Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 13, 1916, Image 4

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    For the next 60 days, we are offerin g any o f the follow ing
high class cars on easy
Advise us which car you are interested in and we will have
no trouble arranging the payments to suit your pocketbook.
Saxon Roadster
price here
$ 450 . with easy terms
Chevrolet Touring Car
price here
$ 650 . with easy terms
Overcrowding Cause of Culls and Un­
dersized Fowls.
When taken from the brooder and
placed in colony coops on range or in
yards, great cure should be exercised
that plenty of ventilation Is provided
(be chicks and that no crowding is
The poultry raiser of
(he future will recognize the fact more
and more that overcrowding from the
Incubator to maturity ha* caused more
culls uud undersized poultry than auy
other one cause. It is not the cause !
| of a great death rate, but is ttie cause
i of chicks receiving setbacks that no ,
j amount of feeding can overcome.
One can see In the majority of poul- j
try yards a larger number of fowls
than can be properly accommodate l.
This is also seen in brooding. The
errar is carried on to the laying qtinr*
$ 880 . with easy terms
$ 9 1 5 .
W e do expert mechanical repairing on A N Y machine made.
Gasoline, Oils,
Tires Vulcanized
T ry
our own
Free Air and W ater
Transmission Grease
“Pyrene” Fire Extinguishers
Knight and Blackstone Tires
Touring Car $493.25
P a s s e n g e r
Shelter from sun and rain must,
o f course, be provided for the hen
and her flock o f youn? chicks. It
Is well to have a small run for the
hen In connection with the brood
coop and a wire door that can
be closed ut night fo r protection
against marauders. The brood coop
shown is one much favored in
Rhode Island. It has glass about
halfway across the front. The main
suggestion in regard to this coop is
that a wire door that would pass
back of the slatted portion o f the
front would be an Improvement.
ter«, where I d the majority o f runes
but from one to two square feet of
S. P. Pesznecker
Estacada, Oregon
floor space is given to the fowls. Over­
crowding both buildings and land lias
Livestock buyer* M. J. Kerkes brought failure to many, and the ad
With the coming o f the hot
vice against this practice should l>e
weather and the lowering o f the o f Portland, with the aid o f Hen­ heeded.
Clackamas River, several good ry Githens o f Currinsville, pur­ Too much heat or too little durine
the early days o f the t hicks’ lives will
baskets o f trout have been caught, chased twenty head o f cattle lo­ cause them to receive their first check.
by such experienced anglers as cally, which were shipped to the Placing them in growing quarters,
W. Simmons, P. M. Wagner, and Montavilla Livestock Co. in Port­ where they are comped led to stay in
poorly ventilated buildings and are
others, with one tine catch made land.
overcrowded after they have l>een tak­
by Jim Park in Clear Creek.
Mrs. E. W. Bartlett o f Estaca­ en from the brooder or ben. is the
second check.
entertained about a score o f
Notwithstanding the rush and
The neglect to provide proper feed
hustle around the Klaetsch mill o f the ladies from Estacada. Cur­ and the absence of green fqod is an
other cause, and when the hot days of
in Springwater these days, man­ rinsville, Garfield and Springwat­ summer come the failure to furnish
ager Otto Klaetsch and his crew
shade, either natural or artificial, will
retard growth. Check in the growth
took off last Thursday and spent delightful afternoon party.
of the fowls means that much delay
the day in volunteer road work
Mrs. Bertha Me Clintock and In their maturity.
in the district.
son Albert o f Portland and Mrs. | Properly growing poultry is accom
plished only by close attention to the
Since the inauguration o f the Emily Keahler o f California are lendiug essentials. This does not mean
C. 1. C. Silver Teas, these affairs visiting at the home o f their the pampering of chicks or stock. They
can be checked by overkindness. Hut
have become popular attractions, mother, Mrs. Louise Harders o f it does mean that every one who Is
with Tuesday afternoon’ s tea with George.
successful must pay attention to the
known laws of successful rearing. The
Mesdames Saling an I Morgan as
Estacada looked like the " d e ­ feed rations of different successful
hostesses, being especially well
serted v illa g e " most o f W ednes­ poultry keepers may vary slightly, but
day, with the m ajority o f the j the same foundation is behind them—
namely, elements to make lame and
attending the baseball game muscle. There should be at least three
Miss Minnie Ew ing o f Kansas
to four square feet of space for each
City, after a month visit at the at Gladstone.
home o f her brother, Frank Ew ­
A w'ell balanced ration of bran,
The Cascade Garage reports the
ing o f Springwater, le ft for her
sale this week o f a Podge car to ground oats, mealed alfalfa, middlings
in a dry mash and placed before the
home Wednesday evening.
J. F. Foley o f Orient.
chicks at all times after they are e'gbt
or ten days old is a good | ractice. A
eood mixture is 200 pounds of bran
loo o f middlings. 100 o f ground oats.
In this town. Blacksmiths have come, gone or shifted loca­ 100 of mealed alfalfa and IS iter cent
tions at the rate o f one every 3 months for the past 8 years. of high grade Iteef scraps. The best
grade commercial chick feed Is scat
We have been here at the old landmark all the time.
tered in the litter four or five times a
Pont this indicate that our prices are right and our work day until the chicks are eight weeks
Call and see for yourself.
«»Id. when coarser grains are fed
tVhen milk can be obtained cheaply
enough It Is a welcome addition to
Note: Horseshoeing at the old prices on 4's and 5’s.
the ration.
$ 895 .
with easy terms
All Cars Fully Equipped
5 Passenger
Saxon Six
price here
Your Pocket
Oakland Six
Dodge Touring Car
price here
Cars at Prices to Suit
7 Passenger
All Cars F. 0. B. Estaeada
The Estaeada Garage
Expert Mechanical Force Alw ays On Hand
Votes Given On All Cash Purchases
Com plete w ith E lectric
S ta rte r an d L ights
Demonstrations Gladly Given.
H. P. Jochimsen
S u m m e r Suit
International Tailored
Votes Also Given On
Lunches - Confectionery
Drinks - Tobaccos • Fruits
R. G. M arch b a n k ’s Store
Mrs. Jerry Jones and son Lewis
o f Estaeada, left Monday morn­
ing by pack train for Oak Grove
ranger station, where they will
be in charge during the summer.