Easy Payment Plan T ry our In Purchasing Your New Fall Suit You will have it paid for before you know it. Remember you must get in on this before July 22nd. T H E RECORD OF DEPOSITS S ELECTING Placed to your credit on joining the club Initial Deposit July 22nd . July 29th August 5th August 12th August 19th August 26th September 2nd September 9th September 16th September 23rd September 30th Total paid in Total to your credit P L A N . $ .62 $ .21 .42 .63 .84 1.05 1.26 1.47 1.68 1.89 2.10 2.31 2.52 16.38 . September Suit Chosen Less Balance To 17.00 IT - $ Credit Due - $ 1 7. 0 0 $- T h is Club is founded solely to make new friends for R oyal Tailored to order clothes. T h e privileges of the club will be granted only on the sale of R oya l Tailored Clothes. 16.38 H O W 5 “<* $ _ Due Y ou r Balance 1 30th Price of SUIT W O R K S O U T Suppose you order a $16 suit. 5 % of$1 6is80 c m akingthecosttoyouonly$15.20. With $17 to your credit, we will rebate to you $1.80 in cash. Or suppose you order a $20 suit. Deducting 5% from $20 leaves $19 so by paying $2 more, you get a $20 suit. If a $27 suit, you get a dis- couht o f $1.25 making the cost o f suit $23.75 leaving $6.75 for you to pay. Whatever the price o f the suit you choose you get 5 » discount. EAST CLACKAMAS SUPPLY CO. “ Your Satisfaction Is Our Success” Two Shows Per Evening Manager Sparks o f the Estaca­ da Family Theatre, announces that hereafter, he will give two performances o f four reels each, on every Thursday and Saturday evening, and promises more o f the fun making Keystone come­ dies. with Fatty Arbuckle in the lead part. With the two performances per evening, it will allow o f more peo­ ple enjoying the shows, as the late and early visitors can be ac­ comodated, and at the regular 5c and lOc price. Show starts at 7:15 P. M. Repair Your Sidewalk Now 2 x 6 — 4ft. long PLANKS _____________________ ______each 2 x 6 — 6 ” ” 1 x 6 — 20 ” ” 2 x 6 — 10” ” ” for Inside Walks STR IN G E R S..................... Shingles, Flour Sand and o llle n FLOUR Feed and of Gravel Al l Samson FEED Lawn Fete Friday Evening Kinds Estacada LUMBER C. C. M i l l e r Steam Fitting Plumbing Electric W iring To the Public: Estacada, Oregon, July 7, 1916 The undersigned having just finished the construction o f a residence for Dr. Wells in Estacada. Or. takes pleasure in express­ ing the satisfaction he feels in the Plumbing and Electric Wiring done by Mr. C. C. Miller o f this city in the said dwelling. I have found Mr. Miller a capable and conscientious man. who has. in order to give thorough satisfaction, done more and in a num­ ber of instances furnished better fixtures than his contract called for. Both myself and Dr. Wells are well pleased with his work and desire to let the public know it. We can recommend Mr. Miller as a fair and honest workman whose aim seems to be to do more rather than less to make a job satisfactory and right. * Respectfully, Ed. W. Misener j i Everyone is invited to attend the informal outdoor fete, which will be given next Friday even­ ing, in front o f the Estacada Pa­ vilion, under the auspices o f the C. I. C. Art attractive program has been arranged as follows, beginning at 7:30 P. M.: Piano solo.. Miss Rachel Reed “ All Aboard for China Town” --------- "The Lady Bug T rio" V o c a l........... ....... Phil Standish Song --------- Garfield Quartette Reading.......................M rs. Ross Vocal Solo................... Lee Dillon Trio (by request) "H ello Frisco” Mrs. H. G. Trowbridge, aecom- paniest. A charge o f 10c will be made for the entertainment, with home­ made ice cream and cake served later, at 15c._______ ^__ Albert Hoygaard o f Cazadero is the latest recruit in the ranks o f the autoists, having last week purchased a four cylinder Saxon roadster and is now waiting for the Cazadero-Estacada road to dry up and become passable. Enterprise Defends Court And Paving Continued from page 1 highways, just so long we con­ sider the expenditure o f $7,626.45 per mile for paving near the j county seat, a luxury. ^ Editor Brodiesays “ Clackamas 1 County raises annually about $300,000 for road work” and let it be born in mind that Eastern Clackamas County, with its big corporate holdings o f the P. R. L. & P. Co’s power plants; its railroad lands, as well as the property o f the ordinary resident, furnishes its full proportion o f i this $300,000 but it is not getting any o f the $7,626.45 per mile roads. It is a safe assertion that the good roads which this part o f the county now has, were paid j for largely by special taxes, coupled with much voluunteer work, and if the general fund had been depended upon entirely, our highways would be impass­ able in many districts. The taxpayers o f this part o f ! the county, not only pay the taxes, special and general, but they also each year average sev­ eral days o f volunteer road work, as for example the recent Good Roads Days in Currinsville, Gar­ field, Estacada and elsewhere. The "defender o f the hardsur- facing” further states, "th e county will this year lay only four or five miles of hard surface roads and that of three projects, one runs into Oregon City and two are located between seven and ten miles o f the county seat. ” The Milwaukie-Sellwood Road is probably one o f the latter two. which while not leading into Concluded on page 7