W H Y Saturday Are So Many $ P [ P I A I Brownsville Suits Being Ordered? Because The cloth is all Oregon Wool Because The Brownsville Woolen Mills Store has an en­ viable reputation for square dealing of over 20 years standing. o 6 p t * Ladies House Dresses 1-3 Off Because Brownsville clothes are not made in freak styles. They are conser\ative and serviceable. , They hold their shape and the price is right. J18.50 UP o“"'™ .. S1B.S0 IIP Because D. S. F l e m i n g Agent Brownsville Woolen Mills Estacada, - Oregon. “ Mill To Man Clothiers". Parent Teacher Meeting Dorcases To Meet 21st The Estacada Parent Teacher Assn, will hold its first meeting at the school building on Thurs­ day evening. Sept. 21. This will be chiefly a social gathering, with a short program dealing with the value o f co-op­ eration tretween parents and the teachers. All parents whether living in the district or outside, are invited. A list o f topics for the year, showing the committees in charge will appear in the next issue. The Garfield Dorcas Societ will meet at the Grange Hall, Tiiurs- day. September 21st. with Mrs. Charles Duncan and Mrs. L J. Palmateer as hostesses. Mrs. Blanche Jenkins and Miss Belle Inglish will assist in serv­ ing the lunch and it is hoped that a full attendance of member^ will be present, as there is consider­ able work to be finished for the sale at the coming F,ast Clack­ amas County Fair. Ladies, who are not mem Iters, are cordially invited to meet with the society for a day o f pie isant Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge and daughter of Estacada left Satur­ day for San Francisco where they will make their future home, fol­ lowing Mr. Trowbridge who left the week previous. EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. “ Your Satisfaction Because fellowship. LOST In Estacada, a moss- agate brooch. Finder please re- t u r n to M 1 6 Eagle Creek Notes Contributed H. H. Hoft'ineister. who has been in Portland for a week or two returned home last week. Ed Burnett o f Portland was in Eagle Creek, Sunday. Miss Alice Udell spent Sunday night at the home of her uncle, R. B. Gibson. Mrs. Viola Douglass and Mrs. R. B. Gibson accompanied H. H. Udell and wife to Barton Sunday and spent the afternoon at the home o f H. F. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mays were recently the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Roy Douglass. The Eagle Creek Sunday School now meets at 10 A. M. GeorgeSawtell hauled the cream Tuesday for Ed Douglass, who w as making preparations to have his threshing done. With the opening of school and with the completion of the sum­ mer's forestry fire protection, the majority of the local men and boys h a v e returned t o their homes, including a number of high school boys, who have been working under Chief Forester, Herman Wallace. Is Our Success" Park & Closner Lcwest Bidder On a bid o f $20*;., the Estaca­ da school board recently awarded to Park & Closner the contract for furnishing the necessary tools and benches, for the newly es­ tablished manual iraining depart­ ment. Bids for this order were receiv­ ed from many merchants, includ­ ing several from Oregon City. A C. I. C. silver-tea will be held at the club’s rooms in Estacada, next Saturday afternoon, from 3 to 5 o ’clock. The tea will be in charge o f Miss Gertrude Dillon and Mrs. D. S. Fleming, and all ladies are cordially invited to attend. Mrs. C. F. Frazier and son Paul and daughter Helen of Estacada contemplate leaving shortly for Portland, where they will make their future home. On Tuesday evening in Estaca­ da Park, the ladies of the Order of the Eastern Star entertained at a delightful picnic supper, the Earl Day of Estacada returned members o f Estacada Masonic Sunday from the Good Samaritan Order. Hospital in Portland, where he All voters are invited to the Re­ has been recuperating from an publican County Banquet at Ore­ operation o f a few weeks ago. gon City next Saturday night. C. C. Miller and family o f Est­ Plates $1. Notify News office if acada are moving from the Pos- you wish to attend. son house on Currin St. to the Dont forget the Rebekah An- former Mavfield house on Zo- niversarv September 20th. brist St.