and Nov. 1st. as no allowance will be made for old machines after that date. BERT H. FINCH Hardware Harness Implements Estacada, Oregon W omen ’ s D epartment ” ” ” ” Is Your Watch on the ” " ” ” ” ” ” B e c k w ith ” ” The Jeweler A gricultural D epartment Can Repair It ESTACADA, 28 Mrs. A. L. Coop. 29 Mrs. C. J. Copeland, 1st; Mrs. J. A. Shib­ ley, 2nd; Mrs. Ed­ ward Shearer, 3rd. 30 Mrs. L. Tenny, 1st. 32 Mrs. W. A. Heylman, 1st; Mrs. E. W. Bart­ lett, 2nd. 33 Mrs. Barclay. 34 Mrs. E. W. Bartlett. 35 Mrs. W. A. Heylman. 36— Miss Mary Whiting. 37 Mrs. W. A. Heylman. 38 Mrs. Frank Ewing, 39 Mrs. C. J. Copeland, lrt; Mrs. 0 . 0 . Bland. 2nd. 40 Mrs. C. J. Copeland. 41 Mrs. A. J. Mills, 1st; Mrs. Lloyd Yocum. 2nd. ” OREGON 22 Mrs. W. H. Holder. 1st: Mrs. A. L. Coop. 2nd. ( Continued on next page 1 Ed Boner's - Estacada LAW YERS Abstracts oxaininea. Corporation u a * . rinM.cis.1 A en'ts. Trusts, Er-rows and Accounts. Estates probated. Collec­ tions, Deeds, Korfc|?a»cs. General practice mail courts. Oorrespondence solicited. Pruinpt attention. Bank references. Fonruent: /eai 10AHS PtACEE OR PORTIA*» PROPERTY Mos?ssohn & f/ioscssohn 714-713.716 C h a n b e t o f C oir.i»(»tX « B ld f. O REGON a PO R K ’?f3 Mr. and M r , C ’ty Drill o f Es­ tacada are returning next week to Eugene, where they will make their future home In the re­ moval of Mr. and Mrs. Drill from Estacada, the community is the loser, as i>oth have been closely identified with church and social matters for the past year and made many close friendships.