Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 29, 1916, Image 2

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    Several far sighted taxpayers
of Estaeada are agitating the ad­
visability of having the Estaeada
Public Schools, at this time or in
Published every Thursday at
the near future, purchase the ad­
Estaeada, Oregon
K. M. StaniiUh, Editor and Manager joining property, now used as a (
baseball grounds, to be used as a
Entered at the postoffice in Estaeada, permanent school athletic field.
Oregon, as second-class mail.
The property consists of one or
two blocks of vacant level land
S ubscription R ates
and at present the ownership lies
One year
$1.00 in the hands of two or three own­
Six months
.50 ers. At the present land values,
this attractive property could
probably be purchased for not to
Thursday, June 29. 1916
\ youth is the time to start a bank account.
exceed $2000.
Read the lives of the successful men in
Estaeada Public Schools
every line of endeavor. In the recital of
A couple of weeks ago, a meet­ are The
now a wonderful institution
their life stories they proudly relate how
ing of the Community Church
and wuthin a few years will prob­
they earned their first dollar and how they
Committee was heid, at which ably
be serving a large part of
opened their fir~t hunk account
time it was hoped that a working Eastern
Clackamas County. In
Youth for manv i- a prodigal time. But
basis for organization could be
curriculum of school work
't is the time when the young man who want- to he a
perfected, but the anticipations the
success in life should lu\ the cornerstone hr opening
of the various members were not today, athletics and out-of-door
a bunk account and adding to it. The ambitions young
realized, nor is there much like­ play, are important factors and
man needs no urging to open an account. It is to the
lihood of an agreement being
nearby athletic field is necessary
young man who is scattering his money foolishly that
and represents a wise investment
this appeal is made
During the several meetings of from any standpoint.
this committee, the friendliest of
relations have always been cur­ In hundreds of localities, this
rent among the members, with
the utmost Christian forbearance has proven an expensive matter,
exercised by all, and the fact especially in many cases where
that they have not been able to the buying of one, was put off
agree upon an acceptable form of until years after the school was
church organization does not im­ established, with property values
Ask us for one of our Home Savings Banks
ply that any friction was present. having risen in the meantime.
Then the obtaining of a nearby
Each and every member, re­ or an adjoining field is usually
alized the absolute sincerity of impossible; many schools having
his brother members in their re­ to content themselves with fields
spective stands for or against miles away.
some of the fundamentals neces-
Estaeada a n d surrounding
sasy to unison and while unable
to unite, the best of Christian country are going to continue to
Leroy D. Walker, President
Thomas Yocum, Vice President
relations exist and it is hoped grow, with property values in­
Irwin D. Wright, Cashier
that possibly at a later date, suc­
should be taken soon and aside
cess will be forthcoming.
from the value of an athletic
field, the expense will always
The taxpayers in the Tracy represent a wise investment.
school district in Garfield are con­
sidering the advisability and es­ When a taxpayer realizes that
pecially the expense involved, in
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + + * + +
the schooling of the children from such a disgraceful affair as the
that district at the Estaeada Pub- j appointment of a successor to
lie Schools.
County Deputy Game Warden,
+ comments we have received in regard to our +
It is understood that the ma- Ben S. Patton of Estaeada, is di-
+ change in policy, that the idea of paying cash for +
jority of the parents favor the rectly the result of politics and
+ your merchandise has been so well received nnd +
idea ot discontinuing their school the desire to build up a political
and sending the children to Es-
+ seems in a fair way to become popular with all +
tacada, but the expense of daily machine, it makes him wish that
+ —and we are sure that after you have given this +
transporting the pupils to and all such work was conducted under
way a fair trial that you will be fully convinced +
from Estaeada, is acting as a civil service rulings, where qual­
it is the best way.
ification and fitness for the work
As the question stands now. it are considered and personal pull
It will be our aim to keep our prices where +
would cost about as much to is unnecessary.
+ you can realize the most for your money.
transport the pupils to and from
No account will be carried longer than the *
Estaeada. as it would to operate
favor on th(1
the school in Garfield. It is re-
ou wl!‘
,erLa *avor °" tht
15th of the month following purchase.,
liorted that some of the parents News and greatly help your home
Give us a triahand see what we can do.
are willing to try the Estaeada newspaper, if you will mention
schooling, providing the identity having seen their advertisement,
♦ ♦♦ + + ♦ + + + + ♦ + ♦♦ + + + + + * + + +
of the Tracy school district will when dealing with the merchants
not t>e forfeited; while others are and business men. It only takes I
willing to vote tax for the oper-
ation of a local school, but do not a moment to tell them and it isot
favor spending an equal amount much value to both the publisher
for the expenses incident to Esta- an(f the advertiser,
cada schooling.
_____ ______
Undoubtedly the time is not far
distant, when centralized school-,
Advise Me What You Have For Sale
ing will lie a common matter and
wiih the expansion of good roads j
and the prevalence of automobile:
transportation, it will prove an
economy and mean better educa­
tional advantages for the chil- j
I'he larger school, with its in­
dividual teachers for the pupils;
and let me know as far in advance as possible.
in ead grade, means better in­
struction for the students, than
NOTE:—A ‘T«.p H ost ",
ich is the one that brings the best profits to the grower
the rural method of one teacher
should be fat,
>od condition and weigh from 166 to 225 pounds.
having to instruct youngsters
ranging from the primary to the
eighth grades.
The Man Who Has Helped To Build Up The Local Livestock Industry.
Eastern Clackamas News
(Formerly Estaeada Progress)
Estaeada State Bank
T he Cash Store
L. A