♦ ♦ + + + + ♦ ♦ ♦ Want and For Sale Column ' cents per line. Cash in advance GOOD M E A LS 25c at the L og Cabin corner 3rd and Main Sts. Estacada, Ore. Mrs. E. A. Adams. Prop. B E R R Y PIC K E R S W A N T E D Call at once at the Estacada Cannery as many pickers are a + + ♦ + + + + ♦ + + + ♦ + + ♦ ♦ + + + ♦ Undertaking and Embalming L A. Chapman Estacada Licensed Embalmer Phone Store or Residence Operating Hearse and Morgue + + + ♦ + ___ + * + _ + __ + + + ♦ ♦ ____________ ÄL : + + + + ♦ + ♦ + + + + * Henry V. Aalx, M. D. + P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office Adjoining Residence 11 H Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One lung ring an ted. F O R S A L E 25 acres cultivated land on P. R. L. & P. tracks near Currinsville. Bargain for cash. Phone Neil Taylor. Currinsville. FOR S A L E — Poland China Brood Sow and 5 Shoats. John Dunseaih, Currinsville. IM M E D IA T E B A R G A IN FOR SALE Seven room house, with outbuildings, all in good condition and tw o lots. House completely and well furnished. Price now $1,000 with terms. Inquire now Mrs. W . D. Henthom. Estacada. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon I.ang and Mrs. Fitzgerald o f Portland is J. J. Fitzgerald o f Portland and a guest at the Henry Githens Miss Ethel Lewellen o f Morrow home in Currinsville. were week-end guests at the R. Coon Bayer o '’ Estacada is now I H. Currin home in Currinsville. working at Heppner, Ore., where, Mrs. Carrie Ridirnr and Mrs. he will probably remain until John Shaver o f Molalla are visit­ after the harvest. ing at the home o f the form er’s Miss Dora Currin ofC u rrin s-i sister. Mrs. Mary Heipie o f Cur­ ville returned recently from a rinsville. weeks visit at the home o f her! Mr. and Mrs. Will Craig o f El- grand-mother at Salem, lensburg. Washington, and Mrs. i “ N. Gale o f Portland, were guests Notice for Publicztion at the Saling home in Currins- Department of the Interior. U. S. ville last week. Land office at Portland. Oregon July Dr. L. A. Wells Dentist Associated with Dr. H. V. Adix Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n a n d Tests Eyes arid Fits Glasses Office on Main St 1 . between W Residence: 3. 1916. FOR SA LE — Late Cabbage Mrs. Elizabeth McKown and plants. 35c per hundred. Phone M i s s Bessie Torrance o f La n __ . . . . Mrs. H. H. Anders, Garfield. Crosse, Wisconsin are guests at the J. \V. Reed home in Estacada. FO R S A L E — 4 H. P. Indian Motorcycle Price $40. J. Meillke o f Elwood IS report- A. Hoygaard. Cazadero. ed to be at St Vincent’s hospital in Portland, in a very serious con­ FOR S A L E — Tw o good milch dition, at the result o f a throat cows. Price right. affection. Inquire News office. Notice is ship 5 South. Range 4 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to maKe Final five-year Pioof. to estab­ lish claim to the land above described, j before The Register and Receiver of j the L nited Slates Land Office, ar Port­ land, Oregon, on the 16th day of A u g­ ust. 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Charies W . Swan, o f Colton, Gregor.. Otto Sorenson, of Colton, Oregon. Henry E. Worden, of Portland, Ore­ gon. Oscar Miller, of Colton, Oregon. N. Campbell, To George Normoyle. Defendant. Register. In the name of the State of Oregon, Proof made according to law under you are hereby required to appear and which entry was made. answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within ten Notice for Publication days from the date of service o f this Department o f the Interior, U . S. Summons upon you if served within the Land Office at Portland. Oregon. July i Count>'. or ii »erved »ithm any other 3 1916. county of this State, then within twen­ Notice is hereby given that Otto ty days from the date o f Service of Sorenson, of Colton, Clackamas County, FO R S ALE OR T R A D E — A Summons good mare, good top buggy and In the Circuit Court o f the State of a set o f single harness to trade Oregon, for Clackamas County. fo r cord-wood o- stock hogs; or Ltla Normovle, Plaintiff, will sell cheap for cash or good vs. note. W. H. Holder. Estacada. George Normoyle, Defendant. D ISHES L E F T A t Christian Church Ladies Aid booth on July 4th. O w ner’ s please call for same at L. A. Chapman’ s Store. LO ST— A boy’s coat on road Estacada and Whitcomb ranch. Finder please phone Mrs. A. O. Whitcomb, Garfield. l>ctw ecn F O R S A L E Glass, suitable for green-houses or hot-beds, Bar­ gain prices. A . N. Johnson, Estacada. Or. FOR S A L E Large Durham Cow, fresh about Aug. 1. good milker still givin g milk. $60.00. Brown Jersey Cow. good milker, fresh in Oct.. $40. Both gentle. Full blooded Jersey Bull, $40. s Pigs, about 40or 5 0 », each $3.50. C. A. Davis. Garfield. FOR S A L E B A R G A IN Kir- Summons upon you: and if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgement against you for a dissolution of the marriage bonds ex­ isting between plaintiff and defendant ani. annulment of the marriage contract and for such other arid further relief as to the Court may appear just and equit­ able in the premises and costs and dis­ bursements herein. This Summons is published by order of Hon. J. U , Campbell, judge o f the Circuit Court of the State o f Oregon for Clackamas County, made and enter­ ed July 12. 1916, at Oregon City, Ore. First Publication July 20. 1916. stin Har.d Stump Puller, $25. also Ll,' : Publication August 31. 1916. 32-4'i Savpge 6 shot rifle. $10. E- Bartlett, Callor write S. J. Howe. Estacada Red Attorney for Plaintiff. Daily Raspberries Delivery M I L K are needed to till orders. Ascertain days when cannery can use them, lie fore bringing them in. R. C. Deming Packing Co. Esacada. - Oregon. “o*03035 f o M t a U ? 4 ,,f SecUon 6 , and on March 4. 1912 Made Additional Homestead Entry 397 for the lots 1, 2, and 3 all in Sec- >n 6 , Township 5 South, Range 4 East Willamette Meriuian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register aud Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 16th day of August. 1916. Claimant names as witnesses:, K. E. Gordon, of Colton. Oregon. Charles W. Swan, of Colton, Oregon. William Werner, of Colton, Oregu.'i. Henry E. Worden, of 912 East Main St., Portland, Oregon. N. Campbell, Register. Proof made according to law under which entries were made. Service C R E A M Milk and Cream delivered at your door. each morning bet 1 een 6 and 6 o ’clock. Absolutely rich.pure milk, from well cared for, grain and ensilage fed Jersey cows. Phone vour wants the night before and we will make delivery early the next rooming. Whether you are a regular customer or not. feel free to call upon us. when in need o f extra milk or cream. Phone C. R. Lovell Currinsville nnd 2nd Main and Mb Sts. Telephone Conrkectiou hereby given that William Werner, of Colton, Clackamaa County. Oregon, who. on August Is. 1909, made Homestead Entry. So. «146. for Si 2 NEi-4 and Nl-2 SEi 4, Section 6. Town- S urgeon Clüude W. Devore A tto rn cy -a t-L iw j i'd N uiary Public Estacada, Oregon Stone & Moulton A ttorn eys - at - L w Phone»- Pacific 4U5. 4-5-6 Stevens Bldg. J O H N Home A 270. Oregon City. Or. B R O W N The Insurance Man Oregon Pire Re lief Ass’n O f McMinnville, Oregon. Also First Class O L I) L IN E Insurance. Automobile Insurance A Specialty Phone 013 - G n ~ la m Team Work, Hauiing and Packing Wood delivered, any amount or length. TIE SHED - 10c per Rig. W. M. Yonce FI RE I N S U R A N C E S. E. Wooster - Estacada, Or. RtntfiSBNTINU Niagara Fire Insurance Co. ORIENT INSURANCE CO. of Hartford Established 1860 • Cn.vh Cap.tal There Is more CrtarrN in this section of the country thr.a all other diseases put l ore liter, r.r.J for years it t i s sup­ posed to be incurable. Doctors pre­ scribed local remedies, and by constant­ ly failin g to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease, gr acly Influenced by con­ stitutional cor.d.tio'AS and therefore re­ quires constitutional treatm ent Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is a consti­ tutional remedy, is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. One Hundred Dollars reward is offered for any case that H ail’s Catarrh Cure fails to cure. Send fo r circulars and testimonials. F J CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c. H all’s Fam ily P ills fo r constipation.