Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, September 07, 1916, Image 6

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    ties of County Judge, the editor
l at least does not like the imputa­
Published every Thursday at
tion that he is responsible for the
Estacada. Oregon
R. M. S tandU h, E d ito r an d M a n ag er rumor.
The origin of this rumor may
E n te re d a t th e poatottice in E sta c a d a ,
date back to last winter when the
O regon, as aeeund-vlaaa m ail.
I Judge was in ill health, but the
SuBscKirrioN K a t e s
O ne y e a r
$1.00 ' reviving of same can be traced to
Six m o n th s
.go persons much nearer the county
court house.
Thursday, September 7, 191b
Who stole the piece of pave­
The condition of some of Esta- ment? That is the question now
cada’s board walks has now trot-
receiving much attention through
ten past the place where they
the newspapers at Oregon City,
might be termed dangerous, as
as someone last week cut out and
t h e y now represent absolute
stole a piece of the new county-
criminal negligence, with boards
l a i d Milwaukie-Sellwood hard-
broken and missing. It is a won­
der accidents have not occured
The District Attorney’s assist­
before this, especially on Main
ant says “ If we can catch the
guilty person responsible, we will
Yet a word to the wise isn’t
prosecute him to the limit.”
sufficient, but maybe a damage
While it is suggested that the
suit will wake up the negligent
culprit was someone connected
property owners.
with the paving business, who
The stranger entering our gates wished to obtain a sample for
no longer has to inquire the loca­ closer examination; it is likely
tion of the post-office, as all that that before the deteckatives get
is necessary is the following of a through, that Editor Chapman of
trail of waste-paper, torn envel­ the Oregon Voter and Editor
opes and other cast-a-side mail Standish, of "The little narrow
matter, radiating in all directions sectional newspaper published at
from the central waste-paper heap Estacada" will he suspected.
But they may rest assured that
decorating the corner adjoining
when Editor Standish ge s ready
the post-office.
to swipe some county paving, ii
From the Oswego Times of this will be a chunk sufficiently large
week, we note that the Eastern to pave the Boring Hill Hoad.
Clackamas News is not the only
As a tip to the powers that be,
medium notin hearty accord with we would suggest that a detec­
the present hardsurfaced paving tive named Levings, be hired to
mania, as employed by the county ferrit out the guilty parties, as a
officials. In part, the Times says: $3,000. detective fee would not
A s to th is p o rtio n o f th e cou n ty g e n ­
be exorbitant in locating a six
erally it se em s to be the a ttitu d e ol th e
co unty c o u rt to le t th e local road d is­ inch square piece of paving that
tr ic ts and people resid in g th e re in look cost 43c per square yard.
Eastern Clackamas News
o u t for th e m se lv e s. W hen we pay ou r
p o rtion o f ta x e s in to th e co u n ty tr e a s ­
u ry fo r road building, do w e g e t an y
w ork? w e do n o t.
N or a re w e alone in th is s o r t o f com ­
p lain t. O v er in n o rth e a s te rn C la c k a ­
m as county a s e n tim e n t is c ry sta lliz in g
to tie up w h a t is te rm e d th e “ p re s e n t
h a rd su rfa c e ep id e m ic ” w ith an in ju n c ­
tio n, u n til p r e s e n t o b sta c le s a r e r e ­
m oved fro m th e B oring H dl road, and
w h a t is know n as th e “ D evil’s W a sh ­
board, ” v ery d a n g e ro u s an d neg lected
ro u te s o f t r a v e l .”
E. H. S. Girl» A ttend
C alifornia School
The Misses Gladys Carpenter
and Jessie Hannah of last year’s
Estacada High School graduating
class are now in California, where
they will continue their studies
at the California State Normal
School at Los Angeles.
Miss Carpenter left for the
south a week or so ago, with
Miss Hannah leaving last Satur­
day. A farewell party was ten­
dered Miss Hannah on Thursday
evening by a number o f her
school mates.
Under the date line of Oregon
City and published in a Portland
paper the following item appear­
ed last week:
“ Although a newspaper of the
eastern end of the county has re­
vived the rumor that H. S. An­
derson, county judge, contem­
plates resigning, the latter says
that it is new s to him and he has
no such intention. Last spring
Judge Anderson w a s in pobr
health for some weeks and it was
thought that he might be com­
pelled to take a trip to California,
and a rei>ort was circulated that ]
he might resign, although he had '
no such intention."
While we are all pleased to hear
that Judge Anderson is not con - ;
templating relinquishing the du- >
uaanntuimwHmmmmmtranntiiimiiitmmttnm wmnntimnnmmnun i
ECENT statistics show that the number of
women bunk depositors is steadily increas­
ing. It is a healthy sign of business condi­
tions, There was a time when the number
of womer. depositors was practically nil.
With the advent in the business world of
so many women it was assured that the
number of female depositors would show an increase.
Women are inclined to be more thrifty than men.
Thrift and banking g . hand in hand. Many women in
this eoiiiinunity havi bunk accounts. To those who
have not this appeal is made. Open a hunk account
today. Once having »pened it, add to it Watch it
grow. You’ll like tile experience.
Ask us for one of our H om e Savings Banks
Estacada State Bank
Leroy I). Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
Irwin I). Wright, Cashier
W hy Not A C ounty
T ennis T ournam ent
Last Friday and Saturday, the
tenuis clubs of Milwaukie and
Oregon City held a dual tourna­
ment on the former’s courts.
As Estacada now has three
good courts, belonging to the Es­
tacada Tennis Club and the Es­
tacada schools and has a number
of good tennis players, arrange­
ments are being made to chal­
lenge the winner of the Milwau-
kie-Oregon City tournament.
If there are other tennis organ­
izations in other parts of Clacka­
mas County, it would be a good
idea to stage a county tourna­
ment at Estacada, where t h e
club’s courts are extra good and
with the park adjoining, a pleas­
ant day or two could be spent.
Wm. Rhodes of Garfield has
found another use for his Ford
car. belting it to the separator to
furnish power for threshing.
The Circus Is Coming Tomorrow
“Oh. I suppose we’ll have to
take the children to the circus
this year” ; has been a common
remark in this town lately. So
next Friday, September 8th, a
good many local children, rang­
ing in ages from 2 to 70 years
will go to see the big Barn urn
& Bailey Show in Portland.
The kids of this generation are
not as well acquainted with the
wonders of the circus, as were
their parents, for t o d a y the
youngsters get their thrills from
the movies, the vaudeville shows
and the like; yet nothing will
compare with the typical circus,
with its menagerie, its big rings,
its clowns, its side-shows and
that smell of saw-dust and pink
lemonade, the memory of which
stays with us long after the time
when our own children are stand­
ing agape before the circus post­
Advise Me W h at You H ave For Sale
and let me know as far in advance as possible.
N O T E :— A " T o p H og’’, which ia the one th a t b rin g s th e b est profits to the grow er,
should be fa t, in good condition and w eigh from 165 to 225 pounds.
T h e Man W ho H as H elped To Build U p T he I.ocal L iv e sto ck In d u stry .