Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 13, 1916, Image 3

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    Flax Bulletin
Continued from page 1
were so many that only those of
particular interest to Oregon have
been printed, the others being
kept on file at the University for
the benefit of anyone who may
desire greater detail or informa­
tion of a wider scope.
The following quotation is made
from the approximate estimate of
the Flax Committee of the Eugene
Chamber of Commerce, showing
the probable costs and returns to
the farmer from flax culture, sell­
ing the straw to the scutching
mill without rettingorother treat­
ment, but simply as it comes from
the fields:
Cost to Farmer Per Acre
Plowing ___
H arrow ing_________
Seed, at $2.00 per bu..
P la n tin g _______________ .50
Cutting _____
Total cost.....................$13.50
Receipts per Acre
Seed, 10 bu. at $2.00..........$20.00
Straw, 2 tons at $15.00
Total Income ______ $50.00
E xpense___________ 13.50
Net return per Acre $36.00
While some of the items in the
above may vary in individual in­
stances it is safe to say that the
net return is a conservative esti­
mate of what may be expected
u n d e r present conditions and
Other chapters deal with the
world-wide demand f o r fi a x,
freight rates, extracts from let­
ters showing the demand, the va­
riety of uses for and the manu­
factured products using Hax, the
production in the United States,
exports and imports, the commer­
cial status of flaxseed, industry
in oil seeds, linSeed oil, and flax
production, conditions and prices
in foreign countries.
There can be no two opinions
about the value of this addition
to the commercial literature of
the state and the possibilities
which it suggests of the develop­
ment of an industry in Oregon
that may prove to be second to no
other. The University is to be
both congratulated and praised
for work of this kind and quality
which is of such direct and prac­
tical value to the commonwealth.
It speaks volumes for the specific
service that is being rendered by
the School of Commerce under
the direction of H. B. Miller.
A. L. Lasswell of Portland ar­
rived in Estacada Sunday, where
he will remain indefinitely, assist­
ing Cashier Wright of the Esta-
eada State Bank.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lilburn of
Roseburg, after spending a week
at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. Lee A. Wells of Estacada,
returned home Tuesday, making
the trip in their Overland car.
All Colors To Select From
We ha ve j ust recei ved several hu nd red cans of these handy si zed
and economical priced household necessities. They come in handy
for little jobs of painting, staining or enameling, such as repainting
screens, re-enameling the bath room, staining worn furniture, etc.
Park & Closner
Broauway at 2nd - Estacada, Oregon
Why not carry a good tim e piece?
When you can buy an
Elgin or W altham W atch
$5.50 up,
or a
H am ilton 17 to 23 Jew eled W atch
$12.25 to $40
all guaranteed.
You can save no money by buying elsewhere,
but by purchasing from me, you have the
advantage of dealing with a man you know
and your home merchant.
F. E. Beckwith
M o n t a v i I I a
The Jeweler
If you have any for sale, phone Henry Githens, Currlnsville.
Farmers B lacksm ith Shop
Bert Park and W. Whitfield
Equipped to do
Horseshoeing— Wagon Repairing— General Blacksmithing
Adjoining Kreigers' Store
Kstacudu, Oregon
Cannery Orders Over $4,000
Manager Deming of the R C.
Deming Packing Company of Es­
tacada reports having already ac­
cepted orders for canned goods
amounting to well over $4,000.,
besides having refused to accept
many other orders, which this
season cannot be handled.
The plant at present is not op-
| «rating on full time, owing to the
scarcity of berries, but is work-
! ing part of the time on cherries,
raspberries, blackberries and lo­
ganberries, but beginning next
Monday, it is expected the can­
nery will be busy every day.
It is claimed that A. W. Botkin
of Garfie'd has a horse which
drops more shoes than any ani­
mal In the district, having aver­
aged two to three per week since
the installation of the Estacada
Tennis Club’s courts, necessitat­
ing the owner having to make
every other day trips to Estaca- i
da, where the horse is placed in
the blacksmith’s hands.
The two year old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilcox of Gar­
field, last week met with a fall,
resulting in a fractured elbow.
Fair Gets $200.
Commissioner Mattoon l a s t
week announced that a warrant
had been issued by the county
court for $200 as the county’s
contribution towards the coming
East Clackamas County Fair.
The News wishes to thank the
court for this donation and can
assure them and the taxpayers,
that the money will be well and
ably expended by the local fair
board, who are planning a 1916
fair that will eclipse all former
Some comment has been made
on the lateness of the date of the
local fair, coming after the Canby
and Salem Fairs, but the main
reason for choosing the dates of
October 4-5-6, was to allow of a
better display of matured pro­
duce, especially apples and the
late fruits. Furthermore, it is
planned to make a special feature
of an apple show', in which much
interest is already being taken.
Forester Herman Wallace of
Estacada last week lost a valu­
able sorrel horse at River Mill,
the animal having backed off the
bridge crossing the Wade Creek
gully, breaking its back on the
rocks below.
Henry Githens of Currinsville
is now acting as agent for live­
stock buyer, M. J. Kerkes of
Fortlan'd and parties having stock
for sale are requested to notify
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy U. Walker
of Portland spent last Sunday at
the Estacada Hotel.
Among the Estacada people,
now at the Gladstone Chautau­
qua, are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. De­
vore and Mr. and Mrs. F. B.
Guthrie and families, having been
among the first to erect their
tents on the grounds.
A carload of as fine looking hogs
as has ever gone out from the Es­
tacada yards, was purchased and
shipped last Monday by W. Giv­
ens of Estacada. Among the of­
ferings was a truck load from
David Horner of Dodge; a wagon
load from Glenn’s at Cazadero; a
full load from Albert Hitching of
Currinsville; with Nom Tracy of
Garfield and others, bringing in
well fattened animals.
C. C. Miller, the popular Esta­
cada plumber, is this week in re­
ceipt of a testimonal from Con­
tractor Misener of Portland, who
recently completed the building
of the Dr. Wells home on Terrace
Addition. This unsolicited testi­
monal is one of those compliments
and business courtesies, which
are often overlooked in these days
of rush business, but is greatly
appreciated by Mr. Miller, who
has had same reproduced in his
advertisement herewith.