Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 17, 1916, Image 8

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    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ♦ +
5 cents per line. Cash in advance +
Want a id For Sale Column
l ***
stin Hand Stump Puller, $25, also
92-40 Savage 6 shot ride, $10.
Call or write S. J. Howe, F.stacnda
Undertaking and Embalming
L. A. Chapman
Licensed Embalmer
FOR RENT One four room I _
Store or Residence
house, also barn. $2 per month.
Mrs. Underwood, Estacada. | + + + + + + + + +
Sheriff’s Sale
P h y s ic ia n
Hearse and Morgue
+ + + + + + + + * + + + + + + + +
S urgeon
Office Adjoining Residence
Local and Long Distance Telephone
The doetor’s phone can he connected with your
home phone at night if requested. One long ring
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
In the Circuit Court o f the State o f
Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas.
Oregon, for the County o f Clackamas, j
9001b horse, two
H K 0avi3 an,( 0 iive K. Davis,
W. H. Mattoon, Plaintiff,
buggies and a cart. Entire out- ] p|aintiflfs
Evin W. Betty, Abbie Petty and Ada !
fit at a cash bargain. Address i
Jim Folsom, Springwater. ! Henry Warnick and N inaS. Sichel, Alexander, Defendants.
To Abbie Petty, Defendant.
j Defendants.
In the name o f State o f Oregon, you j
MADE ini sta te o f Oregon, County of Claeka- are hereby required to appear anil an- j
Ginseng culture. I can now fill j mas. ss.
swer the complaint filed against you in ;
all orders for ginseng seeds and
By virtue of a judgment order, decree the above entitled suit within ten days
plants, both Oregon and eastern and an execution, duly issued out o f and from the date o f service o f this Sum­
under the seal o f the above entitled mons upon you if served within the
grown. Special prices in quanti­
court, in the above entitled cause, to County, or if servad within any other
Inquire Jerry Jones,
me duly directed and dated the 7th day county o f this State, then within twen- j
Estacada, Or. o f August 1916, upon a judgment ren­ ty days from the date o f Service o f i
dered and entered in said court on the Summons upon you; and if you fail to 1
7th day of August 1916, in favor o f H. answer for want thereof the plaintiff
I will need about 60 hop-pickers B. Davis and Olive K. Davis, Plaintiffs, will apply to the court for the relief j
and against Henry Warnick and Nina prayed for in his complaint to-wit:
about September 1st. Notify
S. Sichel, Defendants, for the sum o f Judgment for the sum o f $918.00 ar.d
A'. H. Anderson, Eagle Creek.
$900.00, with interest thereon at the interest at eight per cent, per annum
rate o f 8 per cent per annum from the since April 15, 1916, for £90.00 attorn­
Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Wright and 17th day of September 1914, and the eys fees, together with the costs and
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge further sum o f $63.00 with interest disbursements, w h i c h indebtedness
o f Estacada, Miss Frankie Heri­ thereon from the 19th day o f November arises out of a certain promissory note,
1916, and the further sum o f $29.55 made executed and delivered to plain-
tage of Weiser, Idaho and P. F.
taxes paid by plaintiffs with interest at t'fi' by Evin W. Petty and Abbie Petty,
Standish o f Garfield, made a rec­ 8 per cent from August 5th 19 6, and
and for a decree foreclosing the certain
ord breaking auto trip last Sunday I $ 75 . 00 , as attorney’ s fee, and the fur- real estate mortgage executed and de­
in the Wright machine to Seaside ther sum o f $11.95 costs and disburse- livered by said Evin W Petty and Ab­
and return, making the round trip me,,t*> Hlul lhc eosts ot and upon this bie Petty to the plaintiff to secure
writ, commanding me to make sale o f the payment o f said note, which real I
o f over 200 miles in 18 hours.
| the following described real property, estate is described as follows, to-wit: j
1 situate in the county o f Clackamas, Beginning at the N. W. corner of
A party, comprising Mr. and state o f Oregon, to-wit:
i the George W. Palinateer and Nancy
Mrs. J. W. Reed o f Estacada,
Lot numbered Four (4) o f Block
Miss Mary Oakley o f Seattle, Mr. I numbered Seven (7) in the original Palmateer, his wife, D. L. C. in Sec. 22,
and Mrs. H. M. James o f Silver- Plat o f the Town of Estacada as shown T. 3 S. H. 4 E. o f the W. M., running
ton and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin and designated upon the plat thereof thence Fast on claim line 20 chs., thence
of Currinsville, last Sunday m o -: duly tiled and o f record in the Recorder’ s South 10 chains, thence West 20 chs.,
to claim line, thence North on claim
tored to Government Camp, tak­ office o f Clackamas County, Oregon.
ing dinner later at Arrahwanna; NOW, TH EREFO RE, by virtue o f line to the place o f beginning, contain­
ing 20 acres, and that said real estate
said execution, judgment order and d e­ be sold under execution, or so much
cree and in compliance with the com ­ thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy j
mands o f said writ, I will, on Satur­ the judgment, interest, attorneys fees,
day, the 16th day o f September 1916; coats and disbursements, and accruing j
In the Circuit Court o f the State of
at the hour o f 10 o ’ clock A. M., at the costs and disbursements, and as provid­
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
front door o f the County Court House ed by law for the sale o f real estate
Lei a Normoyle, Plaintiff,
in the City o f Oregon City, in said under execution, and for a decree that
County and State, sell at public auc­ the interest o f each o f the defendants
George Normoyle, Defendant.
tion, subject to redemption to the and all persons claiming under then sub­
To George Normoyle, Defendant.
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin sequent to said mortgage be foreclosed
In the name o f the State o f Oregon, i
cash in hand, all the right, title and o f all right or claim o f interest, except
you are hereby required to appear and
interest which the
within named the equity o f redemption, and for such
answer the complaint filed against you
defendants or either o f them, had other or further relief as may seem |
in the above entitled suit within ten
on the date o f the mortgage herein equitable to the Court in the premises.
tlavs from the date o f service o f this j
or since had in or to the above describ­
This Summons is published upon order
Summons upon you if served within the
ed real property or any part thereof, of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge o f th<
County, or it served within any other
to satisfy said execution, judgment Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon,
county o f this State, then within twen­
order, decree, interest, costs and all for Clackamas County, duly made and
ty days from the date o f Service of
entered August 7, 1916.
Summons upon you; and if you fail t«» accruing costs.
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
Claude W. Devore,
Sheriff o f Clackamas County, Oregon.
will take judgement against you for a
Attorney for Plaintiff
By E. C. Hackett. Deputy.
dissolution o f the marriage bonds ex­
First publication August 10, 1916.
isting between plaintiff and defendant 1 >at»‘d, Oregon City, Or., August 17,1916 Last publication September 21, 1916.
and annulment o f the marriage contract
and for such other and further relief as
ft» the Court may appear just and equit­
Daily Delivery Service
able in the premises and eosts and d is -;
bursements herein.
This Summons is published by order
Milk and ( ream delivered at your door,
o f Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge o f the
each morning: between 5 and 6 o ’ clock.
Circuit Court o f the State o f Oregon
Absolutely rich, pure milk, from well eared for.
for Clackamas County, made and enter­
(train and ensilage. fed Jersey cow-
ed July 12. 1916, at Oregon City, Ore.
Phone your wants the night before and we will make
First Publication July 20, 1916.
delivery r
Last Publication August 31. 1916.
Whether you are a regular customer or not, feel free to call upon ua,
when in need o f extra milk or cream.
E. W. Bartlett,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
C . R. Lovell
Henry V. Adix, M. D.
I '
FOR RENT Furnished rooms
f o r housekeeping. Inquire o f j
Mrs. Un erwood, Estacada.
C& C R E A M
Dr. L. A. Wells
Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix
Dr. R. Morse
P h y s ic ia n
S urgeon
Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses
Office on Main Str. between l*t and 2nd
Main and 5th Sts.
Telephone Connection
Claude W. Devore
A U ornry at l aw .i d Noi.ary Public
Estacada. Oregon
Stone 4 Moulton
Attorneys - ft t - La w
Pacific 405.
4-5-6 Stevens Bldg.
J O H The
Home A 270.
Oregon City, Or.
Insurance Man
Oregon Fin> Re lie i Ass’n
O f McMinnville, Oregon.
Also First Class OLD LINE Insurance.
Automobile Insurance A Specialty
Phone 513
Team Work, Hauling and Packing
W ood delivered, any amount or length.
10c per Rig.
W. M. Yonce
S. E. Wooster
Estacada, Or.
R e p r e s e n t in ' «
Liverpool 4 London 4 Globe Insurance Co.
o r ie n t
INSURANCE CO. o f Hartford
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
w ith l o c a l /
p l :
v r i o : ; s a th y
ca n n o t re a ch t..*j s c a t o f th*.- d isea se.
C a ta rrh is a Lie tl disea se, g r e a t ly in ­
flu en ced b y c o n s titu tio n a l co n d iti ins.
and in o r d e r t o c u r e it yo u m ust
ta k e an in te rn a l n rnedy.
H a ll’s C a ­
ta rrh C u re is ta l. n in te rn a lly and
a cts th ru th e b lo o d o n the m u cou s s u r ­
fa ce s o f th e s y s te m
H a ll’ s C ata rrh
C ure w a s p re s crib e d hy o n e o f the b est
ih y slcia n s in th is co u n t r y fo r yea rs It
s co m p o se d o f s om e o f th e b est to n ics
k n o w n , co m b in e d w ith s o m e o f th e
b est b lo o d p u rifie rs . T h e p e r fe c t c o m ­
b in a tio n or th e In g re d ie n ts in H a ll’ s
C a ta rrh C ure Is w h a t p ro d u c e s su ch
w o n d e rfu l re s u lts in ca ta rrh a l c o n d i­
tio n s. Send f o r te stim o n ia ls, free.
F J C H E N S T S t CO., Props.. T oledo. O.
A ll D r u g g is ts . 7Kr
H a ll's F a m ily P ills f o r co n s tip a tio n .