Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 24, 1916, Image 8

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    Eastern Clackamas News
(Formerly Estacada Progress)
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
K. M. Standi:*h,
E ditor and M anager
the paving is not of the 98c var­
iety, now in vogue in other parts
of the county, it would probably j
stand the strain.
F air B ulletin R eady
The third annual premium list
E ntered a t the postotfice in E stacada,
Oregon, as second-class mail.
of the East Clackamas County
1 Fair is now ready for distribu­
S ubscription H ates
tion, having been delivered to
line y e a r
Six m onths
.75 the secretary of the fair board by
the News’ office last Friday.
One thousand of these attrac­
Thursday, August 24, 1916
tive booklets are to be distributed
and in order to make sure that
Autos, autos everywhere, but you obtain one, call on some mem­
not a drop of gasoline. This ber of the fair board and get
W'as the condition which con­ yours.
fronted the motoring fraternity
The premium list this year is
of Estacada and surrounding more extensive than formerly,
country tnis week. The short­ with mure cash and other awards
age of gasoline seems to be pres­ offered.
ent in other sections as well.
Every family in this part of the
Stop and consider what would j county should closely read one of
happen if tiie shortage of this) these booklets, then immediately I
rare and expensive juice con-! decide what exhibits they will!
linues? It has Leen estimated; make, whether livestock, poultry,
that bank deposists in Estacada; agricultural or domestic science.
would increase 956"^; grease Then siart in right now and care
spots on Sunday trousers would | for or work up those exhibits un­
increase 220"»; leg muscles of til they are sure to w in prizes.
motorists would develope to nor-1
rnal size again; several lawns S chool Prospectus Printed
would be mowed on Sundays; a j Three hundred attractive book­
couple of wealthy garage owners j lets, being a prospectus of the Es­
would take a vacation and we tacada High & Grammar Schools,
common people would again feel were this week delivered from
on an equal social plane with our the News’ presses, to Principal
more fortunate auto owning Guihrie of the schools.
These lw>oklets are an especial-'
The mountain trails these days ly attractive souvenir, containing
have taken on a Rose Festival, a photograph of the schools, a
Mardi Gras aspect, with brilliant school year calendar, couisesof
and variegated colors breaking study, names of school directois
the monotony of the miles of and officials, faculty lists, alumni
green vegetation. This gala officers and members and student
effect is not due to any early organizations. Paragraphs aie
autumn frosts on the maple! given up to descriptions of the de­
leaves, but represents the neces- J partments in athletics, oratory,
sary protection and distinguish­ library, laboratories, r e q u i r e -
ing marks, worn by hunters, ments fo r graduation, registra­
tishe man and hikers, during the tion and similar useful informa­
tion, for both attending and pros­
present open deer season.
It is hoped no accidents will pective
This book was issued under the
happen this year and that all direction o f Principal Guthrie,
nervous excitable hunters have who will gladly furnish copies to
learned that deer do not wear those desiring same.
red bandannas nor striped sweat­
R o seb u rg Y oung P eop le
Few' deer have to date suc­
V isit E stacada
cumbed to the deadly aim of
of five young folks
local hunters; but several hunt­ from Roseburg
motored to Est; -
ers have already succumbed to cada
where they
the joy of toting a twelve pound
the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
piece of artillery, with its pounds are
of ammunition, a few miles up a Lei The Y. party
comprises the Misses.
mountain trail. Then comes the! Lucy Bridges, AI lie Black arid
sport of lugging it hack again, Cora Campbell, Frank Clemens
with nothing more pretentious and Frank Lilburn.
for a mark than a chirping On Thursday evening. Dr. and
chipmunk on the end of a log.
Mrs. Wells are entertaining a
party of local young people
Rumor is current that County
a dance’at Log La Barre, the
Juuge Anderson is contemplating at
of honor being »their
leaguing his oifice this year and guests
rumor also credits the fact that
a successor will lie appointed by
the Governor. We trust that i
lor once Dame rumor is mistaken
and that Judge Anderson will;
continue his good work, but it he
does resign, it is hoped that a
successor will he elected to the
vacancy, so that the people an d :
taxpayers may express their i
wishes in the matter.
It has been suggested that Es-1
tacada hold a street carnival and
Ounce on the new Broadway
concrete pavement, as soon as
the work is completed.
Such a celebration would be a
til and enjoyable affair and as;
t:iiim n m n in iK im iiiiiiiia im u i!i:iiin i:ia i;m u m u m in iin ia im tim iB iiiiim in
HR hail fellow well met, the man who spends
as he goes, i- popular just so long as lie is
a hail lellow well met, so long as he spends
as he goes. Hi.- fail weather friends leave
him the minute he is in financial distress
Don t he one of these kind. If you are
making big money plan to set aside a cer­
tain sum in bunk. Non II find that if adversity comes
a goodly bank balance is your best friend. If you al­
ready have a hank account make it a point to keep a
healthy balance, a good margin to work on. If you
liaven t a bank account open one with us todav
________ £
a 11 U l t i m a
U nnm R j
Estacada State Bank
Ask us for one of our H om e Savings Banks
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
Irwin I). Wright. Cashier
George Proctor Killed Saturday
George Proctor of Cottrell, the
21 year old son of W. A. Proctor
of Sandy, the Republican nomi­
nee for county commissioner, was
found dead last Saturday, having
been run over by a heavy wood
wagon, which he had been driv­
The body of the young man
was found lying by the side of the
road, with the neck broken and
it was evident that the wheels of
the loaded wagon had passed
over it. As to how the accident
occured, no one knows, as no
witnesses were present.
Mr. Proctor was one of the pop­
ular young men of the Cottrell
Sandy district a n d w as well
known to many residents of this
H. C. Stephens of George is
having extensive improvements
made on his home. These im­
provements consist in the addi­
tion of several rooms to the house,
besides hath, cement cellar and
complete water system.
State Forester Visits Estacada
State Forester F. A. Elliott,
C. S. Chapman, Secretary Oregon
Forest Fire Association and For­
ester W. A. Jacobson arrived in
Estacada Monday. From this
point they made an extended in­
spection trip by auto, under the
guidance of local fire warden
Ferguson, looking over conditions
in the southern part of the coun­
ty and in Marion County.
Mrs. T. B. Ford Di»s
Word was received last week
of the sudden death of Mrs. T. B.
Ford of Salem, wife of the Dis­
trict Superintendent of the M. E.
Church, Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Ford is survived by her
husband; two daughters. Miss
Sadye Evelyn Ford, a prominent
musician of Salem, and Miss Ivy
Ford, and two sons, one being
Burgess Ford, former superin­
tendent of the Estacada schools.
Theo AI berg of Estacada re­
turned this week from a vacation
trip at Seattle and other points.
A d vise Me W hat You H ave For S ale
and let me know as far in advance as possible.
N O T E :—A "T op Hog” , which is the one th at brings the best profits to the grow er,
should be fa t, in good condition and w eigh from 165 to 225 pounds.
The Man Who Has Helped To Build lip The E«»cal Livestock Industry.