Heard On The Rural Phone I ‘ Hello Ruth, this is Helen” , I just came back from Estacada and I left your order at Givens store and he will quote you prices by mail, as he was so busy this morning in a board meeting o f the East Clackamas County Fair that I couldn’ t get to talk to him” . “ Well say Helen, what do you think about that baby show that they are to have during the fair” . " I think its fine but you dont need to think that you will get the prize because my baby is bet­ ter looking than yours and you know it” . “ I dont know any such a thing and I am perfectly willing to leave it to the judges” . “ By the way, lets all plan to go down to Canby on the 20th, to East Clackamas County Day, they say they are going to have a great time on that day” . “ Are you folks going to exhibit at the East Clackamas Fair” ? • “ Well I should say we are. I went down to Givens store some time ago and bought my fruit jars and I am going to try for first prize under that canning contest thats listed on page 23 o f the Fair Bulletin No. 202. Just think the first prize is $12.00 and then Givens refunds the price o f the Fruit Jars providing they were bought o f him, and there is no use o f buying them any other place for you cant beat his price. If you havent one o f the fair bulletins it will pay you to get one for they are free for the asking” . “ I’ ve got pretty nearly Thirty Dollars worth o f those 2 % discount tickets that Givens gives with cash purchases, and by the time I get my winters supply o f Groceries and Flour I'll have more than Fifty Dollars worth. I’ ll tell you it pays to take advantage o f that discount, and John says what ever the discount amounts to is all the money that me and the kids can have for the fair, but that will be enough to take us in alright” . “ Well I smell my bread burning and so I ’ ll have to run along. Call me up again some time” . HEADQUARTERS G roceries, Flour, “ A Satisfied Feed, Customer is the WALTER Reception To Teachers All are cordially invited to join in the welcoming reception to the teachers o f the Estacada Schools Friday evening, Sept. 15th, in the school play shed. A short program followed by an informal reception will con­ stitute the evening’s entertain­ ment. U 1'. Baker o f Eliensburg, Wash, has been engaged to teach history, science and athletics in the local high school in place of instructor Seward o f Jefferson City, Mo. who after being hired, resigned. Mr. Baker, who is a U. o f W. man comes well recom­ mended for the work. afternoon at the s a m e hour, Spi ingwater a n d Eagle Creek will play, with the winners o f the two games, playing off for t h e championship o n Friday morning, at 10 o ’ clock; as at 2 o ’ clock Friday afternoon, the Es­ tacada High School football team expects to play the Franklin High School eleven o f Portland. Baseballs and such parapher­ nalia as belong to the Estacada baseball team will be furnished the players and the prizes will be well worth fighting for. Attention is also called to Wed­ nesday next. Sept. 20th, which is to be East Clackamas Day at the County Fair at Canby and it is hoped that many local people will spend that day at Canby and help boost for this best part o f Clackamas County. FOR Poultry Supplies Best Advertisement” GIVENS Estacada, Oregon. Real Estate Active Tile You will want to do your tile draining soon, before the fall rai*is set in. We have 4 in. tile for $3.20 per C. or $30. per M. Also have for immediate sale about 60 ft. o f 8 in. tile at 7c per foot. Lumber We are now in a position to fill all orders for dimension mater­ ials, having a big stock on hand and with our new mill con­ nections, can furnish entire hills. We are also ready to furnish you sidewalk planks and stringers, at the prices quoted in our recent advertisements. Flour and Feed As always, we are in a position to fill your every want in the above lines, with feed for hogs, poultry, horses and cattle. cXllen M. Samson J. Kerkes BUYER Montavilla FOR THE Livestock WILL Eatacad« SHIP EAGLE Company FROM CREEK L IV E S T O C K OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS If you have any for aale, phone Henry Githena, Currinsville. Miss Rachel Reed o f Estacada Lee Wills o f Fairview, who left Sunday for Seattle, where formerly resided in Garfield was she will continue her studies at |ast Week badly injured by being the University o f Washington. run over by a motorcycle, result­ ing in a broken leg and other in­ Born- Friday, September, 8th juries, necessitating his removal to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horner to a Portland hospital. o f Springwater, a daughter Through the agency o f S. E. Wooster, the Estacada real es­ tate man, last week, twelve acres o f the Glenmorrow tract, belong­ ing to F. A. Watson o f Portland was sold to R. S. Coop o f Cur­ rinsville, the deal being a cash one. As the property lies adja­ cent to the Coop farm, it will be a valuable addition. Wandering B oy Returns Joy, rejoicing and joyfulness reigned in the Jerry Jones’ office in Estacada one day last week, when word was received by the anxious father, that his wander­ ing boy Lewis had returned. Lewis, o f E. H. S. fame, who has been in the forestry service under Forester Wallace, was last week dispatched up Pike’ s Peak to round-up, corral or catch one strayed pack horse, which had wandered f r o m t h e Bagsby Springs camp. Lewis started out over a be­ dimmed deer trail, shedding his wool shirt and coat along the way, to be gathered on the re­ turn trip. The return trip oc- cured about twelve rainy hours later, after the hunter and hunt­ ed had spent a dreary night, lost, alone, foodless and scantily clad in the drizzling, dripping under­ brush o f a mountain canyon, ten­ derly nursing a dampened, one flicker fire.