EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern V olume 9, N umber 52 WASH THE BABY’S FACE AND COMB ITS HAIB Old Fashioned Baby Show To Be Feature OF Coming Fair A busy meeting was held last Monday by the directors o f the East Clackamas County Fair in Estacada, at which time many features o f the work were ar­ ranged for and many committees and individuals selected to help in making the coming fair eclipse all former attempts. It was decided to feature a regular old fashioned baby show, to be held on Juvenile Day, Friday t h e 6th at 1 o ’ clock. Prizes will be awarded the best looking baby boy and baby girl, under one year o f age, and simi­ lar awards for the best looking children between one and three years o f age. The staging o f such a feature by the committee represents a great deal of courage, as such shows have been known in other places, to end in riots among the dissatisfied mothers. But t h e members o f the committee are amply safe-guarding themselves, by allowing the ladies o f the Civic Club to select competent and disinterested judges. How’ d you like to be one o f the judges? While the rules govern­ ing the baby show have not been definitely announced, it is under­ stood that the judges will be brought to Estacada under guard, kept in a cage dining the ju d g­ ing and harried to he county jail for .-.ale Keeping, and the awards will not be made known until the judges are safely esconsed be­ hind die bars. T h e mothers o f contestants wiil not be allowed to carry con­ cealed weapons, such as rolling pins, hat pinsor bricks. In fact, this baby snow is going to be a hummer, as not less than 100 handsome babies should be ex­ hibited, with not less than 100 adoring mothers accompanying. Political Day, October 5th, will be a novel attraction,'with every politicai candidate in the county and state invited to be present There will be but two leading speakers, one Republican and one Democrat. The committee will not announce the names o f these Continued on page 4 Sunday School Rally In Estacada Everyone is invited to attend and take part in the coming Sun­ day School Rally and promotion exercises to be held next Sunday morning, at 10:30 o ’clock at the Estacada M. E. Church. Invitations have been sent to all nearby Sunday Schools and many are expected from the Cur- rinsville, G a r f i e l d and Zion churches. The program promises much good music and many good talks by local people. E stacada , O regon , Clackamas County T hursday , S eptember 14, 1916 CLACKAMAS CLAIMS VICTIM Portland Fisherman Drowned Near Dog Creek Much excitement was created in Estacada last Sunday evening, when a Portland fisherman, named Fred O. Wahlgren, asked for help, both local and from Portland, in an effort to find his companion, Ivan G. Gulovson, who he feared had been drowned in the Clackamas river. Parties from Estacada and Portland, spent all o f Sunday night in the search and soon aft­ er noon Monday, Ray Hamilton o f Estacada and Lester Hale o f Currinsville, discovered Gulov- son’s body in a deep eddy, about a mile and a half below the River Mill dam. In the mean time the searchers had been joined by the aged fa­ ther and other relatives o f the missing man, who remained in the vicinity o f Estacada until the body. was brought in by Tom Rhodes and A. G. Ames. The unfortunate fisherman, who had fished that part o f the Clackamas for a number o f years past, had probably attempted to either cross the river, or had waded out into too deep water and been carried away by the rushing current. The remains were taken to the Chapman undertaking chapel in Estacada and later transported to the family home at 1248 Maryland A v., Portland, for burial services. The deceased was 24 years old, single and a book-keeper in a Portland department store, and is survived by his parents, and a brother and sister, all o f Port­ land. Although Coroner Hempstead and Sheriff Wilson o f Oregon City came to Estacada, it w as de­ cided unnecessary to hold an in­ quest. ___ Road District Changes September 15th As designated by law, Septem­ ber 15th is the day set by the Clackamas County court to con­ sider all petitions favoring change in the county's road districts. There are at present about six­ ty road districts in this county and as Judge Anderson and oth­ ers, who make a study o f road building, favor fewer and larger districts, it is likely that any petitions asking for the uniting o f districts will be favorably re­ ceived. CBANK SHAFT SEBIOUSLY INJURES DRIVER Mike Niedenthal Taken To Hospital With Many Bones Broken It is getting to be a common superstition in Estacada that ac­ cidents go by threes and last Monday’s record was no excep­ tion. Late that evening, Mike Nied­ enthal o f Estacada, who is in the employ o f Klaetsch's Mill in Springwater and who operates the big Avery motor truck, used in hauling lumber into Estacada, brought the machine into the Cascade Garage for repairs and while working over the front of the car, became entangled in the extension o f the crank shaft, re­ sulting in being violently whirled by the revolving shaft and seri­ ously injured. The truck’ s main shaft extends out in front o f the car, for use in furnishing outside belted power and being turned by the power­ ful engines, proved a dangerous instrument. Niedenthal was fi­ nally extricated from the shaft and on examination it was found that one leg was broken in three places, possibly necessitating its amputation and the victim also suffered numerous other injuries to head, body and arms. A fter Dr. Adix had rendered first aid, the injured man was t a k e n to a Portland hospital, where it is hoped the amputation o f the broken leg will not be | necessary. Garfield Youth Dies Saturday On Saturday morning. Septem­ ber 9th, Emil Miller, died at the home o f his parents, Frank and Annie Mi.ler, following a pro­ tracted illness. The deceased was born at Beav­ erton, Oregon, January 31, 1896, where the family had lived for twenty years, prior to their re- [ moval t o t h e Stokes-Wooster ranch in Garfield last Fall. Besides the parents, two sisters and two brothers mourn his loss; being Mrs. John Bonando and Mrs. Percy Allison o f Portland; Edward, o f North Plains and John, whe resides in Garfield. Funeral services were conduc­ ted Sunday afternoon by Rev. Spiess o f Estacada. with inter­ ment in charge o f undertaker Chapman, occuring at Zion Cem- 1 etery. $1. P er Y ear CURRINSVILLE WOMAN HURT Auto Driven By Beginner Turns Turtle O ff Road Monday last, was a day o f thrills for Estacada and local people, for following the finding and bringing to Estacada o f the body o f the fisherman drowned in the Clackamas near River Mill, word was received about fi 'e o ’ clock o f an automobile accident, which had occured on the Cur- rinsville road, i n which Mrs. James Linn o f that place was injured. Mrs. Linn and her friend, Mrs. Plus Cahill were proceeding north on the Currinsville road, with Mrs. Cahill, who fs a novice with automobiles, driving. The car ran off the road and turned on its side down the em­ bankment on the hill near the C. R. Lovell property. Both of the occupants were thrown out and Mrs. Linn received serious cuts on her leg, which necessitated the services o f a physician, the cuts probably being caused by the broken glass in the wind­ shield. Aside from the bending o f an axle and minor injuries, the Ford car was not seriously damaged. School Rates To County Line Since the News reprinted part o f the special school rates traffic schedule o f the P. R. L. & P. Co. for students attending the Esta­ cada schools, several parties re­ siding between Barton and the Multnomah-Clackamas c o u n t y line, have asked relative to rates from their respective stations. This office took up the matter with the railway people last week and changes are being made in the present schedule, which will allow o f the same per mile spec­ ial rate between all points this side o f the Multnomah County line and Estacada. It is hoped that by a special dispensation, the railway com­ mission will grant this change of schedule without its having to go through t h e regular routine, thereby allowing same to be e f­ fective by the time school opens on the 13th. Court Appropriates $200 For Boring Hill Road As a result o f petitions duly presented to the county court last Wednesday, asking for aid in im­ proving the Boring Hill Road and the “ Devil’s Washboard,” the court appropriated $200. to be ex­ pended by Supervisor Myers o f Boring on the former road. It is also promised that the county will begin active work on the latter road, lying between Barton and Eagle Creek, at once.