Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 31, 1916, Image 6

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    Eastern Clackamas News
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
R. M. Stanilish,
Editor and Manager
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
Have you gotten your copy of
the East Clackamas County Fair
1 Premium List yet? If not, do so
at once and decide which prizes
you are going to win.
It has now turned up that some
of the people living near the dis­
reputable Boring Hill Road, are
the County Court t h a t
Thursday, August 31, 1916
there is not sufficient travel iver
WE’VE GONE BACK TO THE that route to warrant making it
DOLLAR PRICE-Sometime ago, into a passable highway.
Naturally there is not much
11E hail fellow well met, the man who spends
the News announced that after
as he goes, it. popular just so long as he is
over it in its present con­
August 1st, the subscription price
a hail fellow well met, so long us he spends
would be advanced to $1.50 perj dition, but there would be if it
us lie goes. His fair weather friends leave
year, payable as usual in advance. ! was made passable.
him the minute he is in tinaneia! distress.
This advance was necessary, j The repair of t h i s obstacle
Don't he one of these kind. If you are
making big money plai^ to set aside a cer­
owing to the steadily increasing! tinuance of work on the River
tain sum in bank. You’ll find that if adversity comes
prices of materials going into the Road, as there is sufficient traffic
n goodly bank balance is your best friend. If you al­
make-up of the paper.
to warrant two highways on this
ready have a bank account make it a point to keep a
Materials still remain high side of the river.
healthy balance, a good margin to work on. If you
priced but we believe they will
haven't a bank account open one witli us today.
There should be some addition
soon regain their normal basis
and as many people feel they can­ to the State Fish & Game Laws
or to the Forestry Regulations,
not afford one dollar and a half I which will allow of the prosecu­
f or a weekly newspaper, conse-| tion of that specimen of hunter,
quently the S U B S C R I P T I O N fishermen or camper, who after a
iw u m n a
•nm um á
P R I C E from now on, will be $1. few days camping, leaves thespot
The issuance of a newspaper of tion.
Ask us for one of our H om e Savings Banks
the class of the News, means a
More than one established camp
primal o u t l a y of considerable in the mountains lately has been
more than the subscription price left a ruin, with all lumber and
asked, but this loss will be taken camp fixtures used for fuel; tin
up in some other way by the pub­ cans, garbage and rubbish left on
t h e spot; manure from pack
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
horses left inside the limits of the
In the case of subscribers who camp and often a foul smelling
Irwin I). Wright, Cashier
have paid the $1.50 price, we will mess of fish entrails and clean
gladly refund the extra 50c or will ings remaining to draw flies and
The Estacada Schools will open
e x t e n d the subscriptions six vermin.
Rod & Gun Club Ask For
on Wednesday, September 13th.
Editor Brodie of the pulpy city’s
There has been some question
The News now goes into nearly morning paper, claims that since
Many people have advised the
every home in this part of the the changing of the name of the
Wednesday, instead of on the
of their desire to obtain
county and is read by over 2,500 Estacada Progress to ¡he Eastern
time-honored Monday morning;
people per week. If the return Clackamas News, all signs o f
pheasants from the
the reason being that the direc­
to the dollar subscription basis “ Progress” have disappeared.
State Fish & Game Commission,
will result in its continued growth
weeks of schooling during the
This remark was apropos of
for local liberation.
and influence in the community,
These requests were duly turn­
the extra 50c will not stand in the county’s hanisui facing ma­
year before June 1st, allowing
the way.
over to Ben S. Patton, Deputy
for holidays and other vacations.
nia, so long as the Boring Hill
Have you ever considered the Road remains in its present un-
County Game Warden, who is
condition which would exist in passable condition.
now requesting the commission
150,000 R ainbow T rout
this community or any other, if
for as many birds as possible, to
For Liberation
there was no local newspaper?
class, honest, hardworking, pub­
liberated by the farmers,
T h e news items of interest lic spirited man and naturally as
Through the efforts of Deputy
through the agency of the Esta­
would not only be unknown, ex­ his automobile seldom travels the
Game Warden, Ben S. Patton and
cada Rwl & Gun Club.
cept as passed on from mouth to roads of Eastern Clackamas Coun­
Mgr. Bronson of the River Mill
mouth, but there would be no ty, he knows little of the condi­
As soon as the birds are receiv­
Hatchery, arrangements are be­
medium for the announcement of tions here.
ed, parties having asked for
ing made to liberate 150,000 rain­
entertainments, meetings, a n d
same will be notified.
If Editor Brodie will make a
matters of vital importance.
bow trout fry in the streams in
trip or attempt to make a trip
Your local newspaper aims to over the Boring Hill Road, we
this vicinity.
Miss Dora Currin of Currins-
contain all of the news that is fit know that he will immediately
Parties willing to assist in this
ville is now visiting in the Blue
to print, allot' the information as realize that the "kick” registered
work or who wish to liberate trout
Mountain country in eastern Ore­
to political, religious and social in the News is justifiable and with
in streams or lakes near their
matters and is striving to reflect his influence, matters could be
being with Miss Josie Har-
property, are asked to kindly ad­
the wishes and desiresof the pub­ adjusted and the E n t e r p r i s e
kenrider of Estacada, who has
vise the News’ office or Warden
lic individually and collectively. would live up to its name too.
Patton at Estacada.
been spending the summer there.
You can great ly help your home
newspaper by notifying the pub­
lisher of any news which arises in
A dvise Me W h a t You H ave For Sale
your home or your community.!
Also dont hesitate to send your
ideas to the publisher on any sub­
jects of importance to you or your;
neighbors. The News does not
wish to print the sentiments of
its publisher, but wants to truly
reflect the public in all matters.
Lastly, y o u r continued sub­
scription to the News is necessary
and let me know as far in advance as possible.
and if you can influence anyone
NO TE:—A “Top Hop” , which is the one that brings the beat profits to the grower,
of your neighbors who is not a
should be fat, in good condition and weigh from 165 to 225 ptounds.
subscriber to become one, it will
be greatly appreciated and you
will be the gainer by the contin-1
ued growth of your home paper. I
S ubscription R ates
One year
Six months
E stacada State Bank
The Man Who Has Helped To Build Up The Local Livestock Industry.