EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9, N umber 42 ANSWER THIS QUESTION NOW What Are Your Orchard-Run Apples Worth? Recently, a business man, indi­ rectly identified with the Estaca­ da Cannery, asked the following question o f the editor. “ What do you believe would be a fair price to offer the farmers o f this district for their orchard-run of apples this year, for use in our evaporator? This question was o f too much importance to the people o f this section and too broad a one for the editor to try to answer and it seemed as though the best w ay to obtain a comprehensive an­ swer, was to put it up to the growers themselves. It will provean important mat­ ter, if the farmers will take the trouble to see that the News is advised o f their ideas on the price which should be paid for orchard-run apples, especially as the evaporator man will be guid- to a large extent by these replies. By orchard-run apples, is meant the thousands o f bushels o f mis­ cellaneous varieties o f apples which are now raised in this country, in the home and some o f the commercial orchards, be­ ing fruit that is not up to the standard which will allow o f its being packed in boxes and sold to the retailer, hut o f such a grade as would make good vine­ gar stock. In answering this query, dont quote the price which you would like to get. but stop and figure © it what would be a fair price l or your apples, delivered in Esta­ cada. in wagon boxes, bags or any easy way o f handling same. Figure your price on a ton basis and also consider whether the price you quote would be so high that it would be impossible for the evaporator to make a fair profit too. The question o f prices and mar­ keting are all important ones to­ day, especially to the grower and possibly some good substantial results may come from the farm­ ers stopping to answer this ques­ tion, which the buyer wants to know. It is possible that if more f r i e n d l y b u s i n e s s relations were attempted between the pro­ ducer and the buyer or middle- man, that less friction and hard feeling would result and with more profit accumulating to all. Orchard-run apples in this part o f Clackamas County have been a drug on the market and only used for "h og stomach aches" in years past and here is an oppor­ tunity which should not be over­ looked. So figure this question out and let us know your answer soon and figures and prices will be quoted in a later ¡ame. E stacada , O regon , WEATHER PERMITS BIG CELEBRATION Estacada Draws Thousands George Celebration Hindered By Rain With two weeks o f rain pro­ ceeding, the weather man grant­ ed a beautiful day’ s respite on July 4th, for which the public generally is thankful, but with especial prayers o f thankfulness arising from the members o f the Estacada Volunteer Fire Depart­ ment, who up to Monday after­ noon feared a financial loss from their coming celebration. As usual, Chief Gunner John O s b o r n o f the organization, touched off his annual patriotic dynamite s a l u t e at daybreak, which also as usual, raised half of Estacada’ s inhabitants out o f bed, shook the windows and awaken­ ed the youngsters to a realization that the glorious Fourth o f J uly was at hand. While at some former celebra­ tions, larger crowds have been in evidence, not less than 2500 peo­ ple spent the day at Estacada and a more orderly, good-natured crowd never assembled here. From seven o ’clock on, hun­ dreds o f residents o f nearby com­ munities began arriving, some by train, others by wagons and hundreds by automobile. Not less than fifty auto loads o f pic- nicers came from Portland, with the machines parked all about the city’ s streets. Beginning with the parade, all events on the program were car­ ried off on schedule, excepting the baseball game, which had to be postponed until the afternoon. The Garfield Band, which led the prize auto parade', was much in evidence during the day, giv­ ing enjoyment to all, with plenty o f music at ball games, in town and in the park. The judges in the prize auto parade were taxed to the limit to decide the winners o f the four prizes, but their final selection 1 met with general approval. -The i 1st prize w a s awarded Dave Eschleman; 2nd, C. I. C .; 3rd, Estacada Schools and 4th, Will Dale. The judges were R. G. Palmateer and Ralph Lemon of Garfield and W. C. Whitfield o f Estacada. Besides other attractively dec­ orated cars in the parade, were such novel features as youthful buccaroos on prancing mustangs; Concluded on page 6 T hursday , J uly 6, 1916 MOGER FANS FIFTEEN Estacada Plays At Gladstone Saturday And At Estacada Sunday The July 4th game on the home grounds against the Fulton Greys o f Portland, besides increasing the average o f the Estacada team, up to 778, with seven winnings in nine games played, also brought out a new pitching star, John Mo- ger, the southpaw, from Spring- water. Moger pitched eight innings of as pretty ball as ever was wit­ nessed here, with all batters re­ ceiving the s a m e treatment, namely the privilege o f taking three strikes at the little ball as it whizze by. Fifteen o f the stickers were cleanly struck out, while occasionally a scratch hit was obtained. With the addition o f Moger to the Estacada team, it looks as though the big money from the Chautauqua series was sure com­ ing back to Estacada, as the team now has three or four first class twirlers. Estacada has probably seen the last o f the Fulton Greys, whose championship aspirations a n d claims, have been badly shatter­ ed hero in the two games played. Tuesday’s little affray allowing them the short end o f an 18 to 3 score. The local boys, headed by Roy and Doc Douglass, and Art Smith, all o f whom knocked out home- runs, did their regular heavy hit­ ting, with heady work on bases and even faster work on the de­ fensive. Owing to the absence of the Bronson brothers, the line-up was altered, but apparently not weakened, as Heck Hewitt of Garfield strengthened the infield, and the others played their places as well as ever. The first game o f the Chautau­ qua series will be next Saturday, July 8th at Gladstone, when Es­ tacada will tackle the newly or­ ganized Clear Creek Creamery nine. A bunch o f fans will prob­ ably make the Gladstone trip and expect to witness a winning. Estacada will play on July 8th, 12th, 14th and 17th at Gladstone, with the contending teams being Clear Creek, Wilsonville, Redmen and Canby, in the order named. All Chautauqua games will begin at 3.30 sharp. On Sunday, the 9th, the Esta­ cada team will play on the home Concluded on page 5 $1. P er Y ear COUNTY DIVISION FAVORED Other Parts OF Clackamas County Dissatisfied The commercial bodies o f Hills­ boro and Forest Grove and simi­ lar organizations from parts of the northwestern s e c t i o n of Clackamas County are now work­ ing for county division. The idea seems to be f o r i he segregation o f parts o f Clacka­ mas and Washington -©unties and either the forming of a new county, or the addition of part o f Clackamas to Washington Coun­ ty. The words “ County Division" stir up old memories in this sec­ tion o f the tall ferns, with faint recollections o f a lost cause, call­ ed “ Cascade County.” Can it be possible that other parts o f Clackamas County are not perfectly satisfied with the management o f this county, as administered by Oregon City? Can it be that there are taxpay­ ers in other rural sections, who feel that for their best interests, it would be advisable to establish a county seat nearer tbe s*ene of activities and have a rural county handled by a rural county seat, with rural officers? The coun y division movement is underway also in many other sections o f Oregon, which indi­ cates that better and more econ­ omical government can he ob- I tained by creating smaller coun­ ty units and doing away with the county boundaries which went into effect when Oregon was granted statehood. Chautauqua Opens Friday Beginning at 1:30 next Friday afternoon, July 7th, the annual Willamette Valley Chautauqua, will open at Gladstone Park, con­ tinuing through July 16th. An attractive program has been arranged, including musical, ed­ ucational, amusement and sports features, the latter part includes the baseball series, with the fast Estacada team as a strong con­ tender. For some reason or other, the News has not been advised o f the full program and possibly the need o f publicity throughout the eastern part of the county is not felt. Nevertheless, it is a safe assumption that we are all invit­ ed to attend and it is a safer bet that we will all be there, to help root for Estacada during the base- | ball series.