EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9, N umber 46. E stacada , O regon , P. R. L & P. CO. PAT $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 ANNUALLY Taxpayers Enlightened On Taxes Those who attended the Tax­ payers monthly meeting at Bar­ ton, July 24, heard some very interesting facts and figures pre­ sented by County Assessor J. E. Jack. Although obliged to short­ en his speech in order to catch the last car, Mr. Jack managed to impress upon the minds o f his hearers the fact that corporations doing business in Clackamas Co. do pay a reasonable share o f the taxes, popular belief to the con­ trary not-with-standing. He cited the P. R. L. & P. Co. as one example and named $150, 000.00 as the sum this company annually pays into the treasury of Clackamas County in the shape of taxes. Mr. Jack also slated it is his belief that taxes are too high and he submitted the figures given below as proof o f the as­ sertion that they have increased at an alarming rate during the past ten years. , TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1 9 0 5 State, School, Road and other tax $171,078.03 Poll i'ax 1,180.00 Special S hooi Tax 26,087.93 ” ¡toad " __ 2,625.60 ” City ” 10.650,92 Total Tax lor 1905 $211,622.48 t a x e s f o r t h e y e a r 1915 Staie, S ch o o l, ltoau and Oihor la x ___ $545,916.57 Special School Tax 141,711.38 Road ” 70,281.28 ” Cities ” 61.975.55 Timber Patrol T a x ..______334.53 To al Tax for 1915 $819,318.99 INCREASE IN TAXES FOR THE TEN YEARS State, School, Road and other Tax (By County Levy) 214%. Special School Tax (Vote o f the People) 443''«. Special Road Tax (Vote o f the People) 2,476% Special City Tax (Vote o f the People) 473 u. E. F. Riley o f Portland, spoke briefly on the Farmers Land and Loan Bill, saying that farmers would lie nothing more than mere tenants paying full rental value o f their land to the state, should this bill became a law. Conse­ quently people having money to invest in farm lands would hunt some spot not favored with Ore­ gon ’s freak legislation. The fact j T hursday , A ugust 3, 1916 BOB MORTON A BEBO FATAL ACCIDENT SUNDAY Estacada Boy Rescues Imperilled Swimmer Motorcycle Causes Upset Of Wagon In a letter received this week by Clyde Havens o f Estacada from A. Benson, manager o f the Salmon City, Idaho hatchery, was enclosed a clippping from the local paper, descriptive o f the heroic actions o f Robert E. Mor­ ton, in the rescuing ot a drown­ ing forest officer. The clipping reads: One o f the saddest accidents that has occured in this commun­ ity for many months, took place last Sunday noon near the top of the Springwater Hill, resulting in the death o f Mr. John Ptacek of Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Somers, her sister, M rs. Annie Mikulecky, a n d their aged father, John Ptacek all o f Estacada started about 11 A. M. for Highland, Mr. Somers driving a two seated wag­ on hitched to his team o f mules. Near the top o f the Springwater Hill road, where the curves are sharp and dangerous, two motor­ cycles, each carrying two passen­ gers, sped by bound for the Meier & Frank picnic in Estacada Park, the latter one, which came around a turn suddenly, frightened the mules so badly that they backed the wagon and its occupants over an embankment, overturning the vehicle and fatally injuring Mr. Ptacek. Aside from a bad shake up, ti e other three occupants o f the wag­ on were uninjured, but the aged father, having been unable to pro­ tect himself against the fall, was found in an unconscious condi­ tion, suffering from a bad scalp wound with probable fracture o f the skull, besides internal in­ juries. Medical aid was summoned at once, hut the injured man passed away at his house late that nigrit, never regaining consciousness. While possibly no blame could be attached to the driver of the motorcycle, he was undoubtedly careless in rounding the curves o f the hill at that spot and with­ out sounding any warning o f his f a s t approach. T h e cyclist’s ngme was not learned, although the number o f the machine was taken, after he had ridden to Es­ tacada and summoned a physic­ ian. Mr. Ptacek, who had resided with his daughter, Mrs. Miku­ lecky, on Shalford Ave., Estaca­ da for several years, was about 74 years of age and in very poor health. The remains, after being em­ balmed by undertaker Chapman o f Estacada, were taken east for burial, accompanied by Mrs. Mikulecky; the interment taking place the latter part o f this week at their former home at Wilson, Kansas. The sympathy o f the commun­ ity is extended the family in this sudden taking o f their beloved father. “ Harry Power, the forest officer, while making soundings of the Salmon river last evening, fell into the river, and barely escaped drowning. The cable which the federal government has in­ stalled for this work gave way, while Mr. Power was riding the suspended basket over the middle of the stream. Though he is a powerful swimmer, the stage of the river, and the weight of his clothes made progress toward shore rather difficult. Robert E. Morton, one of the fish-trap men, who lately came from Oregon, and is himself a champion swimmer, happened to be standing on the bank as a witness to Mr. Powers distress. When Mr. Morton saw that the man was struggling with adversity, and not apt to make the shore, he threw his coat, plunged in and rescued him, bringing him to land. It was a close call, and Mr. Power hopes that it won’t happen again.’ ’ Bob Morton left Estacada a month or so ago, accompaning A. Benson, former manager o f the River Mill Hatchery, to Salmon City, where both are employed in hatchery work. Benson’s letter adds a few ex­ tras to the newspaper account, such as the report that Bob was out walking with the tow n’s belle at the time of the accident and is now being treated as a hero by all o f Salmon City’ s damsels, both white and Injun. becomes apparent that voters do not understand this bill. J. K. Ely Chairman o f the League’s Road Committee report­ ed the proposition o f paving a section o f the proposed “ Eastern Clackamas Highway” near Eagle Creek Grange Hall was taken up with the County Court at the July term, and while the Court seemed not averse to doing some work o f this character in the eastern end o f the county, they could not see their wav. clear to move the paving plant at the present time. However since this is the first request o f the kind coming from this part o f the county the com­ mittee feels the County Court | will in making their plans for permanent road improvement another year, give Eastern Clack­ amas some consideration. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Currinsville, Monday, Ai g. 21th, at 1:30 F. M. League members hope that the program Committee will invite the County Assessor to be present at this meeting and go into the details o f Assessment and Taxation more fully than his short stay at Bar- j ton permitted. , $1. P er Y ear Lecture On Mexico A truly interesting, instructive and entertaining series o f lectures will occur in Estacada, beginning next Sunday evening at the Chris­ tian Church, continuing to and in­ cluding Wednesday evening. The church is fortunate in hav­ ing secured the services of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. M ellingerof Port­ land. Mr. Mellinger is the pastor o f the Woodlawn Church and was for a number o f years a mission­ ary in old Mexico and is conver­ sant with every detail o f Mexican life and history. On Sunday evening, Mr. Mel­ linger will deliver a sermon lec­ ture upon the subject, “ Religious History o f Mexico” to which ali are invited. No admission will be charged for the Sunday even­ ing lecture, but beginning Mon­ day evening, a series o f three lectures will be given, to which an admission o f 25c per lecture will be charged, with tickets for the three lectures, for »ale at the special price o f 50c, the proceeds going towards the support o f the church choir. The subject o f Monday even­ ing’s lecture will be “ Present Day Conditions in Mexico. ” On Tues­ day evening the lecturer will speak on “ Life in Mexico” , this lecture being profusely illustrat­ ed with steriopticon views. The final entertainment o f the course, occuring Wednesday even­ ing, will be by Mrs. Mellinger, who is one o f Portland’ s foremost | entertainers. The entertainment will consist largely o f readings and musical numbers, which will prove a treat to all who attend. Coming at this time when Mex­ ico is an every day subject o f con­ versation, an opportunity to hear Mr. Mellinger, should not be missed. All lectures will start promptly at 8 o ’clock P. M. Union Service* Next Sunday i Everyone is cordially invited to spend the day at the Union Services next Sunday, August 6th, which occur in the grove ad­ joining the Mt Zion Church in Garfield. An exceptionally entertaining and instructive program will be given, with the singing in charge o f t h e Springwater Choral Society, with the Garfield Baud rendering several selections. A program covering the entire day has been arranged, with ser­ mons preached by Dr. Nugent o f Newburyport, Mass, and Dr. Talbot o f Kimball College, Salem. The noon hour will be given over to a regular picnic dinner, with all urged to bring their lunches and enjoy the day.