Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, July 13, 1916, Image 1

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to the Interests o f Eastern
Clackamas County
Formerly Estacada Progress
V olume 9,
N umber 43
By The University Of Oregon
A bulletin on the culture and
manufacture o f flax for both fibre
and seed is just off the press, is­
sued by the Depart ment o f Com­
mercial and Industrial Service,
School o f Commerce, o f the Uni­
versity o f Oregon. This is the
result o f a year’s investigation o f
the industry throughout the world
by the Department and is a most
comprehensive study o f the sub­
ject, which was made at the spec­
ial request o f the flax committee
o f the Portland Chamber of Com­
merce, and in cooperation with
the departments o f State and
Commerce o f the National Gov­
The bulletin makes very evi­
dent the superior advantages of
western Oregon f o r both the
growing and manufactering of
flax o f the very highest grade,
quoting authorities to show that
this section is equal to the fa­
mous Courtrai district o f Belgium
where the best flax known to the
world has been grown. The three
chief r e q u i s i t e s — soil, water
and atmospheric c o n d i t i o n s —
all are said to be possessed by
Oregon in just the right combin­
ation and with just i.he right ele­
ments and conditions. A fter deal­
ing with the naturally favorable
conditions found here the bulletin
recites the various experiments
made by the State at Salem, the
one under way at Eugene, and
various private trials that have
been made, and their results. It
then gives a very brief resume o f
the requisite s o i l preparation
planting and harvesting methods,
calling attention to the Govern­
ment bulletins that go into these
questions exhaustively.
A very interesting and impor­
tant chapter is t h a t headed:
“ C o s t s , Production, Markets,
Prices, Profits, etc. ” in which the
economic features o f the industry
are discussed with especial refer­
ence to Oregon. In fact, through­
out, the view-point is that o f the
Oregon farmer and what flax
growing and manufacture means
or may mean to him.
Mr. J. Frederic Thorne, who
had direct charge o f the work for
H. B. Miller, Director o f the
School o f Commerce, states that
the material published is but a
fraction of the data and informa­
tion gathered from all parts of
the world that the facts secured
Concluded on page 3
E stacada , O regon ,
Mrs. Nancy C. Shankland Passes
At the home o f her daughter,
Mrs. Frank Jones o f Sellwood, on
July 8th, Mrs. Nancy Shankland
o f Currinsville passed away, at
the age o f 77 years, 1 month and
10 days.
The news o f her death was a
sad shock to her many friends in
this community, although owing
to her advanced age, it was not
The funeral services were held
Tuesday morning from the Esta­
cada M. E. Church, Rev. Spiess
officiating. Interment occurred at
Lone Oak Cemetery, in the pres­
ence o f a large assembly o f sor­
rowing friends and relatives.
The deceased, who had resided
in Currinsville for years, was the
mother o f Andrew and Theodore
Shankland o f Portland; Mr s .
Frank Jones o f Sellwood, and the
late E. S. Shankland o f Currins­
ville, who died about a year ago.
She is also survived by other close
and distant relatives in this sec­
tion, including her brother Gran­
ville Linn o f Currinsville.
Wright» Return via California
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin D. Wright
o f Estacada returned home Sun­
day evening, having driven 240
miles that day from Roseburg, on
the last lap o f their return trip
from Denio, Oregon.
The beautiful Chalmers Six ma­
chine looked as though it had
covered much rough country, dur­
ing the thousand mile round­
about trip from near the Nevada
line. The return trip, owing to
wash-outs and snow in the passes,
was made via Northern Califor­
nia and Western Oregon, occupy­
ing four days.
Mrs. Wright, who ten weeks
ago made the auto trip to Denio,
alone, via Burns, Bend and
Central Oregon points, was join­
ed last week at her father’s ranch
by Mr. Wright, who had expect­
ed to return with her, over the
same route as was made on the
outgoing trip, but heavy rains
made it necessary to change the
Social Evening In Park
The C. I. C. is planning an in­
formal social evening in Estacada
Park, for July 21st, to which all
are invited.
An entertaining program will
be given, with ice cream served
and an admission price o f 10c
will be charged.
T hursday ,
J uly 13,
Substitute Line-Up
Badly Beaten In Home Game
Before a crowd o f less than
one hundred sympathizers and
with at least a thousand fans
against him, Art Smith, o f the
Estacada team, pitched the best
game o f his career, going stead­
ily for eight innings without
being touched for a hit, and with
the support o f the locals regular
line-up, won the first game o f the
Chautauqua series, at Gladstone
Park by the score o f 8 to 5, Sat­
urday afternoon.
The opposing team, the Clear
Creamery aggregation,
with the addition o f two or three
players, who it is doubtful ever
saw Clackamas County before,
put up a snappy game, but were
outplayed from start to finish,
with but two o f their five runs
earned on hits.
It was expected that Moger
would handle the delivery depart­
ment Saturday, but owiqo to ji
lame arm, was held off until the
Wilsonville game on Wednesday.
Clear Creek had a battery, com­
posed o f two strangers by name
o f Koontz and Patterson, who
probably work in the skimming
department o f the creamery, but
who have brothers playing in the
Inter-City League. Mr. Koontz
was a good pitcher, but the Esta­
cada batters soon relegated him
to the tall ferns, along with his
Owing to Smith having fanned
more than his share o f the
Creamery batters, Estacada had
little defensive work to do, but
when it came to the offensive or
batting job, they were there with
anything from singles to triples
and once on bases, usually came
through with the runs.
The line-up o f Saturday’ s game
C. Douglass
A. Smith
G. Smith
R. Douglass
H. Hewitt
N. Bronson
E. Douglass
W. Simmons
F. Goberg
As usual, space will not allow
o f describing the game as it de­
serves, with Estacada s men play­
ing fast, clean baseball all o f the
The umpiring, as handled by
Umps Burnside, was first class,
$1. P er Y ear
Cary Buys Cazadero
Mercantile Company
W. F. Cary o f Portland, who
for years was in business with
his brother Roger in Estacada,
last week consumated a deal with
Harry Snyderof Cazadero, where­
by he takes over the Cazadero
Mercantile Co.
The many friends in this part
o f the county will be pleased to
hear that Mr. Cary has decided
to enter business again in this
community and wish him success
from the start-off.
Mr. and Mrs. Cary will reside
a t Cazadero, occupying t h e
Snyder home, near the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder contem­
plate making an early eastern
trip, to be gone during the sum­
mer, but ultimately intend to re­
turn here, where they own an at­
tractive farm in the Dodge sec­
and with one or two exceptions,
met with the approval o f both
sides. Yet, Estacada in order to
win its games at Gladstone has to
make the winnings decisive, as
no favoritism will ever be shown
the Eastern ClaVkkmas repre­
Three games in the Chautau­
qua series had been played up to
Monday evening, with Canby de­
feated by Oregon City on Friday
and winning from Wilsonville on
Monday. The result o f Wednes­
day’s Estacada-Wilsonville game
appears elsewhere in this issue.
The strict adherance to the rul­
ing that all players on contesting
teams, be Clackamas County men,
is as usual more or less o f a joke,
with several teams wrell padded
up with Inter-City League stars.
Estacada is playing with an East­
ern Clackamas line-up and bids
fair to win notwithstanding.
On Sunday afternoon, on the
Estacada grounds, the Estacada
team, less several o f its best play­
ers and with three or four substi­
tutes, attempted to defeat the
fast Kenton Giants, who recent­
ly won a three game series from
the Dalles.
As was to be expected, with a
patched up team, with all regular
players lame and sore from Sat­
urday’s contest,
the Kenton
Giants won easily by the score o f
17 to 4, thereby seriously injur­
ing Estacada’s reputation for
having one o f the fastest teams
in the state.
Hereafter, Estacada will not
attempt to play two games in
succession and next Sunday will
Concluded on back page