Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 28, 1916, Image 7

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Estacada Stages Round-Up
t he g o o d o j p q . j c s s a m a n
stork J
I f Herb Huxley and his high
jumping Black Pole steer had
pulled off the stunt at the Pendle­
ton Round-up, that they staged
on Estacada's streets last Mon­
day, it would have been a draw­
ing card, even in that city of
thrilling buckaroos.
Herb, Ray and Curt Wilcox
Monday morning brought to the
Estacada stock yards about twen­
ty head o f cattle, for shipment to
Portland. These animals were
not o f the front yard, dairy pet
variety, but real old ripsnorting
range cattle, having been raised
ERE and there you run across a store keeper who’s
among the tall timber and down
got the idea that ail the common sense in town is
logs in the mountains beyond
on his side of the counter. H e don’t keep W -B G U T
Chewing nor any o f the new and better things. Some­
The morning parade was a tame i
how he can’t increase his trade. Nearby is a man who
affair, with the herd peacefully
believes in the people. H e keeps all the good things—
meandering d o w n t h e city’s
he’s a success. H e finds men changing over to W -B C U T
streets to the yards, hut when the
right r.long. Common sense told him they would change
gate was once closed, the fire­
to the rich Utile chew that lasts and satisfies.
works began, with one big 1400
ly WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. SO Union Squ»re, Ntw York Gty
lt> black steer, acting like an em­
bonpoint society dame, by refus­
ing to get onto the scales.
The animal, which during its
mountain roamings had emulated
the deer in jumping logs and the
Cash Paid For Eggs
nimble chamois in scaling th e,
crags, made one tall jump com-:
Fred Jon», Proprietor
pletely clearing the six foot fence
Ytk— -
and starting for up town, whh
Phone Main 83.
three of as good horsemen as
there are in this country, trailing
Fstarada, Oregon
TKe St*mdmr4 VimkU W r it,,
The animal was corraled near
Harkenriders, when it started for
down town, with Huxley and his
horse leading at the end of a rope,
and far exceeding the speed ordi­
nances. With a crowd of school
I boys and men trailing behind, the
maddened animal nearly u^set a
Stock of new Ammunition now ready
1 buggy on Second St., ran into a Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here!
Fishing Tackle—Hunting and Fishing Licenses i wood-rack near the r a i l w a y
j tracks, arriving at the yards with
If is just out, and comes years before experts expect­
A Few Bargains in Fly Rods
a gashed flank but plenty of fight
ed it. For makers have striven a life-time to attain
I left.
, i
this ideal machine.' And Oliver has wen again, as v/e
E. H. S. Echoes
scored when we gave the world its first visible wrung.
#2. a day.
#10. a week
There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver ‘O'.
Invites Your Patronage
A New Model Typewriter!
Pheasant Season Opens October I
Deer Season Is On
Ed Boner’s
H otel Estacada
M' h I cmi Cor,veniences
Ore of the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
never had the Optional Duplex Shift.
Thus writers o f all other machines
can immediately run the Oliver Num­
ber ‘9’ with more speed and greater
features tire costly we have equal­
ized the added expense to.us by sim­
plifying construction.
Resolve right now to see this great
achievement before you spend a dol­
lar for any typewriter. I f you tire
using some other make you will want
to see how much more this one does.
I f you are using an Oliver, it nat­
urally follows that you want the
finest m oriel.
The first foot-ball game of the
season was played last Friday
afternoon by the Adelphic and I r j
A *,
^ m em b er this brand-new Oliver ‘9’ is the
Websterian society teams. Ow­ •*- / C C l l L o c l \A cX y , g r(iate8t value ever given in a typewriter.
ing to there being more inex­
It has all our previous special inventions visible writing, automatic
spacer, 6 1-2 ounce touch plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective
perienced t h a n
Color Attachment and all these other new-day features.
players the game was much slow­
Y e t we have decided to »<-11 it to everyone everywhere on our fa­
er than the usual society games.
mous payment plan 17 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford
The Wc-bsterians won bv the
to have the world’s crack visible writer, with the famous P K IN T Y I’ E,
score of 13 to U.
that writes like print, included FREE if desired.
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
714.715.MS Chamber a♦ Commerce Bids.
The annual m eelingforlheelec-
tion of o.licers of the M. F. Ladies
Aid Society will he held Oct. 4th,
at the home o f Miss Maud Stur­
geon in Esiacada.
It puts the whole control o f 84
letters and characters in the little
fingers of the right and le ft hands.
And it lets you write them all with
only 28 keys, the least to operate of
any standard typewriter made.
Freshman Class
delightfully entertained l a s t
week at a wiener-roast given by
the members o f the Invincible
and Crusader classes of the
M. E. Sunday School.
Abstracts examined. Corporation Law.
Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and
Accounts. Estates probated. Collec­
tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General
practice in all courts. Correspondence
solicited. Prompt attention. Bank
references. Fourteenth year.
A. G Ames o f Estacada is now
building a concrete walled trout
pond on his premises, which when
completed will he an attraction,
especially for the youngsters, as
the pool "will he ideal for a swim-
ing hole.
The first meeting this year of Think of touch so light that the tread o f a kitten will run the key !
the Parent-Teacher Association
was held last Thursday evening.
It was a social meeting with a
This brilliant new Oliver comes at
The new-day advances that come
short program consisting o f a
the old-time price. It costs no more
along on this machine are all con­
vocal solo by Miss Helen Bartlett,
than lesser makes now out-of-date
trolled by Oliver.
Even our previ­
and brief talks on co-operation
when compared with this discovery.
ous models — famous in their day
by Mrs. Devore and Mr. Guthrie.
For while the Oliver’s splendid new
Quite a number o f students T O D A Y — Write for full details and he among the first to know
about this marvel of writing machines.
See why typists, employers,
have returned this week to again
and individuals everywhere are flocking to the Oliver. Just mail a post
take up studies in E. H. S.
al at once.
It ’ s a pleasure for us to tell you about it.
You can rent an Oliver typewriter
Carl Meilike and wife of Elwood
have moved from his molher’s,
home, in search o f work.
No obligation.
three months for #1.
T H E O L IV E R T Y P E W R I T E R C O M P A N Y ,
lf93 Oliver Typewriter Bldg.,
Chicago, III.