Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 10, 1916, Image 2

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Tru Our Cash With Order Department
+ ♦♦ + + + + ♦ + ♦ + ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ * * * ¥ * * *
Select the goods you want from any Portland Mail Order Catalog
adding * c a pound for freight on all heavy goods such as Sugar, Flour, Salt,
Meats and Canned goods and we will guarantee to fill the order to your satisfaction.
These prices are on orders of $5. or over and mu9t be Cash With Order delivered at the store.
Portland Price
100th sack Fruit Sugar
Half gallon Karo
Blue Lable
49th sack High Grade Flour
Whole Wheat
2.21 *
.01 >4
. .29*
.0 2 *
.0 2 *
1 dozen
Pint Fruit Jars (Mason)
.02 Vi
.03 *
* Gal. ’
F. O. B. Estacada $16.76 Our Price $16.60
Cost you in Portland
The above were taken from the latest price list of a Portland Mail Order House
and are some of their leaders and if we can meet thejr prices on leaders
you can rest assured that we can on other things.
Cash T i c k e t s n o t in c lu d e d a t t h e s e p r i c e s
S c Lb.
$ .25
“ Your Satisfaction Is Our Success”
Repair Your Sidewalk Now
2 x 6 — 4ft. long PLANKS
2 x 6 -
__________ ______________ each
............- ....................................... ”
1 x 6 — 20 ”
for Inside W a lk s.................
2 x 6 — 10”
STRINGERS ........................................
” 11c
f l o u r a n d f e e d o f Al l K i n d s
C. C. M il l e r
Metal Repairing
Electric Wiring and Supplies
General Repair Work of All Kind«
especially Gaa and Steair. Engine Repairs and Fittings
All Work Guaranteed
In charge o f Ray Eschleman as
guide, a party of Estacada ladies,
consisting of Mrs. Eschleman,
Mrs. Annie Morton, Miss Florie
Kendall, Mrs. Wm. Kuhrasche,
Mrs. C. F. Frazier and Mrs. W.
B. Simmons, left Wednesday for
a trip to the Cary Hot Springs.
Give Me A Trial
The Ford auto sales record of
550,000 cars in the past year was
last week increased one more, by
the purchase of a touring car by
Archie Howell of Springs ater,
the deal being handled through
the Estacada Garage.
Rural Credits Act
Would Aid Fanner
i An an nua| saving of interest
| and mortgage cost in excess of
three-quarters of a million dollars
annually, is expected to result
from the operation of the pend-
! ing rural credits bill if it is enact-
j ed by the people at the next an-
| nual election. “ But this is not,”
| says Dr. Hector Macpherson, of
the O. A. C. Bureau of Organiz­
ation and Markets, in discussing
this bill. “ It means an end to
the perpetual worry and expense
of mortgage renewing. It means
an end to forclosures, lost homes
and blighted hopes. It means bet­
ter equipped farms and a greater
rural prosperity. This in turn
means more business for rail­
roads. factories and stores and
more work for laborers in our
“ Although agriculture is the
basic industry o f Oregon, our
farmers are now far from being
prosperous. In addition to high
interest rates the long and ex­
pensive freight hauls to distant
markets and inflated land values
have placed Oregon agriculture
under an a l m o s t unbearable
handicap. It is estimated that
the average Oregon farm is not
making wages at two per cent,
on the investment represented.
“ The farm debt of Oregon se­
cured by real and chattel mort­
gage is estimated conservatively
at $30,000,000, On this debt the
fanners are paying an average
rate of 8 * per cent, interest.
Adding to this the cost of renew­
al and commission the average
rate is probably but little under
9 * per cent
"It is the purpose of the propos­
ed constitutional amendmert to
take the burden out o f the farm
mortgage cubus of the state. It
purposes to give the farmer a pe­
riod of 36 years in which to pay his
mortgage. The actual rate of in­
terest is 5 per cent. The cost o f
title and land appraisal varies
from $10 to $50. The farmer
pays off one per cent, of the or­
iginal sum borrowed each year,
that is a payment of six per cent,
a year will be sufficient to pay the
interest and cost of operation and
wipe out the debt entirely in a
period of thirty-six years.
"The system is inexpensive.
The loan funds will be supplied
on the credit o f the state, which
can obtain lower rates of interest
and better terms than any of its
sub-divisions or any individual.
The cost of operation in loaning
the state school funds is only two-
tenths of one per cent, and this
system will be handled in much
the same way by the state land
Bridge Should Be Lighted
The City of Estacada should go
to a slight additional expense to
have an eiectric light placed with­
in the covered part o f the bridge
crossing the Clackamas.
Last week one of the Estaca­
da women, while driving home
with her little son about nine
o’ clock at night, was held up by
some party or parties unknown.
While the holdup amounted to
nothing more than the stopping
of her horse and the frightening
of the driver, a repetition of the
affair would not happen with the
bridge lighted.