Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, October 12, 1916, Image 3

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    Thanksgiving Dance
Spelling Bees Ended
The opening C. I. C. dance of
the season will occur on Thanks­
giving evening, November 30th,
at the Estacada Pavilion.
The ladies expect to start the
present season with an extra fine
dance, with the promise o f a gala
decorated hall, the best of music
and a regular Thanksgiving lun­
cheon, with everyone invited.
County School Supt. Calavan
o f Oregon City has decided to
abandon the practise o f holding
“ spelling bees’ ’ in the county
schools, claiming the nervous
strain on the girls is too great.
Hereafter the same ends being
gained by written tests.
The News this week received
several photographs o f the ex­
hibits at the fair and had hoped
Parent-Teacher Halloween Fete to use a view in this week’s issue
In order to raise funds for the but owing to the pictures being
purchasing of more needed play­ interior views, the photographs
ground equipment for the Esta- were not distinct enough to war­
cada Schools, the Estacada Pa- i rant attempting to reproduce in
rent-Teacher Association will a newspaper.
hold a fete, carnival or festival at
Bob Morton and A. Benson o f
the Estacada Pavilion, Friday
Estacada returned Saturday after
evening, October 27th.
An exceptionally interesting a few months absence at Salmon
and novel program is being ar­ City, Idaho, where they have
ranged and all are asked to hold been identified with the govern­
open that evening and be present.' ment hatchery work.
Pendleton Normal School
Proven Necessity
(Copied from Portland Oregonian.)
MONMOUTH, Ore., June 26.—r he Oregon Normal
school opened this week . . . students enrolled 785,
argeat on record for state Normal in Oregon . . . .
how to care for large student body a problem . . . .
¿00 being crowded into auditorium wi h sealing ca­
pacity of 550. Galleries filled with e' ra chairs in
% u ales. More than 150 students seated on platform.
New boarding, houses completed, addit. »ns to r^jm-
ii g houses built and tents used Oue hundred girls
bleep on upper floor of school.
The official school report gives 150 grade pupils
In Monmouth, for teacher practice.
Read what those you have elected to handle the
ufia.rs of your state and who are thoroughly informed
rega ding school conditions in Oregon have to say
».-kg measure h08 on the ballot at the coming
By James Wlthycomb e, Governor of Oregon:
"Oraffon Is unquestionably in n eed o< ...
n o rm a l
school work and P e n d le to n is i i .. io jfn .il p .a r t fo r a
school of this class in E a s te r n U itg n ii
By J. A . Churchill, Stats Superintendent of Public
"I trust that the voters o f the S ta te v ill a ssist in
raisiac the standard of our m h<»nls by e.itMwlir>hing a
State Normal School at Pencil« i n
By P. L. Campbell, President of the Un iversity of
“ At least one additional N o rm a l S c h o o l
needed in Oregon."
is urgently
By W . J. K e r r , President of the Oregon Agricultural
"Since the peoplo o f Pendleton a r c In itia tin g a m e a s u re
for the establishment o f a N o rm a l S< huol m thai place,
it will give me pleasure to supi»
l H um
iih ..sur e
By J. H . A cke rm an, Prasidsnt Oregon Normal School,
at Monmouth:
“ A careful analysis of the s itu a tio n w ill c o n v in c e a n y
one that Oregon needs a Normal S c h o o l in E a s te rn O r e ­
gon an d Pendleton fills all the g o v e r n m e n t r e q u ir e m e n ts ."
B y the C ou nt y School Superintendents of Oregon:
"Resolved, that it ia ths sense o f th e C o u n ty School
Superintendents of the State o f Oicgon, in c o n v e n t io n
assembled, that the beet Interests o f th«- »< h oots o f the
State demand increased fa c ilitie s lor th» tr a in in g o f
teachers, and that we, therefm c, e n d o r s e the in itia tiv e
measure to establish a N o rm a l S c h o o l at J V iid Ic lo n .“
By Mre. Charles H. Castner. President of the Oregon
Federation of W o m e n s Clubs:
" I m ost h e a r tily e n d o r s e
S c h o o l u l P e n d le to n
the lo ca tio n o f said
N o rm a l
Prof. Nooert C. French, For mer President of the
Normal School Located at Weston:
" A n im m e d ia te e s ta b lis h m e n t o f s u ch a s c h o o l a t s o m e
ce n tr a l p o in t s u c h a s P e n d le to n w ou ld p r o v e a g i e a t a sse t
to the S ta te o ( O re go n
B. F. Muikey, Ex President Southern Oregon Normal
" I sh all su p p o r t the lo c a tio n
N o rm a l Sellout a t P e n d le t o n ."
E a s te r n
O re g o n
State Board of Regents of Oregon Normal School
declares that “ the necessity for additional Normal
school facilities in Oregon is-appiiicnl. '
Portland Chamber of Commerce endorses measure
30K and say Pendleton most logical location for Nor­
mal school in Eastern Oregon.
308 X YES is
f Paid Adv.)
a vote for your children
E a s te r n Oregon Stu te N o rm a l S c h o o l Committee,
B y J. H (iw in n . S e c y . P e n d le to n , Ore
What Has Been Accomplished in the
Postal Service During This
A d m i n i s t ration
All the great departments o f the
Government are naturally inter­
ested in having their administra­
tion o f these important trusts ap-
proved by the people - the prog­
ress and notable achievements
made by each brought to public
notice. The Postal Service, from
its very close relation to all class­
es, touching them at all points as
a common carrier, as well as the
watchful guardian o f certain o f
their public interests and comfort,
is peculiaily concerned that its e f­
forts in the line o f public service
»shall measure up to their fullest
needs and merit their approving
consent. No administration of
public affairs, howrever. can hope
to escape criticism, no matter
how well conducted, for even the
measures o f wise and judicious
economy may cause complaint
when old-fashioned methods and
customs are disturbed by the
march o f progressive reforms.
Public administrators, however,
look to the larger accomplish­
ments possible, and it is the ad­
herence to this p incipal which
has enabled the Post Office De­
partment to do so much fo>- the
general welfare during the past
few years.
Take, for instance, the parcel
post. The wider view o f possible
benefits has simplified mailing
conditions, twice reduced the
rates, increased the limits o f size
and weight several times, and ex­
tended express facilities not only
to cities and towns on regular
transportation lines, but to the
people along a million miles of
rural route. Practical aid has al­
so been given in developing the
idea so that producer and con­
sumer are alike benefitted, waste
measurably eliminated, and living
conditions made better. A traffic
reaching a billion parcels annually
testifies the popular appreciation
o f this great public accomodation.
Postal savings. Unnecessary
restrictions have been removed
and the plan popularized and en­
couraged. thus bringing into cir­
culation the hoarded savings o f
the poor by the assured security
o f Governmentcontrol. That the
public appreciates the advantage
thus afforded is seen in the in­
creased number o f depositors
from 310,000 to 616,000, and in
the amount deposited from $30,
036.325 to $92,000.000.
City delivery has been extend­
ed to 3,000,000 additional homes,
thereby according this benefit to
something like 6,000,000 people
in all heretofore denied this ser­
vice. That this enlargement o f
privilege and opportunity was a
wise measure is shown by the per
capita expenditure for postal ac­
commodation, which has grown
from $2.58 in 1912 to nearly $3 in
Greater postal facilities
mean not only more patrons, but
more is spent in postage because
o f these afforded conveniences,
and the public revenue thereby
considerably increased.
Village delivery.
The intro­
duction o f this now feature o f
public accomodation, supplying
the need o f people who were not
included in either city or rural
marks a progressive
step in postal improvements
w'hich has mer with general sat­
isfaction and will prove o f great
benefit to patrons who are now
being given the service. Two
hundred and seventeen small mu­
nicipalities are already enjoying
these free-delivery advantages,
and the number will be rapidly
Rural delivery.
New routes
have been established and ex­
tended in over ten-thousand lo­
calities, affording service to ap­
proximately 3,200,000 patrons
previously without it. The num­
ber o f families who now have this
service amounts to 5,719,602, as
shown by a recent tabulation
made, o f which over 658,000 were
added between April, 1913 and
April, 1916, an evidence of re­
markable activity in the manage­
ment o f this branch o f postal af­
fairs, as gratifying to the Depart­
ment as it must be to those who
are its beneficiaries. Rural deliv­
ery now accom >d Pes 26.307.685
patrons, and the delivery by auto­
mobile and other means o f con­
veyance shows an increase of
17.494,408 parcels in the past
three years.
The inclusion o f books in parcel-
post classification is another ad­
vanced step for public benefit,
materially reducing postage on
such ma ter, an item o f consider­
able interest to a reading people.
The objectionable use to which
window-delivery service may be
subjected has led to an active and
vigorous campaign by the Depart­
ment to check the possibility of
making this public accomodation
a channel for unworthy purposes.
This particular service offers such
opportunity for misuse that espec­
ial supervision is necessary to pre­
vent it, and this will be given.
One thousand new steel cars
have been placed on the lines of
the Railway Mail Service for the
protection o f postal clerks and a
¡'ability law enacted for the relief
o f employees engaged in this haz­
ardous service. Mail transporta­
tion has also been increased on
6,248.09 miles o f railway.
The question o f the betterment
o f the road problem has been con­
sidered and taken up by coopera­
tion with the Department o f A g­
riculture and with the States and
counties in the construction o f
post roads, which is expected to
result in continued improvement,
and facilitate to a great extent
the work o f the rural carrier in
traveling these roads.
The large post offices o f the
country have ¡>een standardized,
and new and up-to-date methoits
adopted by which better and
more efficient service can bp se­
cured. The advantage o f this is
seen in the rapid accomplishment
o f the annual audit of the reve­
nue and expense of the Depart­
ment for the present fiscal year,
the earliest report ever made in
the history o f the Post Office De­
partment, which is entirely due
to improved systems o f account­
ing and the high standard o f e f­
ficiency among postmasters.
Great economies in the purch­
ase and manufatture o f mail
equipment have hyen carried out,
whereby vast sums o f money are
annually saved to the Govern­
m e n t-o v e r $6.000.000 annually
by the reduction of weight in
equipment for railway transpor­
Concluded on page 7