Winter Underwear Merchants Outfit Football Team Continued from page 1 men contributed than the dozen contemplated, so nearer $50. was I raised. The famous Glastonbury line fo r men. ♦ *j I f this was a yearly occurence, + Full line o f Ladies and Childrens Underwear * j little attention would have been + ' paid to it, but it is a safe asser­ It will pay you to see us before buying. tion that the business men o f Es­ tacada contribute over $15. per N e w Radiator, Stream-line H ood y e a r e a c h towards Estacada + school activities, in some form or and Crown Fenders + another. During the course o f a Come in and see our year, these same wealthy (?) merchants are called upon to buy Rcb l ade P o c k e t Knives tickets to all kinds, sorts and con­ Blades easily changed ditions o f student body plays, entertainments, c a r n i v a l s and the P R I C E of the teas, besides contributing furth­ + + + + + er with advertisements, on pro­ grams, menus, bulletins, catalogs and similar announcements. Broadway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon To the above $15. or more, con­ tributed to school activities, may be added not less than double that amount given w illingly to was reduced $80 on the popular church, club and other worthy enterprises, both in Estacada and 5 passenger Touring Car in communities adjacent. With the exception o f this con­ | and $46 on the Runabout or Roadster. tribution towards an object whicn Making the Prices F. O. B. Estacada should be financed by the school treasury, few merchants object 5 Passenger Touring Car $415.70 to doing their share towards aid­ ing all causes from charity to Roadster or Runabout $397.25 sure-bets. Is it any more than fa ir that Get Yours Now as the Supply is Limited these business men and mer­ chants should expect to receive the patronage o f the people re­ siding in this territory? Is it any Expert Mechanical Force Always On Hand more fair that they should expect to receive the patronage o f every student in the Estacada schools, The Eyes o f the World The Harvester the parents o f the pupils and every family identified with the Winning o f Barbara Worth Freckles A ll fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights, Demountable Rims. schools? Girl o f the Lirnberlost The Clansman How many dollars has Mont­ Peg o f My Heart Laddie gomery Ward, Sears Roebuck or W e do expert mechanical repairing on A N Y machine made. ant one o f the Portland mail-order houses contributed towards local are only a few Titles of the C A S C A needs? Not one darn cent. S. P. Pesznecker Estacada, Oregon New Books Just Received at There probably is not a man or woman in this country who does not believe in fa ir play and all that the News asks is that prop­ er credit be given to the business men o f Estacada, who eacn year T /ie *tt& X oJlL Store are bearing this added burden W e have a complete line o f O liver 40’s, H .O .’s, 50’s and High alone. l.ilt Sulkey Flows, the kind your neighbors are using, and all The next time you get ready to kinds o f repairs fo r the above Plows. O RD E R Y O U R send a little hard earned money away from home for your sup­ plies, stop and think this over and at least give the home mer­ chant a chance to quote you prices, International Tailored How About That New Heater as there are many reasons why your money should stay in home Lunches * Confectionery or Range for this Winter circulation. New 1917 Model FORD Now On Display School Supplies (^August 1st Park & Gosner Best Boys In Automobiles Saxon Roadster $450. Chevrolet Touring Car $ 6 30. Dodge Touring Car $ 880 . Saxon Six $915. D E The Estacada Garage GARAGE The Estacada Pharmacy Are You Ready To Put In Your Fall Crops Summer Suit Plows, Harrows, Discs, Seeders and Grain Drills We have 20 N ew Models to select from ranging in price from $1.50 up. Come in and select yours while thereisa go*id assortment B E R T H. F IN C H Hardware Harness Implements Estacada. Oregon Is Your Watch on the B e c k w ith The Jeweler Can Repair It E S T A C A D A , OREGON 3rd Annual Fair Opens Wednesday Continued from page 1 day will comprise one represent­ ing the Republican party and one I from the Democratic party. The 1 names o f these speakers have not iieen announced yet, but the Re- i publicans promise to be represent- j ed by either Hon. A. E. Clark, Congressman Hawley or Senator j Huston o f Portland, while the Democratic speaker will be Mark V. W eatherfo. d o f Albany. In the absence o f State Supt. of Public Instruction, J. A. Church­ ill, the principal speaker will be L. R. Alderman, Supt. o f the Port­ land schools and also County Supt. J. E. Calavan o f Oregon City. On Friday morning, the excite­ ment should reach a climax, when the judges make the awards in the prize baby contest, the ju dg­ ing beginning promptly at 10. A full list o f the amusements and attractions has not been an- Continued on page 5 Drinks - Tobaccos - Fruits A T R. G. Marchbank’s Store Movie Announcement Thursday’ s Show One on Charlie Comedy Won by Cooking M>stery o f Three Faces 3 reels Admission 5c and 10c. Saturday's S u o w v Red Circle 7 th Episode Pat he New-. Tinkering with Trouble Ford Weekly Admission 5c and 10c. Special Thursday October 5th The Hoosier Schoolmaster 6 reels Family Theatre Estacada, Oregon.