Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 13, 1916, Image 6

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B ulletin No. 5
The Bethlehem Steel Company’s
Offer to Serve the United States
1 a eta'Ted ill ui> ow n ucljrlihorhood
H IlUliiGel o f ro w s Willed l keep uli the
J’fa r . w rite s no Illin ois breetlei lo the
A u ie rtm ii .u rririiiturist
W h ile these
r o w s a re hot the best tmJivuiimia. th«\\
u ie u ta li sam ple ol the r o w s found
in tile t orn hell.
1 use u pure bred
A n jiiis bull ou these jcrmle «-«»w* fo r
my feed ers. beeuu*e in my opinion »
j;et u lietter type o f «u iv e s til. nut u
hornless. d ocile and es i i*lli*nt h c tlc r »
If has been said that a fibre bred
bull Is ha lt the herd and rh.s is espe
d a ily true when »» pure b u d su e is
used on tirade e»*ws
It does not m.tkt
Oiueli d ttiereiiee which breed I he -die
| h chosen from
W hether he In* A lien s
Shorthorn or H e re fo rd he should be u
pure bred and ••narnetei Isfie o f tin
breed w h ich he represent*
W h en a farm er keeps on Hand from
t w e lv e to sixteen head o f c o w s w it It
the sam e u i i i d I m i <»f vearlln jis an«)
Niickllnj; ca lv e s m ere is natu rally «pill»*
little ex|H*nse in volved in the wav
o f pasture, jrrain na.v and oilier routrh
W h en land is selliiui tor fcino to
an a cre il seem s alm ost
prof m > s if ion to raise cattle. es|iechillv
w hen corn Is rmikint: six ty bushels to
the nere and selling it
• .«•ills «
H o w e v e r the fo llo w in u ineth
ih I has pr«»v«sl very sue- essi'm
w ith
m e: The ca lve s are a llo w e d lo run
with the c o w s durum the su m m er and
ea rly fa ll m onths then they a re w ean
At a time when the expenses of the Government are so enormous—
Isn’t it worth while finding o u t the actual facts before plungiug ahead into an
expenditure ot $11,000,((00 of the people’s money for a Government armor plant.3
T o clear up the whole situation, and to put it on a basis as lair and business-like as
we know how to express it, we now make this oiler to the Government:
The B ethlehem Steel C om pany .w ill m a n u fa ctu re a rm or plate for the
G overn m en t o f the United States at actual cost o f operation plus sueh
charges for overhead expenses, interest and dep reciation as the Federal
T rade C om m ission m ay fix. We will agree to this for such period as
the G overnm ent may designate.
The House of Hepresentatives voted down a proposal to empower the Federal Trade
Commission to determine a fair price for armor, and allow private manufacturers
opportunity to meet that price before the Government built its plant.
Isn ’ t ou r prop osition fair and ou g h t it n ot to be a ccepted ?
The measure is now before the United States Senate.
C U A S M S C H W A S . CbulrmuD
K l U K N b l i UHACfc. t-mui.ul
Law Says— “ Cut Noxious W eeds”
T h e A b erd een -A n g u s a ie the c a t­
tle o f th e S cottish nign ian det s
is believed that tlie> o rig in a te d soim
dUU hundred y e a r » .»no ft ».in u cross
betw een the G a llow a y and the real
D urhum
Th ese ca ttle when w ell
fed a te a lw a y s an tooth and leady
tor »la u g h te r They m ake line baby
beef and n ave won m o te pn a es at
the in te rn a tio n a l Give Stock »now
at C h ica go hi recen t years m a n any
oth er breed
Phe illu stra tion »h o w »
a pure bred A ngu s null
ed and put by th em selves on pasture
Later In the season they a re a llo w e d
the run o f a stalk held anti put up ai
uijiht and ted a ration ot jin n ii au«l
In this way they a re Kept in
a th rifty and jtrow tuj: con dition during
the w inter
The next spnnu. m I nmii the m iddle
ot M ay they a re m in e d out ou pas
ture tor the su m m er
in Ih e early fan
they a re put tit tin* fe ed lot and ft»d
fo r the m arket
A * soon as the voting
calves are w ea n ed the niN jorily ot the
co w s are d rie d up and a re ea rn ed
through the fa ll am i w inter ou pasture
and the stalk fields
1*1 ley a is«» uet
such roujdm jte as is rais«sl on any
corn belt fa rm
I'o keep a cow a yeui
just for her « n lf m s-essltates tile rals
Ini: o f a c a lf o f the rltfht he«*f t.v|»e
I f u e«»w fa lls below my stim da rd she
is diNfMised o f am i iinutlirr procu red in
her p la «e
\ jto « k 1 c a ll at sis m seven
m onths should wehrh e a sily * sni | nmiii «1 n j
T h e y W e re M o r« A c c u rs t«.
"L>1d Haumifatt make a bit when be
a p p eared on th e atagv T
“ No. but some of those In the audl-
ence displayed excellent marksman
» hip " Richmond Times Uispatch.
Mrs. Stubbins—I>o you like codfish
halls. Mr. Fox? T h e N ew Lodger— 1
don’t know. Mrs. Stubbins. I never at
tended any.—London Tid Hits.
Hoad Supervisor Frank Millard
of Springwater, brought to the
attention o f the editor, this week,
the state law relative to the de­
struction o f noxious weeds.
According to Lord’ s Oregon
Laws, it shall be the duty of every
road supervisor to see to it that
all property owners in his district,
destroy any of the following nox­
ious weed:—Russian thistle; Can­
ada thistle: Chinese thistle; Jim
Hill mustard; cocklebur and sil­
ver salt bush: or if the owner does
not attend to same, the supervi; -
or may do the work and under
proper legal proceedure. collect
the cost of same from said owner.
Rubbing It In.
He waa mumbling about tough steak
aiid cold collet* mid making himself
Kenernllj disagreeable.
' Don't growl so over your breakfast.
John.-' said Ins generally meek wife.
'.Nobody Is going to take It away from
Not WHat Ho Moont.
Diner 'In swell cafei—I suppose peo­
ple w ho dine here carry off quite a lot
o f Sliver.
W alter— Yes. sir: we can t
g el all their liaise change.—Boston
T: msrrlpt.
Die very best way to get ability Is
do thoroughly whatever you do
Master even detail of work that falls
to votir lot.—Selected.
B ethlehem Steel Com pany
Ulysses Conway o f Portland is
spending a few weeks in Estaca­
da as the guest of his friend.
Oral Stormer.
Miss Alice Armstrong, who
taught the Tracy School last year
spent Sunday with her brother
George in Garfield.
Ralph Lemon was at Oregon
City on business Friday.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davis, Jr. o f Garfield, re­
ceived a broken leg this week, as
the result o f a fall from a tree.
A mild case of measles is re­
ported at the Wm. Kaake home
in Estacada.
Born— Monday, July 3rd, to
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson of
South Estacada, a daughter.
E. W. Bartlett o f Estacada re­
turned Saturday from a short
business trip at Coos Bay.
Coyd Looney and family and
Lester Hale of Currinsville. spent
the week end as the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Wills, at Fairview,
The Norman Linn and Wilbur
Wade families o f Currinsville
spent the week end on an auto
trip to Wilhoit Springs.
Voting Contest Standing
Following is a list of contest­
ants and their respective stand­
ing in the Thousand Dollar Mer­
chandise Prize Voting Contest,
as shown by the judges’ count,
ending Wednesday noon, July 12,
the prize being awarded to the
contestant, having received the
greatest numberof votes, during
the past week, being Mable
Keller with 123,650 votes.
Mrs Mable Wooster
Mrs D S Fleming
M E Church
Mabel Keller
Lucile Jones
Mrs Theo Harders
Abbie Wagner
Gladys Miller
Myrtle Looney
Lucy Turel
Rosa Trachsel
Mrs. Bittner
Erma Tenny
Barney Gilbride
Mary Woodle
The 25th weekly prize, a
Woo l e n Bl anket wi l l
awarded the contestant receiving
the highest number of votes,
during the week ending at noon
July 19.