Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 10, 1916, Image 7

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    Everybody’s Going
( T H I ftOOP d u p q e r i H D l M O ST M I N KNOW W H S T H I S u 3 I » ^ ! CU T T O B A C C O >
Where? — Why to the Gar
field Country Club’s annual pic-;
When? — Next Saturday,
August 12th, for all day.
What’ll be doing? — Why
everything from sports to danc­
ing. I t’ll be one of those regular
old fashioned, get together, en­
joyable affairs, with plenty to!
eat and a chance to spend th e !
day with your neighbors and
Close your shop or desert your
ranch for that day; bring along
a big lunch and dont forget to
bring the children.
Everybody’s invited. Every­
body’s g o i n g . Everybody’s
going to have a good time too.
Are you?
Allen & Samson Buy Truck
OU can’t hide the truth—that’s why men who use
W-B CUT Chewing know what quality tobacco is.
A small chew of the real tobacco tucked away
in the cheek gives men the tobacco satisfaction they
A gentlem an'a chew —it cut« down grinding and ip ittin g and th e re ’!
no unw ieldy wad to roll around in your m outh o r to plug o u t th e cheek.
One indication that prosperity j
G ive W -B C U T Chewiug the quality test and learn w hat tobaceo
is reaching this section, is the
satisfaction is.
recent increase in the local auto
Made hy WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY. 50 Vmm Sgwr., New Terk Gty
sales, especially among the East- !
ern Clackamas business men,
with several having purchased
motor trucks.
Last week, the Estacada Gar-1
age sold to Allen & Samson of
Estacada a two and one-half ton
Cash Paid For Eggs
Denby truck, which will be used
in the delivery part of their bus- j
Fred Jorg, Proprietor
At present, Ed Allen of the |
Phone Main 83.
firm is putting the truck to good,
practical and remunerative use,
Estacada, Oregon
having taken the contract to han­
dle 2,000 yards of gravel for the
road work in Tillamook County.
Mr. Allen was fortunate in learn­
ing of this contract at the time !
of buying the truck and feeling
the need of a change of work as
a vacation and realizing the easy
And Supplies
money to be earned while learn­
Fishing Tackle — Hunting and Fishing Licenses ing to operate the machine, he Yes, the crowning typewriter triumph is here!
proceeded to Tillamook last Sun­
Lunches - Confectionery - Cigars
day, expecting to be away for
It is just out, and comes years before experts expect­
thirty days or more.
ed it. For makers have striven a life-time to attain
With the new motor trucks now
being used by the Klaetsch and
this ideal machine. And Oliver has won again, as we
Horner mills, with one or two of
scored when we gave the world its first visible writing.
the neighboring farmers driving
$2. a day.
S10. a week
similar vehicles, it looks and There is truly no other typewriter on earth like this new Oliver ‘9’.
sounds like real prosperity! on Think of touch so light that the tread of a kitten will run the keys!
Estacada’s streets these days,
Mrs. W. A. Wash and Miss Eva
Modern Conveniences
new Oliver comes at
Wash of Estacada returned home
The new-day advances th a t come
T u e s d a y evening, following a along on this machine are all con­
the old-tim e price. It costs no more
One of the most delightful Resorts
than lesser m akes now out-of-date
three weeks visit among rela­ trolled by Oliver. Even our previ­
on the Coast
tives and friends in Seattle.
when compared with this discovery.
ous models—fam ous in their d a y —
Local and Tourist Trade Solicited
For while the O liver's splendid new
Owing to the absence of sever­ never had the Optional Duplex S hift.
featu res are costly we have equal­
It puts the whole control o f 84
al of the city officials, the regular
ized the added expense to us by sim ­
monthly meeting of the Estacada letters and ch ara cte rs in the little
Bert Is Running Bert's Business
plifying construction.
City Council was not held Tues­ fingers of the rig h t and left hands.
Resolve right now to see this g re at
During the absence of Bert H.
day evening, but will occur the And it lets you w rite them all with
achievem ent before you spend a dol­
Finch from his hardware business
latter part of the week.
only 28 keys, the least to operate of
lar for any typew riter. If you Hre
any standard ty p ew riter made.
in Estacada, Bert Byers, the gen­
using some other make you will w ant
Russell Reed of Estacada left
Thus w riters of all other machines
ial assistant, vice-president and
to see how much more this one does.
this week for the Oak Grove
If you are using an Oliver, it n a t­
general manager or whatever his
Ranger Station, where he will can imm ediately run the Oliver Num­
ber '9' with m ore speed and g re a te r
urally follows th a t you w ant the
work in the Forestry Service.
title may be, is doing such a rush­
finest model.
ing business that his employer
Ken Bartlett of Estacada re­
this brand-new Oliver ‘9 ’ is the
can afford to remain away for
turned home last week after a
* g re a te s t value ever given in a typew riter.
another week or two.
few months absence in eastern
I t has all our previous special inventions visible w riting, autom atic
Oregon where he has been work­
Bert B. claims that equal new3
spacer, 6 1-2 ounce touch plus the Optional Duplex Shift, Selective
publicity should be given to the
Color A ttachm ent and all these other new-day features.
sale of implements and ranges,
Y et we have decided to sell it to everyone everyw here on our fa ­
Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd j
mous paym ent plan—17 cents a day! Now every user can easily afford
as is given to the auto sales. He
Yocum of Estacada, August 9th,
to have the w orld’s crack visible w riter, with the famous PR IN T Y PE ,
contends that the purchase of an
a daughter.
th a t w rites like print, included FREE if desired.
expensive Lorain s t e e l range
In the advertisement of the TODAY W rite for full details snd be among the flrit to-know
Tuesday, by Jas. Smith of Eagle
Creek, is just as important news,
Chevrolet automobiles elsewhere
about this m arvel o f w riting machines. See why typists, employers,
as the chronicling of the purchase
i in this paper will be noted a cut
and individuals everyw here a re flocking to the Oliver. Ju s t mail a post­
of an automobile by said Jas.
al a t once. No obligation. I t ’s a pleasure for us to tell you about it.
of $20. in the selling price, bring-
Smith, a few months ago.
I ing this popu'ar car down to
You can rent an Oliver typewriter three months for $4.
$630 here, car being fully equip­
Mrs. Burgess F. Ford and chil­
dren of Salem, are visiting at the
ped with starter and all assess- j
Hannah home in 9 Estacada.
1193 Oliver Typewriter Bldg.,
Chicago, 111.
I ories.
Invites Your Patronage
A New Model Typewriter!
‘Premo’ Cameras
Ed Boner’s
Hotel Estacada