♦ ♦ ♦ + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ + + * + + + + •»• + + ♦ < • + * + + Want and For Sale Column * 5 cents per line. Cash in advance ♦ FOR SA L E — Second hand Veiie, 40 h. p., five passenger machine. Cost $2300 new and is now in good condition. Is suit­ able for a pleasure car or can be converted into a handy truck for farm use. Owner must sell at once as he is returning east. Bargain $390. Inquire News. FOR SA L E Oak dining table. Inquire News Office. FOR SA L E C H E A P -S t o c k , harness, vehicles and tent. W. H. Bietch, Springwater. Undertaking and Embalming ♦ FOR SA L E Italian Prune Trees Extra Fine. Order early for best stock. 0 . W . Failing, Route 1, Estacada, Or. ♦ * L A. Chapman ♦ Licensed Em balm er ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Estacada Phone Store or Residence *1 + ♦ ' + + ' Henry V. Adix, M. D. + P h y s ic ia n + Operating Hearse and Morgue + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Local and Long Distance Telephone + Summons Summons W H IL E A TT E N D IN G TH E In the Circuit Court o f the State of F A IR — get your home-cooked Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lela Normoyle, Plaintiff, meals at the new restaurant near V9. the depot. Meals 25c. Rooms 25c. George Normoyle, Defendant. Mrs. E. A . Adams, Propr. To George Normoyle, Defendant. In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas. W. H. Mattoon, Plaintitf, vs. Evin VV. Petty, Abbie Petty and Ada j Alexander, Defendants. To Abbie Petty, Defendant. In the name o f State o f Oregon, you i are ... „ hereby - required f . . to appear and an- filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before six weeks from date o f the first publication of this summons, which first publication is on August 31, 1916; and if you fail to t,m 0 i me answer for want , thereof the maimm plaintiff r / T ,u nl tnereoi me piainiiu j the court for the relief p * . » « 1 f.or, ,n F complaint to-w it: Judgment for the sum o f $918.00 and interest at eight per cent, per annum since April 15, 1916, for #90.00 attorn­ eys fees, together with the costs and disbursements, w h i c h indebtedness 1 ar'!*ts olu o f a certain promissory note, " lad.e ™ c“ ' eJ and delivered to plain- t' " 1b/ Ev‘n W- and Abb,e a,'d. /,,r a d*cree foreclosing the certa.n real estate mortgage executed and de- j livered by said Evin W Petty and A b ­ bie Petty to the plaintitf to secure I the payment o f said note, which real | estate is described as follows, to-w it:; Beginning at the N. W. corner o f the George W. Palmateer and q Nancy „ oo i I>ln>ateer, ’ f t T . his 1' W w .fe, S h D. f ' * L. C, m See. 22, , In the name o f the State o f Oregon, are hereby required to appear and FOR S A L E at the East Clack­ j you answer the complaint tiled against you amas County Fair next week, in the above entitled suit within the children’s dresses, ladies’ work time prescribed by the order for the and fancy aprons, fancy articles, publication o f thin summon» to-wit: on sar./l m ic h o « o n f f o p unH hnm u I or before the expiration o f six (6) weeks sandwiches coffee, and home-1 from the J the first pub,U tio n o f made doughnuts, _at the this summons first publication is . j ................... — which .............. ....publicat; Garfield Dorcas Society Booth. I made on the 31st day o f August 1916; and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the E A S Y M O N E Y M A D E — in , i Court for the relief demanded in the Ginseng culture. I can now fill complaint herein to-wit: that the bonds i plaintiff all orders for ginseng seeds and plants, both Oregon and eastern and defendant be set aside and the mar- riage contract be dissolved and that the grown. Special prices in quanti­ plaintitf have such other and further re- ties. Inquire of Jerry Jones, lief as to the Court may appear just and Estacada, Oregon. equitable in the premises and costs and disbursements herein. This Summons is published by order The Hoosier Schoolmaster o f Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge o f the Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon The management of the Esta­ for Clackamas County, made and enter- Oregon Off City, . O cada Family Theatre has been for­ e,l «1 August A . * » . 29. * 1916, ,91fi. at at’Ore,(on O r. r,. tunate in obtaining the famous 6 First Publication August 31, 1916. j thence East on claim line 20 chs., thence | reel feature film, The Hoosier Last Publication October 12, 1916. ; South 10 chains, thence West 20 chs., | E. W. Bartlett, j to claim line, thence North on claim , Schoolmaster, to be shown Thurs­ Attorney for Plaintiff. line to the place o f beginning, contain-1 day evening, October 5th. i ing 20 acres, and that said real estate This clever photo-play is a film­ i be sold under execution, or so much Notice ed dramatization o f Eggleston’ s , .... , . ' thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy Bids will be received by the City o f the judgment, interest, attorneys fees, popular novel o f a decade ago. Estacada, for Street improvement costs and disbursements, and accruing i Bonds, up to and including^ Monday, costs and disbursements, and as provid- New Restaurant Opened October 16, 1916 at 5 o ’ clock P. M, ed by law for the sale o f real estate I Issue in sum o f $1650, divided into 10 under execution, and for a decree that Mrs. E. A . Adam s, who for the , e n bonds o f $165 each, interest 6 per cent the interest o f each o f the defendants past year has successfully con-1 pavabIe .¿mi-annually. and all persons claiming under then sub­ ducted th e Log: Cabin restaurant Bonds hear interest from Aug. 1. 1916. sequent to said mortgage be foreclosed in Estacada, is this week moving Bids will be received for the entire o f all right or claim o f interest, except the equity o f redemption, and for such into a new location in the build- , 1 B??,?r..any Part thereof- other or further relief as may se e m ; lng formerly occupied b y trie tifi*.*d (*>ieck for 10 per cent o f amount equitable to the Court in the premises. Home Restaurant and later by S . bid. payable to City o f Estacada. This Summons is published upon order City Council reserves the right tq re­ I of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge o f the E. Wooster, the latter moving his ject any and all bids. ; Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon, real estate business to the old post- Bids will be opened at 8 P. M. Mon­ for Clackamas County, duly made and office location. day. Oct. 16, 1916. i entered August 7, 1916. In these larger quarters. Mrs. Address all bids in sealed envelope, Claude W. Devore, marked Bid on Bonds to Adams will be able to handle the Attorney for Plaintiff. Claude W. Devore, First publication August 31, 1916 growing trade, besides furnish­ City Recorder, Estacada, Or. Last publicat on October 12, 1916. ing rooms f o r transients and ¡ ,)ate t0 regular hoarders. Rev Spiess Attending Conference Rev. Henry Spiess o f the E s t a -1 cada M. E. Church is this week attending the annual M. E. Con­ ference. being held at Lebanon. Regular morning and evening services will be held at the Esta­ cada church next Sunday, Octo­ ber 1st. to which all are cordially invited. Daily Delivery Service M I L K C& C R E A M Milk and Cream delivered at your door, each morning between 5 and 6 o ’clock. Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for, grain and ensilage fed Jersey cows Phone your wants the night before and we will make delivery early the next morning. Whethe r you are a regular cuatomer or not, feel free to call upon us, whqp in need o f extra milk or cream. Phone - C. R. Lovell - Currinsville S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence The doctor's phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Under the direction of Mr. The new models o f the Ford car j David Horner, the F. Madden seem to be as popular as their pre­ home in Springwater is being decessors, according to the Esta­ altered and renovated. cada Garage, which recently sold a touring car to Bert Chapman Ed Boner of Estacada was one and made delivery o f a runabout of the few fortunate local people to Dr. Morse, both o f Estacada. who were able to attend the Pen- j dleton Roundup last week, hav-1 The many friends o f Mrs. J. A . j ing enjoyed the sport and vied Inglish of Garfield are pleased to _ . _ i with the professional photograph-1 learn that she is able to be about ers in snap-shotting the contest-1 again, following her illness o f a ants. | week or so ago. Estacada. and + FOR S A L E C H E A P One work horse, weight 1000 lbs. “ Mann” bone cutter, two cross­ Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner Mrs. J. A . Kiggins of Spring- cut saws. Mrs. Blanche Frazier. Estacada. and son Earl o f Estacada, left water left last week for a visit Sunday for a few weeks vacation, at Rosalia, Washington. RH ODE ISL A N D RED COCK- hunting and fishing trip, on the coast, near Walpole, Or. erals For Sale. S. J. Howe, PROFESSIONAL CARDS + j Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between l«t ami 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Claude W. Devore Attorney *af* Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. Stone & Moulton A tto rn e ys - at - L.iw Phones* Pacific 405. 4-5-ti Stevens Bldg. J O H The N Home A 270. Oregon City, Or. BRO W N Insurance Man Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n O f McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class OLD LI NK Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 518 - Gresham Team Work, Hauling and Packing W o o d delivered, any amount or length. T IE SH E D 10c per - R ig. W. M. Yonce F I RE I N S U R A N C E S. E. Wooster - Estacada, Or. REVKKSENTINC Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co. a ls o OK I LINT INSURANCE CO. o f Hartford H ow ’8 This? W e o ffe r One H u n d red D o lla rs R e ­ w a rd t o r a n y cade o t C ata rrh that c a n ­ n o t b e cu re d b y H u ll's C ata rrh Cure. H a ll a C ata rrh C u re has been ta k e n b y ca ta r rh s u ffe re rs f o r the p a st t h ir t y -flv e y e a rs, an d ha s becom e k n o w n as th e m - s t re lia b le r ■ , .*y f o r C atarrh . H a ll's c a t a r r h Cure acta thru th e B lo o d on th e M u co u s su rfa ce s, e x ­ p e llin g the P o iso n iro n ) the B lood and h e a lin g th e d isea sed p ortion s. A fte r yo u have ta k e n H a ll’s C ata rrh C ure f o r a s h o rt tim e y o u w ill see a rea t im p ro v e m e n t in y o u r g e n e ra l ealth . Start t a k in g H a ll’s C a ta rrh C ure a t o n ce an d g e t rid o f ca ta rrh . Bend f o r te stim on ia ls, free. F . J. C H E N E Y A- CO.. T oled o. Ohio. B old b y a ll DruL£»t*tu, f