Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 24, 1916, Image 9

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f the
E agle C reek Notes
Several ladies o f the neighbor­
hood met at the home o f Mrs.
R. M. Brasch last Wednesday and
spent a pleasant afternoon with
Mrs. Brasch and her sister. Mrs.
! J. P. Strahl. They helped -to tie
i a comfort for Mrs. Strahl, and al-
j so organized a social club tempor­
arily named “ The Smiling Club.”
Mrs. R. B. Gibson was elected
president and Mrs. E. Hollander,
secretary. The club will meet
every two weeks at the homes of
the members, meeting with Mrs.
1). Beckett, Wednesday. August
Fred Jor<i,
Phone Main 83.
fcstaiada, Oregon
Roy Douglass and w ife made a
| trip to Logan Sunday.
‘Premo’ Cameras
H. S. Gibson went to Sandy Sat-
j urday, bringing home a load of
j lumber.
Eagle Creek Grange held a reg­
Fishing Tackle — Hunting and Fishing Licenses ular session last Saturday. Alxuit
Lunches • Confectionery - Cigars
| 45 persons, including visitors and
Ed Boner’s
52. a day.
510. a week
Hotel E stacada
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
7U.m .ns
Ch a m b er o f C o m m « « B id s .
M. E. Church Service*
Services will lie held next
Sunday morning at Currinsville;
at Mt. Zion in the afternoon and
in the evening in Estacada. The
young peoples society will meet
at the Estacada M. E. Church at
7 P. M. All are cordially invited
to be present.
Yfs, the crowning typewriter triumph is
\ end
It is just our, and comes years before experts expect­
Mrs. Strahl and Mrs. Brash
called on Mrs. Howlett Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Stein man
were calling at the home o f Mrs.
Viola Douglass Sunday afternoon.
'nhe now-day advances that com«'
along on this machine art* ail con­
trolled by Oliver.
Even our previ­
ous models famous in their day
never had the Optional Duplex Shift.
H. H. Hoffmeister, who has
been in Portland for sometime,
returned to Eagle Creek Satur­
day. He attended Grange.
Mosessohn & Mosessohn
A New Model Typewriter!
One o f the most delightful Resorts
on the Coast
Made by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, 50 Uiios Square, New York City
| babies, were present. Owing to
ed it. For nvkers have striven a life-time to attain
the busy times not many o f the
this ideal machine. A nd Oliver has w< n again, as we
I brothers w e r e present. After
scored when we gave the w( i Id its fir r visible writing.
partaking o f afine dinner, a short
business session was held. The There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver ‘9’ .
lecturer’s hour was interesting.
Think o f touch so liirh that the tread o f a kitte wii! run the k ey-!
Modern Conveniences
Abitracts examined. Corporation Law.
Financial Agents. Trusts, Escrows and
Accounts. Estates probated. CoUec-
tions, Deeds, Mortgages. General
practice in all courts. Correspondence
abUcited. Prompt attention. Bank
references. Fourteenth year.
because it don’ t disfigure the face and cuts down grinding and spitting.
A 10c pouch lasts twice as long as a dim e's worth of ordinary chew­
ing. Give W -B C U T the quality test.
Mrs. John Sweeny, her son
Charles and daughter Della, who
have been visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Douglass, left for then-
home in Stevenson, Wash., la-t I
Wednesday, Mrs. Douglass ac­
companied them as far as Port­
v ir a n o « * »
H. S. Jones and wife, o f Port­
land, were the week-end guests
o f Mrs. Viola Douglass.
For E ggs
j u p a e m x » s statement » of fact i m t i H
O U ’ L L find some things out about real tobacco
when you get to using W -B C U T Chewing. A
little bit hides away in your cheek unnoticed and
gives two-for-one more satisfaction than a wad of ordi­
nary stuff. Men get to calling it the gentleman’ s chew
Mrs. Ina DeMoss and children
o f Portland were visiting wi'h
Mrs. Brash and Mrs. Strahl fora
few days.
Invites Your Patronage
Virgil Douglass and John Duns
left last week for Eastern Ore­
gon, where they have gone to
work through harvest.
Phillip Desshler o f the Anti-
Saloon League gave a very inter­
esting lecture at the church on
Sunday evening. This appoint­
ment had been overlooked and the
report was out that two ministers
o f Portland would speak. This
meeting has been postponed until
next Sunday evening.
Mrs. M. H. Long is spending a
fortnight at the home of her
cousin, Mr. J. Cahill.
Owen Smith, wife and family
left Tuesday for Tillamook Coun­
ty beaches, making the trip by
It puts the whole control o f 84
letters and characters in the little
fingers of the right and left hands.
And it lets you write them all with
only 28 keys, the least to operate o f
any standard typewriter made.
Thus writers o f all other rn »chines
can immediately run the Oliver Num­
ber ‘9’ with more speed and greater
This brilliant new Oliver comes at
the old-time price. It costs no more
than lesser makes now out-of-date
when compared with this discovery.
For while the Oliver’s splendid new
features are costly we have equal­
ized the added expense to us by sim­
plifying construction.
Resolve right now to see this great
achievement before you spend a dol­
lar for any typewriter. I f you are
using some other make you will want
to see how much more this one does.
If you are using an Oliver, it nat
urally follows that you want the
finest model.
Remember this brand-new Oliver ‘9 ’ is the
greatest value ever given in a typewriter.
It has all our previous special inventions visible writing, automatic
spacer, 6 1-2 ounce touch plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective
Color Attachment and all these other new-day features.
Yet we have decided to sell it to everyone everywhere on our fa
mous payment plan 17 cents a day!
Now every user can easily afford
to have the w orld’ s cra«’k visible writer, with the famous PHI NT Y PE
that writes like print, included FREE if desired.
17 cents a day!
W r ite for full details and be among the first to know
about this marvel o f writing machines.
See why typists, employers,
and individuals everywhere «re flocking to the Oliver. .lust mail a post­
al at once. No obligation. It’ s a pleasure for us to tell you about it.
You can rent an Oliver typewriter
three months for $4.
1198 Oliver Typewriter Bid#.,
Chicago, ill.