Over ^a'f Million Trout Liberated W estern F ruit Dillon On The Border T,)"' of fNe. ws 'f letter ^ is from (vveek,'n **' Throe urn the efforts „ of , the Es- , ceipt a toiler W. W. tacadit r?,„ & _ (iun t lii>> a n d ; Dillon of Garfield, now stationeil Warden Patton and with the vol- at Douglass, Arizona, where he unt.ee- id of many local men and is assisting in the work of the farmers, so far this year there! Army i S e Navy Department, of the has been liberated from the Ea- Jf™"« Men'3 Christian Associa­ t e ( reel, feeding bonds and the The letter is an interesting one. River Mill Hatchery, over one- describing the daily routine of the half million trout fry. 'soldiers and the good work being 175' <;o frv were liberated from carried on along the border by the River Mill and 400,000 Ea-' Y- C' and A help >n furnishing amuse- , reek, , among , • latter , from a being . ments the soldiers. gle( the Mr. Dillon’s to portrayal of the about 200.000 eastern brook trout. | camp life and the attitude of the At merely the expenseof hiring j enlisted men, shows a different a driver to attend to the horses, ' phase of the subject and in some manv thousands more . trout , can respects contrary to the published in , be distributed , reports in the newspapers, in le various lakes whi<-h the majority of soldiers are in the mountains nearby, as the depicted as being perfectly con- railway company, through their tented. representative Frank Ewing, has . The V. M. C. A. work, consist- offered '"trot libraries established furnish- , . the , use . of their pack ing and camps, correspondence horses in t.,e work. facilities, lectures, moving pic- Again this year an effort is be- tures and similar recreation, is a ing made to interest the Multno- welcome one to the enlisted men. mah Anglers' Club in the work, Holds especially for financial aid, as the M. E. Church Annual Meeting perpetuation of good angling in this .. country to „ fourth ,. Att “n adJJ,u™«1 stessl0n held ‘ is of vital thousands .. interest , of Portland . sportsmen, al lhe quarterly Estacada conference, M. E. Church, whom each year fish the nearby Monday eve; ing, September 25th streams; in fact a hundred Port- the business of the year was ail land fishermen enjoy the sport, settled and the pastor paid in where one local man goes fishing. full.The session was one of harmony and enthusiasm and with a good A farewell party was tendered attendance, augurs well for the in honor of Mrs. C. F. Frazier of coming year’s work. Estacada on Wednesday after- A standing vote of thanks was noon by j her fellow members of tendered members, friends, Ladies Aid the Society and business the L. 1. (. men for their splendid supi>ort. Deli; ered at the Store. Special Casti Sale Saturday, Sept. 36th. Without, Cash Tickets. EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. "Your Satisfaction Is Our Success’’ m M. Do You Practice tconomy In Clothes Buying 'T'he first consideration is tne Cloth, which should be Wool. Qecondly, it should contain Reliable Fast Dyes. 'J'hird, it should Hold its Shape and to do this, ir must be made to Fit Your Figure. fo u rth , the Style should conform to your Build. p ifth , the Price should be bi'ssd on Valve Received. I stand ready to fill these conditions with Brownsville Tailored Clothes $18.50 up Suit or Overcoat D . S. Flem ing Agent Brownsville Woolen Mills “ Mill T«> Man Clothiers” Estacada, - Oregon. J. Kerkes B U Y E R FOR I H E Montavilla Livestock Company WILL SHIP FROM EA<1 LE C R E E K OF LIVESTOCK ALL DESCRIPTIONS If you have any for ■'ale, phone Henry Githena, Currinsville. C. C. M i l l e r Plumbing Metal Repairing Tinning Electric Wit ing and Supplies General Repair Work Of AM Kinds Gas and Steam Engine Repairs and Fittings t Specially All Work Guaranteed Give Me A Trial Steinman Chases The Pup Elwood Rents Contri blued Several of Estacada’s speed Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson and demons are nov- drawing favor­ children of Enterprise, formerly able comparisons between their ! of this place, are in this vicinity behavior in driving down the straight and narrow road at 40 for an indefinite stay. miles per and the more sedate George and Barney Granatski. dog-trot speed u^ed by John who have ’ "-en working in the log- Steinman of Currinsville. while i ging camps, have returned home. pursuing a pup off the straight Miss Eu a Park was a Sunday anil narrow highway . The story goes that J. P. Stein- guest of her aunt. Miss Anne mun, accompanied by Mrs. Stein­ Cadanau of Fort land. man in the Ford car. attempted A crowd of young folks met at to play tag with Cleve Heiple’s the borne of J' e Douglass Satur night and spent a very pleas­ dog and during the excitement, day the dog forgot the rules and ran ant evening. into a ditch, with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson of Oregon J. P. and machine following. No City Myrtle visited a few days at the home one was hurt, although the dog of her grandparents. and Mrs. was taggpd and the machine W. P. Henderson and Mr. aunt. Mrs. needed n few repairs 1). Vallen.