EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS D evoted to the Interests o f Eastern V olume 9, N umber 50 VALUE OF HIGHER EDUCATION Boy« And Girls Urged To Attend High School A generation or so ago, when the costof living was lower, when competition in business was less, when efficiency and special train­ ing were in their infancy, a gram ­ mar school education sufficed men and women for their life work. Today, the term efficiency is the keynote to business success and the boy with a high school education, or who has had some special trades or technical train­ ing, is assured a hundred percent, better chance o f future success than the grammar school gradu­ ate. During his work among pros­ pective students for the Estacada Schools, Principal Guthrie has found a number o f recent gram ­ mar school graduates, who are undecided whether to continue their education, some wishing to go to work at once, others con­ templating working for a year or so a n d then continuing their studies. In the case o f the student, who ow ing to circumstances is forced to begin work and cannot afford to continue further schooling, nothing can be said, except to offer sympathy. But much good advice can be tendered the boy or girl who wishes to stop school, believing they have learned suf­ ficient. As to the student who contem­ plates resuming studies a fter a year or so o f work, they will find that reentering school a fter a year’s absence is a hard task. Examinations must be taken, and school habits a g a i n acquired. Few pupils • have made a success o f postponed schooling, one reas­ on being the dislike o f having to drop back a year or so behind their class-mates. As has laeen the case with many o f us, during school age, the advice o f our elders was hard to accept, but ninety-nine times out o f a hundred we have lived to regret our refusal to accept the proffered suggestions, im­ ploring and orders. A decreased earning capacity is one o f the chief results o f lack o f education and as today, future happiness and contentment are too closely allied with financial income, this handicap alone is a serious one. To the person o f higher educa­ tion, the world offers untold ben­ efits. The feelin g o f equality, Concluded on page 3 E stacada , O regon , Clackamas County T hursday , A ugust 31, 1916 Idahoan Buys Springwater Store "SEVEN PER-CENT NEVER PAT AT ALL” School Rates Announced The Traffic Department o f the P. R. L. & P. Co., last week is­ sued a traffic schedule governing rates for school children. These rates show a decided de­ crease in fares between Barton and all points tributary to the Estacada Schools. As shown by the follow ing schedule, it is necessary that commutation tickets be purchas­ ed in books o f 54 tickets each, in order to obtain the special rates. A deal was consumated last week, whereby the Springwater Store, owned by the Lewellen estate and conducted by Floyd Spurlin, becomes the property o f a Mr. F. Madden and sister o f N ew Plymouth, Idaho. The new owners will conduct the store along the successful lines which have always been in vogue there and should obtain the hearty support o f the commu­ nity and store’s patrons. Temporarily, Floyd Spurlin will take a needed vacation, making a visit in Lane County, before locating permanently. The best wishes o f his friends are extend­ ed to Mr. Spurlin and it is hoped that he will again enter business in this part o f the county. Business Fast Getting Onto Cash Basis GROUP C Rate Between ESTACAD A and A lspau gh ______ Barton____ ____ Cazadero _ . Cedarbrook C u rrin sville_____ Deep Creek _ _ Eagle C reek_____ F a ra d a v _______ Millers Spur ____ Morrow _____ Riverby _________ River Mill ______ To Kill Black Aphis On String Beans The follow ing letter was re­ ceived this week from the Ore­ gon Agricultural College by Man­ ager D em ingof the Estacada can­ nery, which answers a question now being asked by many local gardeners: “ Dear Sir: Your letter o f August 21 is at hand requesting information re­ garding black aphis that attacks the string beans. In this regard I wish to state that the best way I know for the Black Aphis on beans is Black- Leaf-40. This material may be obtained from any o f the insect- icide dealers in your vicinity. This material should be diluted at the rate o f 1 part o f the Black Leaf-40 to 900 parts o f water. To this a soap should be added at the rate o f 1 pound to 20 or 30 gallons o f the solution, preferably whale oil soap. The idea o f the soap be­ ing added to the solution is to make t h e spray spread more evenly over the slick surface o f the beans, as when it is not add­ ed the material has a tendency to form in globules the same as wa­ ter and drop off. A t this time o f the year when the leaves are con­ siderably curled, due to the at­ tacks o f the aphis it would be necessary to use some force to the spray in order to actually hit the insects in order to E>e effective. Very truly yours, C. F. Moznette, Assistant Entomologist. This “ Black Leaf-40” may be purchased at several o f the Esta­ cada stores, including Givens and the Estacada Pharmacy. $1. P er Y ear Cents per D o lla r s C oupon B ook 5 per 3 2.70 5.67 1.62 5>4 2 .9 7 3 1.62 5.13 3.51 1.62 2.16 1.62 4.86 1.62 10 S4 9 ‘4 6 ‘A 3 4 3 9 3 , Certificates and School Tickets may be obtained at Estacada, Barton and Eagle Creek stations. University Of Missouri Man Engaged The Estacada School Board have engaged Ben F. Seward o f Jefferson City, Mo. as instructor in History, Science and Athletics for the ensuing year. Mr. Seward who is a graduate o f the University o f Missouri, comes highly recommended for the work, with especial ability as a foot-ball coach. i Pay Your Dog License Now A ll dogs within the limits o f the City o f Estacada must be li­ censed and Marshal Ames has been instructed toenforce the law pertaining to the collection o f li­ cense fees and the impounding and destroying o f all unlicensed animals. Last year it cost the city more to collect dog licenses than the sum total taken in, so tfhis year Marshal Ames will not solicit the fees, but will impound and legal­ ly destroy all animals roaming about the city, which are not properly tagged. Dog owners are notified to ar­ range the payment o f t h e s e licenses direct to the marshal. Estacada Hotel Scores High In the July report o f the Ore­ gon Dairy & Food Commission, in a list showing the percentage standings o f the various hotels, bakeries, markets and other es­ tablishments in the state, based on the record for cleanliness, the Estacada Hotel is rated at 91.1, being second to the highest rat­ ing in the state, altho the list does not show the city o f Port land. j j j According to an editorial in Leslie’ s Weekly, a statistician has figured that “ O f those who buy goods on credit 40 per-cent never pay in full and 7 per-cent never pay at a ll.” This is merely one o f the rea­ sons why many merchants today are altering their business meth­ ods and attempting to place their businesses on a cash basis. This condition is especially current among rural and small town merchants and the Estacada business men are fast adopting like standards. Last week, one merchant in Estacada, whose business consists o f sales averaging less than 50c each, had on his books in long overdue accounts, over $700. These accounts will most o f them be paid ultimately, but in the meantime, the merchant has to pay his bills to the wholesale houses each month, or his credit is ruined. Naturally, as 4 busi­ ness expands, it necessitates more working capital to offset the overdue accounts due him. The successful merchant today and the one who can afford to sell slightly below the average selling price, is the one who in buying can take advantage o f the customary 2 '<> cash discount, in vogue among all business firms today. With the average profit on staple goods being less than 20 l'i>, it takes but few non-paid bills to entirely wipe out that profit. Where if all transactions were cash, at least, by the 10 th o f the month following, the merchants could afford to buy in larger uantities, obtain liberal cash iscounts and give the patrons the benefit o f the savings. Again looking at it from the customers side, money can be saved in cash dealings with prob­ ably every merchant in this com­ munity. Every purchaser knows that when the housewise or hus­ band buys for cash, less ex tra v­ agance follows, and at the end o f the month, the sum total o f the month’s purchases, do not come as a shock to the fam ily pocket-book. One reason that the offerings o f the mail order houses are o f ­ ten attractive, is because they deal only for cash and cash in ad­ vance. When a business decides to adopt strictly cash methods, it does not imply that the business is decreasing and the merchant slowly failing, but means that another business man has decided to adopt up-to-date business methods, which ultimately will benefit him and the customers.