Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 28, 1916, Image 1

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D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern
V olume 10,
N umber 2
E stacada , O regon ,
Clackamas County
T hursday , S eptember 28, 1916
$1. P er Y ear
E a s t C l a c k a m a s County Fair
Franklin T. Griffith
Speaker Of The Day
9 i
The third annual East Clacka­ i
mas County Fair will open its
gates next Wednesday, for a three
day session, including Oct. 4th,
5th and 6th, The fair will be held
in the P,ay-Shed of the Estacada
schools, with the amusement and
sports features taking place on the
athletic field adjoining.
The fair is divided into three
days, namely Community Day
on Wednesday; Political Day on
Thursday and Juvenile Day on
The directors are fortunate in
having obtained Franklin T. Grif­
fith, President o f the Portland
Railway Light& Pow er Company
as speaker for the opening day.
The fair will be open each day,
from 9 A. M. until 5:30. as owing
to lack o f lighting facilities, no
evening sessions can be held. The
official programs of each day will
begin p r o m p t ly at 1 :?0 P. M. with
a musical program conducted un­
der the auspices nf the Civic Im-
p-ov >me*it Club, followed by the
sperial speakers.
The special features this year
wi'l be the corn exhihjts and the
individual farm competition, with
libera' cash awards in the gener­
al a n d juvenild departments.
Cash prizes will also be awarded
for the prize winning hogs and al­
so given to the boys or girls under
15 vears, who are the best judges
o f hoes. Those intending to ent­
er in the hog judging contest,
must notify the secretary prior to
the fair opening.
The usual interest will betaken
in the dairy cow test, covering
2 '<? da vs. the cow producing the
most butter fat to be awarded a
ribbon and cash prize.
A l l exhibits, excepting live-
stock, must be entered with the
secretary Walter Givens or his as­
sistant. Mrs. A. W. Botkin, be­ I
fore 6 P. M. on Tuesday evening.
All day Tuesday. October 3rd. the
secretary and assistant will be at
the exhibit hall, listing and clas­
sifying all entries.
In the case o f livestock, same
shall be entered and in place not
later than 5 P. M., Oct., 3rd as the
State Veterinarian insists that a
later entry will be contrary to the
state laws, as all animals are giv­
en free veterinary inspection and
In the community exhibit, much
interest is being manifested, with
Schmidt • Genserowski Wedding
With Rev. C. F. Aueofficiating
last Sunday evening, a quiet home
wedding was solemnized at the
A. D. Schmidt home in Spring-
water. when Miss Lavina Maud
Schmidt became the bride o f Er­
nest Genserowski o f Springwater.
About a score o f relatives and
friends attended the ceremony
and later enjoyed a sumptuous
wedding supper, following which
the newlyweds left for a wedding
trip, expecting to return about
October7th, when they will make
their home at St. Johns.
George Fair Monday
The George Community Fair on
Monday, October 2nd, promises
to be better than ever this year.
The exhibits will, as usual, be
good and this applies especially
to hogs, as there has been a very
gratifing improvement along this
line in the past year due quite
largely to the impetus given the
pure bred industry by the dona­
tion last year o f the prize Poland
China boar bv the P. R. L. & P.
Good speakers have been se­
cured for the afternoon, among
them members o f the faculty of
the Oregon Agricultural College
and Judge Dirnick o f Oregon
City. The Garfield band is e x ­
pected to be present.
Those who do not bring lunch­
es may secure them at the club
refreshment stand. All are in­
vited to come early and stay to
the dance in the evening.
Supervisors Asked To Order
District Signs
Another Argument
For Trading At Home
For a year or two past, the
News has advocated the enforce­
ment o f the law, regulating the
placing o f proper guide boards
and road signs at all road inter­
sections in the county.
Whether the News’ advocacy
has had anything to do with the
present action or not, is of no im­
portance, suffice to sia'e that the
following communication from
Judge Anderson was last week
mailed to all road supervisors:-
The Estacada Schools have this
year introduced a course in man­
ual training, which is a wise
move from all standpoints and
along accepted educational lines.
In order to inaugurate t h i s
course,.the school appropriated
several hundred dollars, w i t h
which to purchase tools, benches
and other necessary equipment.
Such an expenditure was right
and proper.
T h e manual training course
acts as another drawing card and
attraction for boys and girls to
continue high school education.
But probably the greatest attrac­
tion for both boys and girls and
one which today is directly res­
ponsible for keeping many boys
interested in high schflbl work,
is athletics in all forms, from
baseball to basketball and foot­
Of all lines o f athletics, un­
doubtedly football, while partici­
pated in by but a limited number
o f students, furnishes as much
enjoyment and does more tostim-
ulate the proper school spirit,
than all other lines combined.
As a lawyer would say ‘ ‘grant­
ing the above premises to be cor­
rect” then why should not the
expense o f conducting said ath­
letics be borne by the school, the
same as other departments are
The Estacada school district is
one o f the wealthiest in the coun­
ty and ranks well with any in
the state. Is necessary, w h y
should not an extra school tax o f
/i mill be each year voted to de­
fray athletic expenses?
Last week, a petition was cir­
culated by members of the high
school among the business men
o f Estacada, asking each business
man to contribute $2.50 towards
the purchase price o f 12 foot-ball
suits for the high school team.
As usual, and by usual, once
per week or once per month is
meant, the petition received plen­
ty o f signatures, in fact it was
j originally intended that $30. be
i raised, but many more business
Concluded on page 4
Oregon City, Or., Sept. 22, 1916.
Supervisor Road Dist. No.........
Dear Sir:
It is the purpose o f the county court
to put guide boards at points where
roads intersect, as a convenience to the
traveling public, and in accordance with
the state law.
These signs should indicate the di­
rections to be taken to reach towns or
cities, and the distance in miles to them.
You are asked to indicate on the
blank sheet hereby enclosed, the proper
name and distance, with the arrow
pointing forward or backward as the
case may require, thus
Oregon City 6 Miles JMP“
J V f Damascus 4 miles
Wagner-Armstrong Wedding
In the presence o f the immed­
iate family and at the family
home in Estacada. last Sunday
morning, Miss Abbey Wagner,
daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Wagner, became the wife of
George Armstrong o f Lower
Garfield, the ceremony being
performed by Mr. Walter Givens
o f Estacada.
Following the wedding dinner
at noon, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong
left for the home ranch, where
they will make their future
The good wishes of their
hosts o f friends are extended to
the happy couple.
keen competition in sight for the
$25. cash prize.
Thursday will be Political Day
and as an innovation, all county
and state candidates have been in­
vited to be present, each one to be
introduced to the public from the
platform. The speakers for that
Concluded on page 4
Select according to your best judge­
ment whore such si^ns are needed, and
use a generate line on the sheet for each
one, and the signs will he painted and
sent to you for you to put up.
proper signs are already up, no new
ones are necessary. Also, where warn­
ings are needed on main roads where
there is much automobile traffic and
sharp curves or narrow roads ahead, in­
dicate by such warning signs as “ Go
slow ” , “ Signal with horn'’ .
I f any
such warnings are needed, indicate on
the sheet the number you need.
Accidents on roads are frequent, and
the county is threatened with damage
suits on account o f them, so that all
reasonable precautions should be taken
top reven t them.
These signs should be placed where
they will attract attention.
Make out these sheets as soon as you
can conveniently, and send them to me.
I f it is the intention to vote on the
question o f a special road tax this fall,
get notices posted in ample time for
H. S. Anderson.
It is hoped that every super­
visor will take advantage of this
opportunity to properly equip his
district with standard sign boards
and as the expense is borne by
the county, there should be no
reason for overlooking any road
A liberal supply o f road warn­
ing signs should be ordered also,
as many dangerous curves occur
in this district and these signs
will jpeatly aid in the proper
handling of the automobile traffic.
Attention is also called to the
last paragraph, relative to tne
advertising o f special road tax
| meetings for this fall, and while
it only suggests that notices lie
j posted, it might be added that
the proper additional publicity
for such meetings is to advertise
same in your home newspaper.