Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 24, 1916, Image 5

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    ♦ ♦ + + +
A Change In Our Business Method
Financial conditions compel
+ + ♦ + +
us to change our business to
O u r Bills Must Be Paid
The wholesale house must have their cash in thirty^ days,
and w e have no place to get the cash,
except from o u r sales.
« I *
his is a circular communication and is
being sent to all our Customers and
Patrons, and we sincerly trust none will
take offense as we are compelled to place
our business upon a solid basis, and by
your co-operation we feel sure that we can
build up a business that will be a Mutual
and Lasting Benefit to our customers and
to us and a credit to the community.
t will be our aim to make our prices the
lowest, consistent with good goods. Our
aim has always been the Best Goods are
none to good for our customers.
D r y Goods, M illin ery,
Notions, Etc.
herefore, on and after Monday, Sept. 4.
191fi, our Rule will Be "Strictly Cash”
and we wish to, and will treat all alike;
however. All Phone and Mail Orders will
be promptly filled, and charged until, not
later than the 15th o f the month following.
hanking you for Past Patronage and
Soliciting a Continuance o f it under our
New Rule, we are
Wm. Dale
Tours for a Sound Business,
We will commence giving Dish Coupons again Monday. August 2kth.
What Does A Farmer Earn?
Continued from page 1
ness men o f t h i s community
should welcome the chance to in­
vest in $25. shares in a home in­
dustry, one which has to date lib­
erated several thousand dollars
in local circulation and which will
distribute thousands o f dollars
A number o f local people have
already shown their pride in home
industry and their desire to build
up a permanent market, by in­
vesting such amounts as they can
afford, but the general response
has been below par, with the ten­
dency a m o n g p e o p l e having
means, to let the other fellow do
the work and furnish the money.
If between now and September
15th next, the people o f this com­
munity will subscribe $1,5C0. to­
wards the Kstacada cannery, the
News will guarantee the $500.
necessary to make up the requir­
ed $2,000. Slock to be issued in
payment for each $25. share.
R. C. Deming, the manager of
the cannery,, has not the time to
solicit stock and t h e business
should not have to pay a commis­
sion to a solicitor to raise this
money; so if you want to show
your faith in your home country,
advance the value o f your farm
land, g u a r a n t e e a permanent
market for your produce, advise
Mr. Deming or the News office of
your desire to help.
Everybody Is Learning The
One o f the busiest spots in
this county today, is Estacada’ s
business thorofare, Broadway,
where the laying o f the concrete
paving is well underway.
Contractor Pesznecker, w i t h
the assistance o f A. G. Ames, A.
Sagner, W. Gribbens, John Os­
born, Warren Barr, Tom Rhodes,
Neil Bronson, George Coates, O.
0 . Bland, Herb Kuhrasche, Carl
Kimmel and others on the pay­
roll, is now laying about three
20x20 ft. slabs o f the paving per
Aside from the helpers on the
payroll, nearly every male inhab­
itant o f the city is on the side­
lines, offering some advice but
generally absorbing more, from
the instructions o f Rev. Spiess,
who is acting as official inspector
for city and property owners. In
addition to Rev. Spiess, .a repre
sentative o f the Oswego Cement
Company is on the job, thereby
guaranteeing a proper mixture o f
the ingredients and help in lay­
ing out the concrete.
To add to the confusion, the
m em bersofthe city council, from
the mayor to the recorder, are in
the way half o f the time, but
everybody’s having a good time
and all are enthusiastic over the
tine pavement which will ulti­
mately result.
First set given away Wednesday. Sept. 6t.h
As Rev. Spiess is constantly
within ear-shot, a slight change
in the vocabulary o f some o f the
workers and bystanders has had
to be adopted, but occasionally
one o f the crowd says "P sh aw ”
or "G osh” notwithstanding.
The Estacada merchants are al­
ready laying plans for a big street
carnival and dance, to celebrate
the opening o f Broadway about
October 1st.
"W h a t C o n g r e i» ha»
don a co n ce rn in g a
A rm or Plant
and w hat p eop le art*
th in k in g a b ou t i t ’ ’
• • r m i l e c t t d In
E d it o * ia l C o m m e n t
Thia i* the title of a booklet
me have prepared We
ahall be glad t o send
a c op y free to any
one in terested
Bethlehem Steel Co.
S ou th B e th le h e m , Pa.
Peculiarity af French Flag.
It is uot generally known that the
three strips o f c olor ttint m ake up the
French uutloual Him are not et|iiui in
When the tricolor wus llrst
authorized. 1702. the |Nisitions and
proportions o f the three colors were
uot stuted. ami micii a variety o f tiugs
was seen thut tw o years later the uu
tiomil assem bly declared that the na
tloual standard should i>e form ed or
‘tlie three national < olors In eipiai
bands pla* ed vertically, the hoist he
hit; blue, the m iddle white and the tty
For years (lie Mag was made In this
way. but. though the hands were
equal. they never looked equal ow ing
to an optical Illusion, the blue appear
lilt; w ider than the w hite and the w hite
wider than the red.
At last, after many experim ents, it
was odiclally derided thut in every
hundred parts the blue should lie tidi­
ly. white thirty three and red thirty
seven. — Pittsburgh Press.
Essay on the Duck.
A prize essay on ’ T h e f»uckM was
written by a Michigan schoolgirl and
printed in the Detroit Journal.
"The duck Is a low heavy bird. He
la a mightv poor singer, havtug a
coarse voice eaused by getting
frogs In Ids neck und he likes the wu
ter and carries a toy balloon In his
stomach to keep from sinking- the duck
ha* only tw o legs und the« are set so
fa i I ia<k on Ids in n n I uu a ears by na
ture thut they com e pi eft\ near m iss
lint Ids hodi some ducks when they get
big curls on tiled rails are called
drakes and don't have to set or batch
In.t Just loaf and in» sw im m in g and eat
everything in sight If I were to tie a
du* k I w ould ruthei lie a drake they
have a wide bill like they use It fo r a
s] ude the\ walk like a drunk man
they iHiuuce and bump atiout from aide
to side If you scare them they will dap
their whig* and try to m ake a paas at
s in g in g '