Heard On The Rural Phone “ Hello! Is that you Florence?” “ Yes. is that you Mary?” “ Say Florence, I got two big boilers full o f blackberries on the stove now and wanted to find out what kind o f fruit jars those were that you have with the big mouths?” “ Why, those are those wide-mouthed Ball Mason Jars, that I bought o f Givens. I forget just what I paid for ’em, but they were cheap priced and I’ m going down now, soon as Bill gets harnessed up, and buy some more. I ’ ll get you some if you want me to. You know we buy everything at Givens and I got on hand now over $61. worth of those 2% cash discount tickets. You say you want me to get you a couple dozen? Oh, that’s alright about the cash. I’ ll pay it and get you the discount tickets.” “ Say, M ary-speaking o f Givens, did you hear that he tried to knock a Southern Pacific train off the track in Portland the other day with his automobile. He had quite a smash-up, but nobody got hurt. He’s a Holy Terror with that machine o f his and ’ ll get killed one o f these days yet.” “ By the way Florence, are you and Bill going to the Garfield Grange Hall lecture Friday night? W e’ re going and they say it will be a dandy and the lecturer is awful good looking. Oh gee! I got to ring off, my berries is boiling over, but you be sure and bring me up those Mason Fruit Jars from Givens and you better bring along a sack of that Dements Flour, 50 pounds of sugar, two-bits o f yeast never mind any more, I’ ll get the rest when I go to Estacada—dont forget my % discount tickets. Good bye.” 2 H E A D Q U A R T E R S G roceries, Flour, Feed, “ A Satisfied Customer is the W A L T E R Currinsville Curryings Contributed Best Advertisement” G I V E N S Estacada, Oreg on. Dance At Eagle Creek Lumber G. A. Lovell and family, C. R. I^ovell and Ruth Saling returned from a weeks outing at Pacific City, by way of Astoria and the Columbia River Highway. Flour and Feed You will want to do your tile draining soon, before the fall rains set in. We have 4 in. tile for $3.20 per C. or $30. per M. Also have for immediate sale about 60 ft. o f 8 in. tile at 7c per foot. We are now in a position to fill all orders for dimension mater­ ials, having a big stock on hand and with our new mill con­ nections, can furnish entire hills. We are also ready to furnish you sidewalk planks and stringers, at the prices quoted in our recent advertisements. As always, we are in a position to fill your every want in the above lines, with feed for hogs, poultry, horses and cattle. olllen CSi, Samson M. J. BUYEK Norman Linn has just com­ menced threshing in Currinsville with his new thresher, recently purchased. Montayilla Miss Elizabeth Blotter of Port­ land was visiting Mrs. Henry Heiple last week. OF A party o f young people, in­ cluding the Misses. Dillon and Wagner o f Estacada, left Tues­ day for the Cary Hot Springs, in charge o f P. M. Wagner as offi­ cial escort. Poultry Supplies Tile Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lang mo­ tored out to the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Henry Githens last Friday. They were accompanied by Mr. Lang’ s mother and sister of Min­ nesota a n d J. J. Fitzgerald o f Portland. Other visitors at the Hotel Githens last week were J. Saunders and sister o f Stanley and J. Kerkes and daughter o f Portland. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bartholo­ mew o f St Louis, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Swinburne, Mr. T. J. West, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. West and Miss Fay Bartholomew o f Port­ land were guests o f C. C. and E. E. Saling’s Sunday. FOR Kerkes FOR THE Livestock WII.L EAGLE . Estacada SHIP Company FROM CREEK L I 1 V V E L S O T 1 O D C C K A L AL L DE SC RIP TI ON S Posters are out announcing a big dance to occur at Cogswell’s Hall in Eagle Creek, Saturday evening, September 2nd, to which all are invited. Bronson’ s orchestra will furnish the music and a good time is promised, with lunch served in the hall. The floor management will be in charge o f Jack Saunders o f Cur­ rinsville. Dr. Nugent, who is to give a free lecture at the Garfield Grange Hall next Friday evening, was the speaker at the Wednes­ day noon dinner o f the Portland Ad Club. Since it has become known that the doctor is spend­ ing his vacation in Garfield, he has been besieged by clubs, soci­ eties and organizations, asking him to give one or more o f his lectures for them. The 48 acre farm in Spring- water, formerly owned by Dr. Adix o f Estacada and later own­ ed by a party by the name o f Williams o f Portland was last week sold to a man named Hin- man o f Portland. If you have any for sale, phone Henry liithens, Currinsville. Hiram, the pedigreed white I Contractor Sagner has just bull terrior, belonging to Mayor completed the laying o f over 2U0 Wright o f Estacada is still miss­ feei o f concrete sidewalk on ing, and information regarding Broadway, Estacada. which has his whereabouts will be greatly materially improved the looks appreciated. o f the street. Bob Duncan and Ed Me Pher- son o f Portland returned Tuesday from a hunting and fishing trip in the vicinity o f Mt Lowe, where they report having killed four deer and caught plenty of trout.