Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 24, 1916, Image 4

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Best Buys In Automobiles
Saxon Roadster $4 50 .
Chevrolet Touring Car $ 6 3 0 .
Dodge Touring Car $880.
Saxon Six
All fully equipped with Starter, Electric Lights, Demountable Rims.
We cio expert mechanical repairing on ANY machine made.
P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon
Are You Going To Build?
A House, Barn, Chicken House or Garage
El wood Items
Mrs. M. M. Freeman is
i spending a few days at Troutdale I
| at the Christian Advent Meeting, j
Miss Jacobsen o f Portland was
; a Sunday guest at the home of j
j P. Nelson where her mother is
spending a few weeks.
Miss Rachel Cadonau o f Port-
I land is the guest o f her sister j
j Mrs. Lily Park.
Mrs. Julius Meillke is spend-
j ing a few days in Oregon City
¡on business.
New 1917 Model FORD
Now On Display
New Radiator,
Stream-line H ood
and Crown Fenders
oAugust 1st
of the
Miss Leola Henderson o f Ore­
gon City is the guest o f her
grand parents Mr. and Mrs. W. j
; F. Henderson.
Ed. Hodgkiss, is rebuilding a
! part o f the Wilson barn that was
blown down several years ago.
was reduced $ 8 0 on the popular
5 passenger Touring Car
and $46 on the Runabout or Roadster.
One o f the 1917 new style Ford 1
Making the Prices F. 0 . B. Estacada
automobiles is now on exhibition ,
5 Passenger Touring Car $4 15.7 0
! at the Estacada Garage and is
|attracting much attention, as it
Roadster or Runabout
I contains several radical depar-j
tures from the former models, Get Yours Now as the Supply is Limited
especially in the shape o f the
hood and fenders.
The Estacada Garage
We Keep In Stock At All Times, A Complete Line Of
Carpenters and
Builders Tools
All regular sizes of Doors, Windows and Mouldings
Mr. and Mrs. 0 . E. Bennison
and sons, Mrs. Thos Astle o f
Portland and Miss Marie Stewart
o f Casper, W yoming were guests
recently at the Jorg home in Es­
Lorain Steel Ranges,
DeLaval Separators
Oliver Plows
Ford Turns Sommersault
The old reliable Ford'car, be­
longing to Fred Anderson o f
Eagle Creek, last week pulled
off a few fancy stunts on the
River Road, finally careening
down an embankment, turning
handsprings etc,
alighting peacefully on top o f
driver Fred and his father, A. H.
Luckily neither passenger was
hurt, as the car merely pinned
them down in the soft earth,
with their four legs acting as a
support for the machine. The
Ford suffered a broken wind­
shield and a little scratching,
hut started running the minute
it was righted.
Fred, who is a cautious and
ca r e t. driver, attempted to pull
out too far from the roadway,
w hen approaching a sharp turn
and iorgot to pull back on again.
Bob Marchbank o f Estacada
has been temporarily laid up with
a return o f his asthma trouble,
which bothers him each year
during the summer season.
A party o f ginseng culturists,
comprising Jerry Jones and John
Osborn of Estacada Henry Trapp
and O. I). Twombly o f Garfield
were Tuesday driven over to
Scotts Mills by J. W. Reed,
where they inspected the famous
l ginseng gardens o f a Mr. Ramsey,
] one o f the state’ s pioneer ginseng
Ken Bartlett o f Estacada left raisers.
Monday night for an extended
P--------------------------------------------- O
eastern trip. Ken, who is a
delegate from the Beta Theta Pi
A M E R IC A N R IG H T 8 .
fraternity at the U. o f O. to the
H a d t h is g o v e r n m e n t b y the
national convention at Saratoga
use of b oth in fo rm a l a n d fo rm a l
Springs, N. Y., will make the trip
d ip lo m a t ic o p p o r t u n it ie s left n o
via Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Chi­
d o u b t th a t w h e n w e s a id “s t r ic t
a c c o u n t a b ilit y " w e m e a n t p r e ­
cago. New York City and other,
c ise ly w h a t w e ea id a n d t h a t w e
points, expecting to return in
s h o u ld u n h s s it a t in g l y v in d ic a t s
time for the opening o f college.
t h a t p o s it io n
I a m c o n fid a n t
The two weeks hunting and
fishing trip planned by J. W.
Stevens and family and his
brother Charles, who is visiting
him, was cut short last Saturday
by an accident to Mrs. Stevens,
who fell from a log, sustaining
minor injuries. The party walk­
ed in from Roaring River on Sun­
day, cutting short their outing
by a week.
Mr and Mrs. R. H. Currin of
Currinsvilleand Mr. and Mrs. W.
Civens o f Estacada are leaving
today for a week-end auto trip to
the coast resorts, stopping at
Tillamook, Pacific City and other
th a t th e re w o u ld h a v e been no
d e s tr u c t io n o f A m s r ic a n liv e s b y
the s in k in g o f the L u s it a n ia .
T h e re w e had a m p le n o t ic * — in
fact, p u b lish e d notice. F u r t h e r ­
m ore, w e k n e w th e s itu a t io n , a n d
we d id n ot r e q u ire sp e c ific n o ­
tice. In s te a d of w h it t lin g a w a y
o u r fo rm a l s t a t e m e n t s b y e q u iv ­
oca l c o n v e rs a t io n s , w e needed
the s t r a ig h t , d ire c t a n d d e c is iv e
r e p r e s e n t a t io n s w h ic h e v e ry d ip *
lo m a t a n d fo r e ig n office w o u ld
u n d e rs ta n d .
I b e lie v e t h a t in
t h is w a y w e s h o u ld h a v e been
s p a r e d the re p e a te d a s s a u lt s on
A m e r ic a n livee. M o re o v e r , a firm
A m e r ic a n p o lic y w o u ld h a v e been
s t r o n g ly s u p p o r te d b y o u r p eop le
e n d th e o p p o r t u n it ie s fo r th e de
v e to p m e n t o f b itte r fe e lin g w o u ld
h a v e been v a s t ly reduced.— F r o m
M r . H u g h e s ’ S p e e c h of A c c e p t ­
— O
Expert Mechanical Force Always On Hand
Mrs. Price's
Canning Compound
For canning all kinds o f Fruits
and Vegetables
Especially valuable for
Corn, beans, Feas, Tomatoes, etc.
For Sale At
The Estacada Pharmacy
The ' fi& KaJUL Store
S u m m e r Suit
Drinks • Tobaccos - Fruits
R. G. Marchbank’s Store
Movie Announcement
Thursday’s Show
Trunk Mystery 3 reels.
False Evidence.
Warm Day Comedy.
Admission 5c and 10c.
Saturday’s Show—
Pathe News.
Red Circle— 2nd Episode.
Col. Heeza Liar, Nature Fakir.
Ford Weekly.
Admission 5c and 10c.
Family Theatre