EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County Formerly Estacada Progress V olume 9, N umber 41 E stacada , O regon , INTEREST IN CREESE FACTORY LACKING J une 29, 1916 $1. P er Y ear ^ JULY 4TH PROGRAM ESTACADA WINS WET GAME Estacada Celebration Will Draw Thousands New Uniforms No Hinderance To Victory The Estacada Fourth o f July celebration, under the auspices of the Volunteer Fire Department, which will occur next Tuesday, from the plans and program already announced, should eclipse all former affairs and thousands o f local and visiting picnicers are expected. The following program, which guarantees “ something doing” every minute o f the day or evening, will be carried out to the let­ ter, with all events being staged promptly on time. The prize automobile parade should be a drawing attraction and much rivalry is now present, with decorating already begun. Every automobile owner in Eastern Clackamas County or else­ where, is urged to participate in this parade and help make it an even bigger success than prophesied. Taxpayers To Meet at Barton July 24th. The regular June meeting of the Eastern Clackamas Taxpay­ ers’ League was held at the Family Theatre in Estacada last Saturday afternoon. For some reason or other, prob­ ably owing to the good weather for farming, few taxpayers at­ tended, aside from the regular standbys o f the organization, including a good delegation from Barton. It had been hoped that the in­ terest which had been manifest­ ed in the proposed formation of a cheese factory here, would draw a crowd, but apparently the ma­ jority o f farmers were willing to let the others affect the organi­ zation in their absence. D. C. Zink o f the P. R. L. & P. Co. was the principal speaker on the subject o f cheese making as an industry for this commun­ ity. Mr. Zink clearly presented the facts and figures, as compil- e ' from statistics gathered at Canby and other points. Owing to the the lack o f inter­ est displayed in the matter, the league voted to drop any furth­ er promotion o f a cheese industry and as no other organization is liable to push it, Estacada’ s pro­ poser! cheese factory will take its place among the other visionary local industries. Until such time as some one man is willing to give his time and money to the organization of a local cheese factory, such an i istitution will not be formed; f >r like the history o f the local cannery, few results were obtain­ ed until one man got behind the project and established the plant. On motion o f E. W. Bartlett and duly carried, the road com­ mittee of the league was instruct­ ed to request the Clackamas Coumy Court to construct a stretch o f hard-surfaced pave­ ment on the main road, from Eagle Creek bridge, passing the Eagle Creek Grange Hall. Said pavement to be similar to that now being laid in the vicinity o f Oregon City and Parkplace. The second speaker on the program was E. F. Riley o f Port­ land, who gave an entertaining talk on subjects o f vital interest to the taxpayers, paying especial attention to his pet subject o f proper road drainage. It was decided to hold the next meeting o f the league, at Barton, on Monday evening, July 24th. The program for this meeting will be in charge o f a committee, comprising Messrs. Bartlett, Ely and Harvey Gibson. T hursday , 9.30 A. M. 10.30 ” 11.15 - 12 Noon Horn 1.30 P. W| 2.00 It was the same old story, only Estacada won the game during a nasty drizzle, instead o f on a fast dry diamond. The victims o f Sunday’s battle were the Penin­ sula Greys, who returned to Port­ land and added their tribute to the bunch o f Eastern Clackamas “ farmers” who know how to play baseball, at Estacada. Owing to the rain, with the field slippery and the ball both slippery and heavy, the game was not as interesting as former ones, but the 15 to 7 winning, kept the fans in good cheer. Estacada was equipped in their new uniforms and they presented as classy an appearance as any professional team ever did in its palmiest days. Prior to t h e game's opening, . photographer Al Stephens o f Garfield duly snap-shotted and photographed the team, including besides the players, Mascot Arnold Lovelace, Manager John L. and official scor­ er, Warren Barr. These photos will be for sale at the rate o f 10c each or one dozen for $1., so the fans are urged to place their or­ der early with the photo man. It was rumored that the Penin­ sula bunch had placed a little bet back home with the lately defeat­ ed Fulton Greys, that they would return w i t h Estacada’ s scalp. The Fulton Greys are now spend­ ing the money. In order to make sure o f winning, the visi­ tors imported a famous college and semi-pro pitcher by name o f Riggs, who probably owing to the wetness o f the ball or possi­ bly due to his self satisfied style o f playing, failed to earn his pay check, as he proved easy meat for Esiacada batters, who either were immune to Riggs Disease or re­ membered him as having pitched for Molalla during a past Chau­ tauqua series. Art Smith and Lee Bronson act­ ed as battery for the locals dur­ ing half o f the game, when I was forced to turn over the re­ ceiving to Doc Douglass, as Lee suffered a dislocated thumb in a collision with a base runner. Neil Bronson pitched the latter in­ nings, although Smith was in no Concluded on page 7 Pri^e Automobile Parade - For best decorated car. 1st prize - $10. donated by Estacada State Bank. 2nd ” - Indian Auto Robe ” ” Garage. - Gauntlet Gloves ” East Clack. Supply Co. - $5. in service ” Cascade Garage. Game Estacada vs Gresham ip park by Garfield Band ^Hour in park ivilion Brownell, 3.00 100 yd ¡it rod and reel, y Bert H. Finch dy _ IJ^R. G. Marchbank L and glove donated by Park & Closner 50 -BraceTe donated by Mfcckwith Ovens Bill book’ ’ donated, Estacada Pharmacy 3 Legged I !i cp, Box Cigars donated by Jerry Jones Wheelbarro' / Box Cigars donated by Ed Boner Dress Shirt Potato Race donated by Wm. Dale Co. Fat Men’s Race, Y ear's Subscription to Eastern Clack. News 8:30 P. M. to 3:00 A. M., Dancing in the Estacada Pavilion Music by Bronson-Erickson Orchestra men over 60 years j $1. Per Pound For Tops Spending honeym oon In Estacada The News last week was in­ strumental in the selling of live stock, with Oregon City paying top prices for Estacada offerings. • In as much as the business men o f Oregon Gity had learned that Estacada possessed two brown bear cubs, which were caught by Ranger Bannister in the moun­ tains the week previous, they de­ cided to purchase same and pre­ sent them as mascots to the coun­ ty seat militia. Company G, of the O. N. G. Justice o f the Peace John N. Sievers on Monday, phoned to the News editor, asking if the ani­ mals could be purchased, with the result that the cubs were that afternoon delivered at Oregon City, via theJ. WillittsFerguson- Ford-Auto- Wild Animal-Deli very - Service, total charges being $63.50, which were duly paid. Estacada’ s chief animal trainer Jim Abbott, parted with his pets, with tear bedimmed eyes and phoned Fred Bannister at Oak Grove ranger station that the market price on bear cubs was $1 per pound, f. o. b. Estacada and to send through a carload if pos­ sible. Paul Womer o f Corvallis and his bride, formerly Miss Tressie Hicks o f South Bend, Washing­ ton, who were married at the bride’ s home, June 21st, a r e spending their honeymoon among relatives in Estacada. This happy marriage is the cul­ mination of a courtship which started in Estacada several years ago, when both o f the young folks resided here. The groom is