EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9, N umber 44 E stacada , O regon , STATE GAME WARDEN VISITS HEBE V 4 * ♦ ENTERPRISE DEFENDS CODRT AND PAVING “The Fretting Estacada News” And Its Editor Get Good Publicity Warden Shoemaker Gets Acquainted With Local Sportsmen State Game Warden, Carl D. Shoemaker o f Roseburg, was an Estacada visitor last Thursday, having made the trip in his Over­ land car, accompanied by Deputy Warden, E. H. Clark o f Multno­ mah County. Warden Shoemaker expressed himself as well satisfied with the game and fish conditions in this section and especially appreciated the spirit o f the local sportsmen, towards the work o f the State Fish & Game Commission. While Mr. Shoemaker did not admit it, his visit to Estacada was probably at least indirectly connected with the recent pro­ test, which arose in this part of the county, against the appoint­ ment of a successor to County Warden, Ben S. Patton o f Esta­ cada. If the State Warden had any doubts as to the feelings o f this district and the esteem in which Ken S. Patton is held locally, they were quickly dispelled. Mr. Shoe­ maker talked with many o f the Estacada sportsmen a n d held quitea “ heart to heart” talk with Pies. Byers o f the Estacada Rod & Gun Club. The visitor apparently had tak­ en offense at the implied accusa­ tions against his department, wherein it was claimed that the proposed appointment o f a suc­ cessor to Warden Patton, was a political move on the part o f the commission. While Mr. Shoemaker claims that politics had nothing to do with the proposed appointment, the local sportsmen wiil continne to believe that politics is at the bottom o f the whole affair, es­ pecially a s the announcement came through Oregon City, with the names o f such politicians as Chris Schuebel and others direct­ ly connected with it Mr. Shoemaker will be in Esta­ cada again, on Friday, July 28th, when, at the Family Theatre he will deliver an illustrated lecture and show six reels of moving pic­ tures o f Oregon, bird, animal and fish life. This entertaining and instructive show will be free. While it is not on the program, it is possible that Mr. Shoemaker may have a few remarks to make at this meeting, relative to the proposed change in the office of County Deputy Game Warden. What is more appropriate and proper than that editor Brodie and his metropolitan daily out­ burst, The Morning Enterpise, should come to the aid, support and defense o f the Clackamas County Court, the Clackamas County Paving Plant and the Clackamas County Hardsurfaced Pavements? The following free publicity for the Eastern Clackamas News, (herewith called the “ Estacada News” ) and its editor, appeared in the editorial columns o f the Morning Enterprise o f Oregon City, under date o f July 15. , THEERETTING E STApAD A NEWS The Eastern Clackamas News is con­ tinually suffering under the mistaken notion that the county court intends to slight the eastern part o f the county intentionally. The News is so jealous o f Oregon City or, in fact, any other part of the county more than five miles from Estacada that it can always be relied upon to oppose frantically im­ provements for some section. The county paving plant has aroused the ire o f Editor Standish. “ Since the pui chase o f this plant, ” he says “ the county court, county engineer and road boss have gotten a bad attack o f hard surface paving disease with the major­ ity o f their energies being expended in building pavements in the vicinity of the county seat. “ He made this statement in spite of the fact that the county this year will lay onb four or five miles o f hard sur­ face roads, and that o f three projects, one runs into Oregon City and two are located between seven and 10 miles from the county seat. Moreover; it might be added that the road leading into Oregon City which was improved carries as much or more traffic than any other road its length in the county, probably three times as much as the average road in the Estacada district. A little further along in his remarks Editor Standish calls hard surface a luxury. The county laid five-inch as­ phaltic concrete on the Park place road for about 65 cents a yard, including the cost o f installing the plant, buying supplies, superintending the construc­ tion and all other expenses. Every brand o f recognized hard surface laid by contract costs far above this figure. Yet, Editor Standish calls this surface which will outlast many water maca­ dam roads, a luxury. Again he says, “ unless a halt is call­ ed by the taxpayers, the $800 paving plant will be an expensive luxury and will be worked to death along with the taxpayers’ pocket books.” Clackamas county raises annually about $300,000 for road and street work, but the Esta­ cada News bemoans the expenditure o f a few thousand on a type o f road which is being adopted from one side o f the country to the other. The trouble with Editor Standish is that he fears Estacada and the eastern part o f the county will not receive their share o f the work. He hints that the county court is partial to the county seat, although o f the three members o f the court not one is a resident o f Or­ egon City. The county judge is from the Logan district, one commissioner from Canby and the third from V id a. Estacada has as much representation on the county court as Oregon City. If the county court divided that pav­ ing plant into little piecrs and sent one piece to every corner o f the county, Estacada might be satisfied. Molalla, Canby, Macksburg, Wilson ville, Os- T hursday , J uly 20, 1916 Taxpayers To Meet Monday Evening The regular monthly meeting o f the Eastern Clackamas Tax­ payers’ League will occur Mon­ day, evening, July 24th at Bar­ ton. The News has not been advis­ ed o f the program for the meet­ ing, but with the program com­ mittee comprising Messrs. Ely, Gibson and Bartlett, an interest­ ing gathering is assured, to which all are invited. wego, Milwaukie, Sandy and every other town in the county wants hard surface now that t ’ e county has gone into the business, but we hear no cries of protest from them. They do not yell, “ Give us hard surface or don’ t lay the stuff,” and Editor Standish’ s outburst might be taken for such an appeal, particularly such as this, “ The News has no kick against hard surfac­ ing, although it does feel that this county cannot afford much o f such lux­ uries and it does believe in calling a halt if all o f the hard surfacing is going to be done in the lower end o f the coun­ ty .” Editor Standish will find as he grows older in experience and in years that public exhibitions o f deep green peeves will not win favors from individuals or county courts. Judge Anderson and Commissioners Knight and Mattoon are at least fairly honest men, he must admit, and above all they are human. While ihe News’ editor feels hurt and pained to note that edi­ tor Brodie has called ihe Easicrii Clackamas News, the Estacada News, his defense would have been more readable and probab­ ly weakened, had he quoted a few other paragraphs from the original article. Before going into the question o f hardsurfaced paving further, allowance must be made for the fact that editor Brodie and his daily reprint, are both rather de­ pendent upon the county court and the powers-that-be, for the lion’ s share o f the printing and advertising o f Clackamas County: while the Eastern Clackamas News and its editor are more or less under an obligation to the taxpayers and residents o f this rural end o f said county, which naturally accounts for the differ­ ent viewpoints. Possibly 65c per yard for hard­ surfaced, asphaltic concrete pav­ ing, does not look like a large amount to the residents o f the lower end o f the county, as that only figures for a twenty foot pavement, about 11,733 square yards to the mile, or a cost o f about $7,626.45 per mile. $7,626.45 for the paving o f a mile o f highway certainly looks like a “ luxury” to most o f us ordinary taxpayers o f this part o f the county, in fact $7,626.45 is more money than the average road district in this part o f the County has to spend in a year. Just so long as the famous Boring Hill road; the Devils Washboard and other similar stretches o f nearly impassable roads exist in this part o f the county and on our main travelled Continued on page 2 $1. P er Y ear ESTACADA LOSES CHAUTAUQUA SERIES Locals Fail To Make Good Before Hostile Crowds The Estacada baseball team, which up to a week ago, was the pride o f the Eastern Clackamas fans, failed to play up to form or expectations during the recent Chautauqua series, having lost three o f the four games. There is no need o f offering excuses, for the locals were de­ feated and defeated cleanly, by teams which possibly were no better than Estacada, but teams that were more used to playing before crowds o f fans and who had the fans siding with them. The Estacada team and the lo­ cal fans, were about as popular during the Chautauqua contests, as an Estacada editor at an Ore­ gon City road meeting. The home nine easily won t h e first game against Clear Creek, but were easily defeated by Wilsonville and Oregon City, by scores o f 12 to 3, with Estaea da playing wild ball, with errors credited against all players and the pitchers receiving no support. The final game, against Canby, with the Bronson brothers as bat­ tery. was a good contest with Canby winning 2 to 1. It now looks as though Canby, with Cole o f Oswego pitching, should win the series, with Wil­ sonville a strong contender. The Estacada team will play on the home grounds next Sunday afternoon, opposing the winners o f the Printers’ Union Commer­ cial League o f Portland. This game will bring out a big crowd o f Portland fans, as the game is being staged in conjunction with the Woodmen’s annual picnic, which occurs at Estacada Park that day. Tracy District Votes Against Estacada Schooling At a regular meeting o f the Tracy school district held Mon­ day evening, the budget calling for the voting o f a two-and-one- half mill tax, for the schooling o f the districts’ pupils in the Es­ tacada schools, was defeated by a vote o f about 14 to 8. The outcome o f this meeting was a surprise to many taxpayers, who had supposed that the con­ sensus of opinion was in favor of having the districts’ pupils daily transported to and from Estacada for schooling and the elimination o f the present Tracy school. It is possible the question may come up for reconsideration, es­ pecially as it will cost the dis­ trict just as much to engage a teacher and conduct its own rural school, for eight months, as it would to semi the children to Es­ tacada, for a nine months term.