Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, August 03, 1916, Image 2

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    Wì T H
* Our Cash With Order Department
♦ + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ + ♦ + ♦ + + + + ♦ + + + + + ♦ ♦ + ♦ + +♦ + + ♦ + ♦ » + ♦ + ♦ ♦ + * ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦
Select the goods vou want from any Portland Mail Order Catalog
adding -¿c a pound for freight on all heavy goods such as Sugar. Flour. Salt.
Meats and Canned goods and we will guarantee to fill the order to your satisfaction.
These prices are on orders of $5. or over and must be Cash With Order delivered at the store.
Portland Price
1001h sack Fruit Sugar
25th ’
Half gallon Karo
Blue Lable
1 dozen
.0 1 *
2.21 *
.2 9 *
.3 3 *
Whole Wheat
* c Lb.
$ .25
49H* sack High Grade Flour
9th ’ G r a h a m
+ +
Pint Fruit Jars (Mason)
Quart ’
* Gal. ’
.0 2 *
.5 2 *
.0 3 *
in c lu d e d
th ese
+ ♦ ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
F. O. B. Estacada $16.76 Our Price $16.6u
The above were taken from the latest price list of a Portland Mail Order House
and are some of their leaders and if we can meet their prices on leaders
you can rest assured that we can on other things.
T ic k e ts
Cost you in Portland
.3 8 *
* * * * * * * * * * *
“ Your Satisfaction Is Our Success"
V iola B reezes
Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and
children of Oregon City are
spending a week's vacation at
the home of his sister, Mrs.
Frank Gibb.
The work of planking the road
between big Clear Creek and lit­
tle Clear Creek bridges is now
underway and should be ready
for travel within a few days.
The lumber being furnished by
Creason’s Mill.
A. C. White lost a valuable
month old colt last week, the ani­
mal probably having been injured
in some unknown manner.
Ray Miller has completed the
shingling of his house.
Thos Eaden is suffering from a
badly infected finger, resulting
from the careless habit of picking
out a sliver with a jack-knife.
Robert Mattoon and wife of
Oregon City spent Sunday at the
parental farm.
J. Sevier is now employed in
hauling lumber from the Klaetsch
Mill to the Estacada shipping
Mrs. Helen Edmiston. who has
been visiting her sister. Mrs. E.
M. Folsom of Springwater. re­
turned to her home at Payton.
Wash, last Saturday. She was
accompanied by her neice. Miss
Mary Folsom, w ho will spend the
remainder of the summer with
her aunt, and sister. Mrs. Ray
Repair Your Sidewalk Now
2 x 6 — 4ft. long PLANKS
............... ....................... .........each
2 x 6 — 6 ......................
.................................................... ”
for Inside Walks...................... ” l l C
2 x 6 — 10”
STRINGERS............................................. ” l l C
Flour and Feed of Ail Ki n d s
c^lllen C& Samson
C. C. M i l l e r
Metal Repairing
Electric Wiring and Supplies
G eneral R epair W ork of All K inds
especially Gas a n d Steam E ngine R epairs and Fittings
A11 Work Guaranteed
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin of
urrinsville entertained a nun-
er of friends last Saturday even­
ing at a delightful dinner party.
Later in the evening, all gut sts
attending the dance at the Ksta
ida Pavilion.
Give Me A Trial
Wm. Miller, head salesman of
the Albers' Bros. Milling Co. of
Portland, spent a few days last
week visiting at the horres of
his brothers. Ray. Ed. Charles.
Bob and Adolph, in Viola. Esta­
cada and George.
O u r R easo n
Insinuations have been current
recently relative to the excep­
tional interest and enthusiasm
being displayed by the News and
its publisher towards the Estaca­
da Cannery and its need of pub­
lic financing.
The question a r i s e s , as to
w hether the said publisher is on
the inside on this deal. For the
benefit of all questioners, the
publisher wants it distinctly un­
derstood that he is on the inside
on this deal, just the same as any
other stockholder and is putting
as much money as he can afford
into the industry, knowing th at
it should not only prove a good
investment, but th at it will seri­
ously harm the newspaper, th e
town, the community and every
resident, if the Estacada cannery
closes down.
Mrs. I. M. Abbott of Myrtle
Point visited for a few days re­
cently at t h e Ray Esc hie man
home in Estacada. as the guest of
her brother-in-law, Jas. Abbott.
Miss Rachel Reed of Estacada is
this week entertaining the Misses
Helen McFaul and Marie Johns of
Portland and Seattle, the guests
being sororiety sisters of the
h o s t e s s . ______
The Oregon Agricultural Col­
lege has this week issued a val­
uable bulletin dealing with “ cow
testing" from all standpoints.
This bulletin may be had on ap­
plication to the college.