Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 13, 1916, Image 5

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Good leguminous hay. well cured,
bright and free from dust and molds.
Is an essential in the proper mulnte-
uance of brood mares, writes John Ma­
son in the National Stockman. It should
not form the sole ration of roughage.
Some timothy or pruirie hay and some
bright corn fodder may also be fed.
but both are f>oor stuff for in foal
mares. Cornstalks are especially bad
food for mares in foul. They contain
far too much absolutely indigestible
matter that must be carried bodily out
of the system to make it right to rely
on it. Corn fodder alone will not main­
tain horses of any sort. There is not
enough nutriment in it Besides, weath­
er soured corn fodder Is infested with
molds and spores and other harmful
elements that should never be intro­
duced into so delicate a digestive sys­
tem as that o f the horse Corn and
oats, half and half, with about one-
fourtb of bran by weight, together
with a ration of clover or alfalfa and
timothy hay. half and half, will make
n splendid food for in foal mares, sud
once they are accustomed to it it should
never be suddenly changed.
Rutabagas, sugar beets and carrots,
especially carrots, nr** alwavs good and
may be fed In quantities up to seven
Estacada Loses
To Wilsonville
The £stacada baseball team
which up to Wednesday after­
noon was the only undefeated
team in the Chautauqua League,
hit the toboggan Wednesday af­
ternoon against the Wilsonville
team, being defeated 12 to 3.
For the first four innings, the
locals played good ball, with no
opponent getting further than
first base, but thereafter, sad to
relate, Estacada tried football,
marbles, handball and golf, with
the result that Wilsonville took
the game.
John Moger, the local’s reli­
able southpaw, pitched a good
game, but ovying to the ragged
support, finally retired in favor
of Smith and Bronson, neither
of whom were able to save the
Neal Bronson and Wilbur Sim­
mons were the only locals who
seemed to be able to bat against
Wilsonville, Simmons getting a
three bagger, with Neal getting
safe hits.
This leaves all teams in the
league tied with a percentage of
500 per cent, so the result of the
series is as much in doubt today
as it was a week ago.
Viola Breezes
Mrs. Selma Olson, o f McMinn­
ville, has been visiting with her
sister, Mrs. J. Randolph, and her
son Theron.
T h e P e r c h e io n hoist* Is o n e o f th e
m ost popu lar «.f the d r a ft breeds.
T h e ir lunbs a re w ell aei on. mus­
cu lar and w h h la r^ e and p ro m i­
nent joints, sh ou lder lon g and slop-
lug. thighs mid fo re a r m massive,
and the th roat w.de. h oofs wide
ui.d conical and l.od> cy lin d rica l,
w ell proportion ed and neat .H elg h f
it three je:i:*s old n ot to exceed
seven teen h inds, oi th ey w ill prob­
ably be le g g y and deficien t In girth
T h e c o lo r Is d ippled o r iron gra y,
so m etim es block or hay. but seldom
chestnut. T h e y a re h ardy and good
tem pered.
W ith high action , v i g ­
orous and cou rageou s, the Perche-
l on IS the ve. > typ e best adapted
fo r quick and lie a v v d r a ft w ork
Miss Gladys Dubois, o f Port­
land, is spending a few weeks
with her grand-parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Hamilton.
pounds per head per «lay. but three
pounds per day for each mare will do
finely. There Is something about the
good, old fashioned red carrot that is
especially grateful to the equiiie sys­
Oftentimes In the depths of the cold
winter weather mares become a fillet­
ed with a sort of ii d gestion most fre
quentl.v those that have boeu forced
to forage for their living in the stalk
fields or have l»een otherwise fed a lot
o f corn stover. Purgatives must not
be given pregnant mares, but the
homely old red carrot, fed In verv
small quantities at tir*t and gradually
Increased, will dire the trouble if
enough grain is fed to insure a main
tenance of strength. There are tnauy
other ways in which in foal mares
may be fed so as to insure the produc­
tion of trong. straight, fully, correctly
developed foals, but the one suggested
Is the simplest diet that can lie tie
s i ibed.
His Wisdom.
Judge—How long have you owned a
ear? '.Motorist ichanred with speeding»
—One week, vour honor. Judge—Urn:
then you can still ufford to pay a fine
Twenty dollars!- Puck.
Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, and
baby, and Miss Ida Tannler, of
Portland, made their parents a
short visit on Sunday.
We are glad to have Miss Lora
Oockerline with us again, after
being under a physician’s care
in Portland, since in March. A l­
though greatly improved i n
health, she still has to take two
treatments a week but can be at
home part o f the time.
Mrs. J. Sevier gave a little
party, on Tuesday afternoon, for
her granddaughter Beulah, who
is staying with her at presenti
Those who enjoyed a pleasant
afternoon were, Icelia Hughs,
Norma Randolph, Dorotha Craft,
Minnie Craft, Winnie Eaden and
Bernice Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jubb a-e
camping at Gladstone, taking in
the Chautauqua.
Jim Young, o f Logan, comes
through Viola, now, gathering up
eggs and chickens, to take to the
Portland Market, in place of
Frank Cockerline who is with his
brother John up in Washington.
•p-é + + -i- + -f i - + *e + •!• + + + -!• + +
j +
8ho«a and tha Feet.
Careful utteatinu to tile tit of
cue's sboes will prevent tbe form­
ing of blisters on tbe feet An
III titling shoe Unit rubs tbe beel
will cause blisters to form tbe
very tirst time you weur It
A shoe tbat Is too uarrow In
front and crowds uud pushes
tbe front of tbe ball to oue side
will cuuse Ingrowing toe nails
In bad eases It Is best to consult
a chiropodist, but afterward If
one would prevent a recurrence
of the trouble see to it that shoes
which do not pinch the toes are
A ¿real many Mdults have
weak feet. This is be« a use in
their childhood they contracted
had foot habits or werp made to
wear shoes that were too small
or to«» lartre
Then they did u«»t notice It for
their hoilies were fight and their
muscles strum» hut as middle
a*:e approaches the elasticity of
tissue and muscle** d**«-leases and
foof Ills develop
+ + +
+ + +
+ j
Claude W. Devore
Recorder City o f EstaCade,
Clackamas County, Oregon.
FOR SALE Cow, Calf, Hol­
stein Bull, Poland China Sov
and 7 pigs. Call or write E. W.
Gribhens, Estacada.
Joe Nicholson o f Estacada last
week sold one of his thorobred
bull dog pups to a Seattle party
for $50.
+ + + + + +
Sharpening a Pocketknife.
Cutlers have certain rules for sharp-
| ening razors, pocketknives. etc. “ A
razor.” said one of the craft quoted
by the S ientifle American, •’must be
! laid Hat on the hone, because it is hol-
| low ground and requires a fine ed e
But a pocketknife re«iulies a still' edge.
| and the moment you lay It Hat on a
stone, so as to touch the polished side,
you injure tbe edge. It must be held
I at on angle of twenty to twenty-five
I decrees and have an edge similar to a
Mrs. W. A. Wash and daugh­
ter, Miss Eva, o f Estacada. left
Thursday for Seattle, where they
will spend a few weeks visiting
among relatives, later going: to
one o f the nearby Sound resorts
for ati outing.
Uniting tha Family.
How many households have a fam
lly hour—a definite time iu the week
when all the members of tbe family
gather in perfect serenity for an inter­
val o f genuine communion? Although
civilization brings many advantages in
its train, it has tbe great fault of tend­
ing to disrupt family Intercourse. Each
member has too many individual activ­
Fathers have their business;
sons, their business or education; moth­
ers. their domestic duties or social oc­
cupations; daughters, their business,
their education or their social life.
All these things are right mid worthy
in themselves, but they do not tend to
weld the family. If mem tiers of a fam­
ily will make it a rule to devote them
selves for one hour in the week wholly
to one another the spirit of family life
will be quickened and strengthened
Often the members of a family pursue
parallel courses that do not Intersect.
It is mere platitude to point out tliut
great events—travel, marriage, death
and the like—must inevitably cause
disintegration. But so long as the fam­
ily is together under oue roof the spirit
of union and common interests should
be fostered.—You til's Companion.
Bids will be received by the City oi
Estacada, for the paving of Broadway,
between the north line o f second street
and the south line o f third street, up to
Tuesday, July 25, 1916, at 5 o’clock P.M
Bids opened at 8 o’clock P. M., Tues­
day, July 25, 1916.
City reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
Specifications may be aeen at the o f ­
fice o f the City Recorder.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check, for ten per cent o f the
amount bid.
Checks made payable to
the City o f Estacada.
G. W. Keller o f Springwater
left Wednesday for Lake County,
It is not often that Fred Jorg
of the Estacada Market is able
to leave his place of business,
owing to the scarcity o f butchers
in this vicinity, hut Wednesday’s
Chautauqua game finally drew
him away from the shop, with
Joe Nicholson, temporarily han­
dling the cleaver, saw and scales.
Wm. Dale of Estacada is hav­
ing extensive alterations done to
his house on Second St. The al­
terations will comprise the addi­
tion o f two more sleeping rooms,
bath and wide porches.
A Bird’« Barbed Wire Fences.
There Is In Central America a brown
w ren about tbe size of a canary which
builds a curious nest. It selects u
small tree with horizontal branches
growing close together. Across two of
the branches It lays sticks fastened to
get her with tough fiber until a plat
form about six feet long by two feet
wide has been constructed. On the
end of fids platform nearest tbe tree
trunk It then builds a huge dome
*ba|M»d nest a foot or so high with
thick side« o f Interwoven thorn«. A
covered passageway 1« then made from
the nest to tbe end of the platform In
as crooked a manner as possible.
Across tbe outer end as well as at
short Intervals along the iuside o f this
tunnel are placed cunning little fences
o f thorns with Just space enough for
the owners to pass through On going
out this opening is closed by the own
er by placing thorns across the gate­
way. and thus the safety of the eggs
or young Is assured.
Poet« «nd Dogs.
Poets have always loved dogs
this poets and boys resemble each otb
\Vulter Savage Laudur was de
voted to his dog Glallo. und Byron's
epitaph upon his dog Boatswulu we all
T o m a rk
a f r ie n d ’s r e m a in s th e s e ato ne «
I never had but one. and there he lies
Fow|»er «a s very foud of his dog.
and we know how ('barles Lamb, who
was a prone poet, loved Ills fasti and
how Mrs Browning appreciated the
little Flush to whom she indited a
The Earl of Sbaftesbtir> kept
his noble collie In his library with him
at all times, and Samuel Roger- al­
ways walked out with his dog Scott
declined an Invitation to diuner wbeu
bis dog died, saying that he could uot
accept on account of the “ loss of an
old frleud.” - f l t James Gazette