Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 14, 1916, Image 8

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    ♦ + + ♦ ♦
Want and For Sale Column
') cents
per line. Cash in advance +
1912 Harley - Dav- *
idson motorcycle or will trade for i *
hay or wood.
H. N. Wallace Estacada, Or.
FOR SALE — Italian Prune
Trees Extra Fine. Order early
for best stock. 0 . W. Faling,
Route 1, Estacada, Or.
+ + ♦ + ♦ * + + ♦ + + + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ *
+ + *
Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
H enry V. Adix,
P h y s ic ia n
Licensed Embalmer
Store or Residence
Hearse and Morgue
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ + + + + + + + + + + -»
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doctor’s phone can be connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
D entist
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
In the name o f State o f Oregon, you
mas, ss.
One extra Goodrich
By virtue o f a judgment order, decree are hereby required to appear and an­
¡14x4 Tire and Rim.
Finder no­ and an execution, duly issued out o f and swer the complaint filed against you in
tify News office and receive lib- ; under the seal o f the above entitled the above entitled suit on or before six
court, in the above entitled cause, to
eral reward.
me duly directed and dated the 7th day weeks from date o f the first publication
o f August 1916, upon a judgment ren­ o f this summons, which first publication
To W hom I t M ay C oncern
and entered in said court on the is on August 31, 1916; and if you fail to
I hereby notify the owners o f all
7th day of August 1916, in favor o f H. answer for want thereof the plaintiff!
dogs found on my premises, that
B. Davis and Olive K. Davis, Plaintiffs,
said dogs will be killed, as to date and against Henry Warnick and Nina will apply to the court for the relief j
1 have suffered a big loss in kill­ S. Sichel, Defendants, for the sum o f prayed for in his coinplaint xto-w it:
ed chickens and other depreda­ $900.00, with interest thereon at the Judgment for the sum o f $918.00 ar.d '
rate o f 8 per cent per annum from the interest at eight per cent, per annum j
tions from stray dogs. Signed
17th day o f September 1914, and the since April 15, 1916, for $90.00 attorn- j
Mrs. R. McClintock, Estacada.
further sum o f $63.00 with interest
eys fees, together with the costs and j
thereon from the 19th day o f November
disbursements, w h i c h indebtedness |
30 Tons o f
1915, and the further sum o f $29.55
arises out o f a certain promissory note, j
Evergreen Blackberries
taxes paid by plaintiffs with interest at
made executed and delivered to plain­
8 per cent from August 5th 19 6, and
Needed At Once
tiff by Evin W. Petty and Abbie Petty,
Crates furnished. We pay 2,'A $75.00, as attorney's fee, and the fur- and for a decree foreclosing the certain
cents per pound for the berries
real estate mortgage executed and de­
ments, and the costs o f snd upon this
delivered at the
livered by said Evin W Petty and A b- j
R. C. Deming Packing Co. j writ, commanding me to make sale o f bie Petty to the plaintiff to secure I
' the following described real property,
Estacada, Oregon
the payment o f said note, which real j
| situate in the county o f Clackamas,
estate is described as follows, to-wit:
state o f Oregon, to-w it:
Beginning at the N. W. corner o f
Lot numbered Four (4) o f Block
the George W. Palmateer and Nancy
!n the Circu't Court o f the State of numbered Seven (7) in the original
Palmateer, his wife, D. L. C. in Sec. 22,
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Plat o f the Town o f Estacada as shown j
T. 3 S. R. 4 E. o f the W. M., running
L.ela Normoyle, Plaintiff,
and designated upon the plat thereof
thence East on claim Iine20chs., thence
duly filed and o f record in the Recorder's
South 10 chains, thence W e s t2 0 ch s .,J
Cleorge Normoyle, Defendant.
office o f Clackamas County, Oregon.
to claim line, thence North on claim j
To George Normoyle, Defendant.
NOW, TH EREFO RE, by virtue of
line to the place o f beginning, con tain -'
In the name o f the State o f Oregon, said execution, judgment order and de­ ing 20 acres, and that said real estate :
you are hereby required to appear and
be sold under execution, or so much
answer the complaint tiled against you mands o f said writ, 1 will, on Satur­ thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy j
in the above entitled suit within the day, the 16th day o f September 1916; the judgment, interest, attorneys fees, j
time prescribed by the order for the at the hour o f 10 o ’ clock A. M., at the costs and disbursements, and accruing
publication o f this summons to-w it: on front door o f the County Court House costs and disbursements, and as provid-!
or before the expiration o f six (6) weeks in the City o f Oregon City, in said
from the date o f the first publication of County and State, sell at public auc­ ed by law for the sale o f real estate j
under execution, and for a decree th a t;
this summons which first publication is
made on the 31st day o f August 1916; tion, subject to redemption to the the interest o f each o f the defendants1
and if you fad to answer, for want
and all persons claiming under then sub- ;
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the j cash in hand, all the right, title and
sequent to said mortgage be foreclosed I
in the interest which the
Court for the relief
---- demanded
within named
complaint herein to-w it: that the bonds . . . .
, ..
, , o f all right or claim e f interest, except j
o f matrimony existing between plaintiff defendants or either o f them, h:ui the equity o f redemption, and for such j
and defendant be set aside and the msr : on the date o f the mortgage herein
other or further relief as may seem j
riage contract be dissolved and that the or since had in or to the above describ-
plaintiff have such other and further re- e(j
j property or anv part thereof, equitable to the Court in the premises. |
This Summons is published upon order
iief as to the Court may appear just and
equitable in the premises and costs and to satisfy said execution, judgment o f Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge o f the
disbursements herein.
Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon,
This Summons is published by order accruing costs.
for Clackamas County, duly made and
o f Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge o f the
entered August 7, 1916.
Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon
Claude W. Devore,
for Clackamas County, made and enter­ Sheriff o f Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. Hackett. Deputy.
ed August 29, 1916, at Oregon City, Ore.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First Publication August 31. 1916.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., August 17,1916 First publication August 31, 1916.
Last Publication October 12, 1916.
Last publication October 12, 1916.
E. W. Bartlett,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Herbert Scnpham o f the P. R.
L. & P. C o.’ s Upper Dam crew,
was forced to go to the Good
Samaritan Hospital in Portland
about ten days ago, where he
was operated upon for an affec­
tion o f the inner ear. At his
present r a t e o f recovery, he
should be about again by the lat­
ter part o f this week.
Dr. L A. Wells
M. D.
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
5 cows (fresh
Sheriffs Sale
soon), 2 yearling heifer calves.
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f
Oats and Hay.
J. F. Wiles, on
Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas.
Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas. |
.lohn Ficken place in Viola.
H. B. Davis an*! Olive K. Davis,
W. H. Mat toon, Plaintiff,
R. 3, Estacada, Or.
FOR SALE One good work
Evin W. Petty, Abbie Petty and Ada |
Henry Warnick and Nina S. Sichel,
horse, 12501*'.
Price $25.
Alexander, Defendants.
See Pesznecker, Estacada.
To Abbie Petty, Defendant.
State o f Oregon, County o f Clacka­
Milk and Cream delivered at your door,
each morning between 5 and 6 o ’clock.
Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well cared for,
grain and ensiiage fed Jersey cows
Phone your wants the night before and we will make
Whether you are a regular customer or not, feel free to call upon os,
when in need o f extra milk or cream.
C. R. l.ovell
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. Iietween
and 2nd
Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
A tto r n e y at L a w *i-d N o ta ry P u b lic
Stone 4 Moulton
A tt o r n e y » - a t - L a w
Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Stevens Bldg.
Home A
Oregon City, Or.
The Insurance Man
Oregon Fire Relief Ass’n
O f McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Wort, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c p er
W. M. Yonce
S. E. W ooster
E>tacada, Or.
Liverpool 4 London 4 Globe Insurance Co.
a lso
in s u r a n c e
o o . o f H a rtfo rd
How’s T h is?
W e o ffe r O ne H u n d re d D o lla r s R e ­
w a r d f o r a u y cn x e o f C a t a r r h t h a t c a n ­
n o t b e c u r e d b y H a j I * C a t a r r h C u re .
H a lt 's C a t a r r h C e r e b u s b ee n t a k e n
b y c a t a r r h s u f f e r e r s fo r th e p a s t
t h i r t y - f i v e y e a rs» a n d
n ss
b eco m e
k n o w n a s th e m o s t r e lia b le r e m e d y f o r
C a t a r r h . H a ll ’s C a t a r r h C u r e a c t s t h r u
th e B lo o d o n th e M u co u s s u r fa c e s , e x ­
p e llin g th e P o is o n fr o m th e B lo o d a n d
h e a lin g th e d is e a s e d p o rtio n s .
A f t e r y o u h a v e t a k e n H a ll’ s C a t a r r h
C u r e f o r a s h o r t t i m : y o u w ill s e e a
r r e a t Im p r o v e m e n t in y o u r g e n e r a l
h e a lth .
S t a r t t a k i n g H a ll's C a t a r r h
C u r e a t o n c e a n d g e t r id o f c a t a r r h .
S e n d f o r te s t im o n ia ls , fre e .
F . J . C H E N E Y & C O . T oled o . O hio.
•o ld by a ll D r u ^ m is . iic .